Urzina Hernandez

--- On Tue, 7/27/10, Christopher Barrios de Leon wrote:

> From: Christopher Barrios de Leon
> Subject: To post
> To: general@nuestrosranchos.org
> Date: Tuesday, July 27, 2010, 4:16 PM
> Hello all,
> I am looking for the parents of my ggggrandmother, Urzina
> Hernandez. She was probably born in the 1830's or 1840's as
> she is the second wife of Cayetano Borjon who was born in
> abt 1825. I am related to the following families from this
> area: Borjons, Rincons, de Leons, Guererros, Ricos,
> Montellanos, Betancourts, Arias',Mesas,Lunas, Garcias,
> Mergils, Buenos, Magallanes',Amaros,
> Gonzalez',Hernandez',Carrillos, Laras, Villavencencios,
> Amayas, Santos', Roldans, and last but not least Barrios'.
> Thank you for your interest.
> Christopher Barrios de Leon