San Jose de Sauceda, Sn Jose de Llanetes, San Mateo, Zac.

I must apolgize, that was my first post. I believe the family originated around the hacienda of San Jose de Llanetes. There are two other haciendas close by, San Jose de Sauceda, later known as Sauceda, and San Mateo, Zacatecas. These haciendas are located between Fresnillo and Valparaiso, Zacatecas.

Christopher Barrios de Leon


No need to apologize for your first posting, we all make the same mistake in the
beginning when we don't include all the pertinent information.

Welcome to the group! you will find many very experienced family researchers and
some like me who muddle their way through the reasearch process as best we can.
Some who post only in english, some who post only in spanish and some who post
in both languages. We each do the best we can but the objective is to assist
each other whenever possible. If you don't receive an immediate response, don't
give up, keep posting until someone responds to your query.

San Jose, Ca

From: Christopher Barrios de Leon
Sent: Thu, July 29, 2010 12:51:40 AM
Subject: [Nuestros Ranchos] San Jose de Sauceda, Sn Jose de Llanetes, San Mateo,

I must apolgize, that was my first post. I believe the family originated around
the hacienda of San Jose de Llanetes. There are two other haciendas close by,
San Jose de Sauceda, later known as Sauceda, and San Mateo, Zacatecas. These
haciendas are located between Fresnillo and Valparaiso, Zacatecas.

Christopher Barrios de Leon