Hernando Enriquez del Castillo

Hola a todos! Hace como un año que no comparto ni escribo. Aqui estoy de nuevo trabajando en mi arbol genealogico... Esta pregunta es para los que igual que yo tengan Enriquez del Castillo en su arbol. Mi antepasado Pedro Enriquez del Castillo fue hijo de Hernando Enriquez del Castillo y Isabel Calderon Delgadillo y nacio el 24 de mayo de 1646. Alguien tiene mas informacion acerca de donde viene Hernando e Isabel? Gracias!

Hello to all! I have not participated in about a year! Here I am working on my family tree once again... my question is for those of you who like me are working on the Enriquez del Castillo line. My ancestor Pedro Enriquez del Castillo was the sone of Hernando Enriquez del Castillo and Isabel Calderon Delgadillo and was born in Guadalajara on May 24, 1646. Anyone have additional information about his parents Hernando and Isabel? Thank you!

Sandra Patricia Gomez Mendoza
Investigando Zacatecas y Jalisco

I have a copy of the dispensa for Pedro Enríquez and Isabel Calderón, dated 3 Jul 1667 in San Felipe, Gto. It states Pedro was from San Luis Potosí and the bride from Nochistlán in Nueva Galicia.


However, it does not mention his parents. Some genealogists have him as Enríquez de Rivera (an influential family in San Luis Potosí) and others have him as Enríquez del Castillo.

In reply to by mendezdetorres

Daniel, I think you have confused the individual’s that Sandra Patricia is speaking of: her Pedro Enriquez del Castillo was baptized 24 May 1646, son of Hernando Enriquez del Castillo cc Isabel Calderon Delgadillo, while the Pedro Enriquez and Isabel Calderon you speak of didn’t marry until 3 July 1667. These are 2 different families, living in 2 different places and at different times. An easy mistake to make, considering the similarities of the names & surnames - it took me a while to figure it out, too!

Sandra Patricia, I have Hernando Enriquez del Castillo marrying Mariana Diaz de Pangua on 22 Jun 1621 in Guadalajara; while they baptized a son named Hernando on 6 Oct 1631, he would’ve been too young to have been the father of your Pedro. Mariana Diaz did her testamento on 10 Feb 1641, so it’s possible that she died and Isabel Calderon Delgadillo was Hernando’s second wife. Here’s Mariana’s testamento, perhaps you can find a clue:

Good luck!
Manny Díez Hermosillo