Copy of an original civil record-translating website

I've tried four different translation websites and none of them could
translate the website. Can anyone show me a
website that will translate websites for the Spainish language


> Leticia, a very fast an easy way to obtain a new copy of an Acta de
> Nacimiento from many towns in Mexico is using the Service of a
> specialized
> agency named: TU TRAMITE EN MEXICO. Contact them to verify if they
> have
> coverage in the town you need.
> Their web site is: , so you can look what
> you have
> to do.
> The payment can be done in several banks or at any Oxxo store in
> Mexico.
> Hope this info will help your friend.
> Saludos
> squirarte

Dear Linda,
I have seen the website. You probably do not need the translation of the entire site. We have had an English-Spanish-English translation business since 1992.
We can translate the parts you need. Or let me know exactly what you are looking for and I will devote some time to finding it and probably translating that instead, complimentary.
As for Google, as we say in Spanish, it is better than nothing.
In my experience with German documents from my maternal line, I used Google into both, Spanish and English, to try to make sense of it all, but I ended up hiring a freelance German colleage who works for us when we need him.
Angelina Casillas-Damm

Try google language tools.

The translation can be somewhat rough, but it is usually adequate so can you get a reasonable understanding of what is being said.

The site will also apparently do a whole webpage, but I've not used that; I just cut and paste the parts I'm interested in.

George Fulton
Pleasanton, CA