Helyn's Inspiration: El Salto de los Romeros ????

Even though I absolutely love Helyn's website:


I couldn't find the one place I've been searching for: Rancho del Salto de Los Romeros. I think this Rancho is no longer in existence and I can't seem to find historical maps that have it either. I guess it isn't critical that I find it other than I just would. The below scans from the 1855 census has it 4 Leguas from Santa Maria and sandwiched between Rancho de las Precitas (3 Leguas) and Rancho de los Sauces. I can find El Sauz which is probably the Los Sauces but I can't find my Rancho del Salto de Los Romeros. I found some information about Leguas below but don't know what else to do. Anyone have any thoughts about finding a historical town about 14 miles from Santa Maria de Los Angeles in Jalisco?




legua [Spanish]

In Spain, ? – present, various units of itinerant distance. From the
late Latin leuca, perhaps influenced by Celtic languages. In Spain, 20th
century , 5.5727 kilometers (approximately 3.46 miles) (UN 1966). In
earlier periods a large number of different legua existed, and sometimes
with a single name having two different magnitudes.
legua marina,
legua marítima,
legua común = 20 to a degree of the terrestrial meridian = 3 millas =
6666 2/3 varas = 20,000 pies, about 5.556 kilometers. The most common
meaning of legua when when not otherwise qualified.
legua común = 800 cordes = 6600 varas = 19,800 pies, about 5.511 kilometers.
legua géographique,
legua de diecisiete y medio al grado = 17½ legua to a degree of the
meridian= 7605 varas = 22,815 pies, about 6.368 kilometers. Made
obligatory for the scales on maps by Phillip V in 1718.
legua de dieciocho al grado = 18 legua to a degree of the meridian.
legua terrestre,
legua de veinticinco al grado = 25 legua to a degree of the meridian, =
15,000 pies, about 4.225 kilometers.
legua de quince al grado = 15 legua to a degree of the meridian, about
7.429 kilometers.
legua de camino for roads constructed after 1766, = 4800 pasos = 8000
varas = 24,000 pies, about 6.620 kilometers
legua jurídica = 3 millas = 24 estadios = 3000 pasos = 5000 varas =
15,000 pies, about 4.175 kilometers. Abolished in 15681587 by Phillip
II. Sometimes called the legua legal.

Lei 8, Libro 5, Tiacute;tulo 25.
Recopilacioacute;n de las leyes de Castilla
Madrid, 1775.
legua legal 6.958 kilometers
legua de posta 13,900 pies, 3.894 kilometers. Later = 4 kilometers.