Archivo de la Sagrada Mitra de Guadalajara lookup request


I have a lookup request for anyone who has Luz Montejano Hilton's book of marriage dispensations.

I want to know if Juan Ygnacio Martin del Campo m. Sebastiana Apolonia Sanchez de Porras on 25 Feb 1754 in San Felipe, Cuquio, Jalisco received a marriage dispensation?

Thanks in advance,

Maria Cortez


I think Mickey is right... there is an entry for an Ignacio Martin del Campo, but it is marrying a Margarita Gomez Hurtado in Jalostotitlan in 1748.

There is a dispensation in 1718 for a Manuel Sanchez de Porras 20 years old with Apolonia Martin del Campo 16 years old... p. 140, Expediente 759.