Dr. Jean Stuntz' Speech is Online

I just wanted to let you all know that Dr. Jean Stuntz' Speech for the
Los Béxareños August meeting is available on the Nuestra Familia Unida
podcast project:


Please listen to this very informative speech on her book, Hers, His,
and Theirs: Community Property Law in Spain and Early Texas (Lubbock:
Texas Tech University Press, 2005), the history of San Antonio, and some
of the myths concerning Hispanic contribution to US history.

. . .While you are in the "Mujer" section of the podcast listen to Dr.
Frances Karttunen's "Rethinking Malinche" presentation that will
definitely give you some realistic ideas of the situation in which Doña
Marina found herself.

Also navigate around the http://NuestraFamiliaUnida.com site and listen
to other audio related to Latin American History. If you can think of
individuals that hold knowledge of our history I would ask that you
forward them my invitation to participate in the podcast.

The audio should play if you just click on the URL on the webpage, but
If anyone has any problems listening to or downloading the audio please
try right clicking on the URL on the site and saving to your Desktop.
Once it's downloaded then right click again and choose "open with" and
then choose whatever Audio program you are using on your computer:
iTunes, Windows Media Player, QuickTime, RealAudioPlayer, MusicMatch,
etc. or you can email me for more help: makas@nc.rr.com


Joseph Puentes

ps: consider joining the planning committee for the NFU podcast project:

thanks for sharing this link. i feel so sorry for malinche. she's a victim not a traitor,