Land Grants

Does anybody know how to obtain copies of land grants given to the Espanoles in Mexico? I know I descend from several HAcendados from old Mexico, but im most interested in the land grant made on Feb 17, 1899 in Huanusco, Zacatecas. They have an original copy at the Hacienda de la Luz where my moms side of the family owned. The Camino family. My 3rd great grandfather Mariano Camino b. 1853 owned HAcienda de la Luz from 1899 to his death in 1915. Then his son (my 2 great grand uncle) suceeded him as the next Hacendado his name was Manuel Camino (b. 1878). He only had the hacienda for two years. (1915-1917). In 1917 is when my grandfather says the Mexican gov't abolished all the HAcendados, Haciendas, and made all the land under the control of the govt. Prior to 1917 the Haciendas were "self" governed by representation of the HAcendado on behalf of the gov't. I would also like to obtain other land grants for other haciendad their family owned. Hacienda La Labor en Calvillo, Ags. I was thinking it might be in the Archivo General de la Nacion, but not sure where to look. Only one child of Mariano was actually born on the hacienda which was Amilia Camino (b. 1899) when the hacienda was officially established. Does anyone have any advice? Thanks a lot. Any help is appreciated. -Daniel Mendez del Camino

Hi Daniel,

Most of the land grants in the all Nueva Galicia region must be in the
Archivo General del Estado de Jalisco, which holds the old Archives of the
Audiencia de Nueva Galicia, the one in charge of those land grants. To know
which ones correspond to the haciendas you're interested in you must go back
to the original owners in early colonial times. The haciendas were formed
from several portions of land granted in different times and later sold and
bought by private people. There were no land grants in late colonial times
or independent Mexico, so the land grant made on Feb 17, 1899 in Huanusco
sounds rather strange.

You may get some information on your ancestors ownership of those haciendas
in the municipal archives.

What your grandfather says about the abolishing of the Hacendados is wrong.
Nothing happened in 1917, but until 1934-36 and after, when rather than
abolishing, the government expropiated big portions of private land to be
given to the peasants, but not to be kept in the hands of the government.
The haciendas or hacendados weren't abolished but substantially reduced and
many of the owners couldn't keep their haciendas because they became
economically improductive, as the most land production did. The hacendados
didn't work on behalf of the government.

Hector Felix Aizcorbe

>From: mormonboy74
>Subject: [Nuestros Ranchos] Land Grants
>Date: Sun, 8 Jul 2007 23:19:52 -0700 (PDT)
>Does anybody know how to obtain copies of land grants given to the
>Espanoles in Mexico? I know I descend from several HAcendados from old
>Mexico, but im most interested in the land grant made on Feb 17, 1899 in
>Huanusco, Zacatecas. They have an original copy at the Hacienda de la Luz
>where my moms side of the family owned. The Camino family. My 3rd great
>grandfather Mariano Camino b. 1853 owned HAcienda de la Luz from 1899 to
>his death in 1915. Then his son (my 2 great grand uncle) suceeded him as
>the next Hacendado his name was Manuel Camino (b. 1878). He only had the
>hacienda for two years. (1915-1917). In 1917 is when my grandfather says
>the Mexican gov't abolished all the HAcendados, Haciendas, and made all the
>land under the control of the govt. Prior to 1917 the Haciendas were "self"
>governed by representation of the HAcendado on behalf of the gov't. I
>would also like to obtain other land grants for other haciendad their
>family owned. Hacienda La Labor en Calvillo, A
> gs. I wa
> s thinking it might be in the Archivo General de la Nacion, but not sure
>where to look. Only one child of Mariano was actually born on the hacienda
>which was Amilia Camino (b. 1899) when the hacienda was officially
>established. Does anyone have any advice? Thanks a lot. Any help is
>appreciated. -Daniel Mendez del Camino

I do know that it sounds strange, because I do know that land was not
granted or at least wasnt supposed to be granted to people anymore. but the
Hacienda de la Luz was originally a part of Hacienda de San Pedro, in which
the if i am correct have heard that the Garcia family were the Hacendados,
my 3rd great grandfather on my other line was Salome Garcia, his father
eventually or at least the story goes broke of the hacienda in two creating
more open land. this part was not developed until Mariano Camino grt
grandson of Hacendado Andres del Camino was granted land of La Labor back in
1772 in Calvillo. I was reading a book on the Spanish life of the haciendas
and also doing some interet searching and it said that in 1917 the
Government abolished the hacienda system and thats when your part comes in
that in the 30's they gave the land to the peasants. My grandfather is the
great grandson of Mariano Camino, Hacendado de la Luz. He said that the land
was granted to Mariano because it was undeveloped and well obviously the
Garcias never really planned to develop the land would be my case. I might
be able to get the record for San Pedro because it was created around
1816/1817. Not sure though.
