Hello Hector,
I noticed in your response to Linda that you have a lot of info on
Jerez. Would you please check your data to see if you have anyone
with the surnames "LIENDO" and/or "DE LA ROSA".......these are my
direct ancestors and the time frame would be around the late 1600s or
early 1700s in Zacatecas.......I am not certain exactly where in
Zacatecas they were from but I believe it could be near the city of
Zacatecas or the area near there.
Any info you may have will certainly be appreciated.......I have been
looking for them for a very long time! :-)
Josie Trevino-Trevino
On Jan 23, 2008, at 6:32 PM, Héctor Felix Aizcorbe wrote:
Hi Linda,
I'm glad to have helped you clarifying your records. I've a lot of info on
Jerez. Count on it any time you might need something.
Hello Josie,
I haven't found any persons with the surname "Liendo". As to "de la Rosa"
I've found a the following, though it's difficult to know whether in these
cases "de la Rosa" es a surname or part of the christian name:
AGUILAR Pablo DE, indio, vecino de la feligresía de Jerez. Pretende contraer
matrimonio eclesiástico en Jerez con Inés de la Rosa, india, vecina de la
feligresía de Jerez. Testigos: 1.- Gregorio Pacheco, español, de 20 años de
edad, mercader y vecino de la villa de Jerez. A la pretensa conoce desde
pequeña en la casa del capitán Pedro Álvarez de Rón, en la que se ha criado
y conoce a él en dicha casa ha 5 años en la que asiste trabajando como
maestro de obraje. Firmó. Información matrimonial. Jerez, Zac. 8 de julio de
1700. Fojas:
AGUILAR PABLO DE, originario de Teocaltiche, el Grande. Viudo de Inés de la
Rosa. Casado y velado por el Bachiller don José de Osorio Melgarejo en la
iglesia parroquia de Jerez el 8 de mayo de 1720 con Inés Carlos, coyota,
originario del pueblo de Colotlán, hija legítima de Juan Carlos y de María
de La Cruz. Testigos: Antonio de Castañeda y Juan de Medrano. Foja: 115-115
María de la Rosa, india, soltera, la cual hace mucho tiempo estaba tullida
en una cama. Murió en el rancho de La Calera, jurisdicción de Jerez, el 27
de julio de 1685. Se enterró de limosna en el hospital de la villa de Jerez.
Best regards,
-----Mensaje original-----
De: research-bounces@lists.nuestrosranchos.org
[mailto:research-bounces@lists.nuestrosranchos.org] En nombre de Josie T.
Enviado el: Miércoles, 23 de Enero de 2008 08:13 p.m.
Para: research@nuestrosranchos.org
Asunto: [Nuestros Ranchos] For Hector Felix Aizcorbe
Hello Hector,
I noticed in your response to Linda that you have a lot of info on
Jerez. Would you please check your data to see if you have anyone
with the surnames "LIENDO" and/or "DE LA ROSA".......these are my
direct ancestors and the time frame would be around the late 1600s or
early 1700s in Zacatecas.......I am not certain exactly where in
Zacatecas they were from but I believe it could be near the city of
Zacatecas or the area near there.
Any info you may have will certainly be appreciated.......I have been
looking for them for a very long time! :-)
Josie Trevino-Trevino
On Jan 23, 2008, at 6:32 PM, Héctor Felix Aizcorbe wrote:
Hi Linda,
I'm glad to have helped you clarifying your records. I've a lot of info on
Jerez. Count on it any time you might need something.
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For Hector Felix Aizcorbe