PBS Channel and Inheritance

Today, I caught a glimpse of Oprah Winfrey show where ancestry research has
been done for famous people of today.

Of particular note was watching the African American comedian, Chris Rock
when he was told that his ancestor was a slave, who became a high raking Union
soldier, and before he died, had amassed a great deal of property (60 +

Chris's interview was very moving....he said that had he known that his
ancestors came from "intellect", he might have had hope for himself. Instead, he
believed his immediate environment of gloom and felt "lucky" that he had
bumped into his current profession. How sad, because he still does not equate
his "wit" to intelligence. It is also sad for many other reasons.

In the end, he had wished that he had known about his family heritage....he
professes that he would have probably believed in himself worthy enough to
enter a profession of "intellect".

In the meantime, Oprah discovered that she came from a long line of
teachers. We all know how much she LOVES teachers and strongly believes in

Hmmm.....I think they are "discovering" about "sangre y como llama la
sangre". What have you discovered about your ancestors that resonates within you?

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