Babel Fish Translator


I am sending you the last message I sent you with a Babelfish translation. It took me a while to figure out the link for BabelFish. When I did a search for all I kept getting was a language learning program. I kept searching for the translator engine link and I finally found it under AltaVista. Then I had to copy and paste my previous message to this new e-mail, save this e-mail as a draft, copy the English to the link, then copy and paste the translation back into the draft e-mail. This is a lot of rigamarole. What am I doing wrong now? I told you I am technically challenged. I hope someone who is Spanish-only speaking can understand the robotic translation, since there are some words in there I have never seen.


Original Message

I guess when I am responding to a message sent to the group from Mexico where the member has typed it in Spanish, I could try to use the translation program to respond. However, I am so technically challenged; I wouldn't begin to know how to use Babelfish. Can you explain how to use it in conjunction with the Nuestros Ranchos e-mails? I just thought it would be easier to continue as we have, some writing in Spanish since it is easier for them, and some writing in English since it is easier for them. We seem to have been understanding each other so far. I am concerned about those members who don't even understand written Spanish, but I guess the Babelfish will take care of that, although it sounds like a robot talking.
BabelFish Translation
Conjeturo cuando estoy respondiendo a un mensaje enviado al grupo de México en donde el miembro lo ha mecanografiado en español, yo podría intentar utilizar el programa de la traducción para responder. Sin embargo, me desafían tan técnico; No comenzaría a saber utilizar Babelfish. ¿Puede usted explicar cómo utilizarlo conjuntamente con los E-maices de los ranchos de Nuestros? Acabo de pensar que sería más fácil continuar como tenemos, una cierta escritura en español puesto que es más fácil para él, y una cierta escritura en inglés puesto que es más fácil para él. Nos parecemos habernos entendido hasta ahora. Me refiero sobre esos miembros que incluso no entiendan a español escrito, pero conjeturo que el Babelfish tomará el cuidado de eso, aunque suena como hablar de la robusteza.