Announce Digest, Vol 59, Issue 1

thank you Joseph Puentes

You are great I will if you allow me be asking you some time next week a few
pointers once I am breef on certain technical procedure.
I allways had some one to do things for me.  Now I must and wish to learn.



----- Original Message ----
From: ""

Sent: Wed, February 16, 2011 3:00:42 PM
Subject: Announce Digest, Vol 59, Issue 1

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Nuestros Ranchos Announce Mailing List

Today's Topics:

  1. Opinion o Hechos (Joseph Puentes)


Message: 1
Date: Tue, 15 Feb 2011 18:43:51 -0500
From: Joseph Puentes
Subject: [Nuestros Ranchos] Opinion o Hechos
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed

The group is dedicated to the study of genealogy of
the states of Jalisco, Zacatecas and Aguascalientes. This group will not
tolerate ongoing discussions related to other topics whether they be of
politics, race or other concerns. Having said that sometimes there is an
absolute need to bring some of these topics into discussion. For example
if the government made decisions that directly affected how and where we
could find genealogical records I'd say it is on topic as long as
"opinion" doesn't creep into the discussion. . ."Just the facts,
please"! There are other examples, I'm sure. I would encourage everyone
in the group who believes that the discussion has crossed from "Just the
facts" to "opinion" to please please send me a private email
( This is your group and I am from this day
forward making everyone accountable to monitor that the discussion stays
on topic and respectful.

El grupo esta dedicado al estudio de la genealog?a
de los estados de Jalisco, de Zacatecas y de Aguascalientes. Este grupo
no tolerar? las discusiones relacionadas con otros asuntos si est?n de
pol?tica, de raza o de otras cosas. A veces hay una necesidad absoluta
de traer algunos de estos asuntos en la discusi?n. Por ejemplo si el
gobierno tom? las decisiones que afectaron directamente a c?mo y a donde
podr?amos encontrar los expedientes geneal?gicos dijere que ese asunto,
menos la opini?n, es un buen asunto de discusi?n. Solamente los hechos,
por favor. Creo que hay otros ejemplos. Animar?a cada uno en el grupo
que cree que la discusi?n ha cruzado de solamente de los hechos a la
opini?n que me mandan un email privado (
?ste es su grupo y de este d?a delantero estoy haciendo cada uno
responsable para supervisar que la discusi?n permanece en asunto y
respetuoso .


ps: these days I don't have a lot of time and I'll quickly do whatever I
have to bring an out of order discussion into order. If the thought
crosses your mind that "what you have to say" might be off topic then I
would suggest that "IT IS" and for you to take that discussion to
"PRIVATE EMAIL" with the individuals concerned. Now if you believe that
the individuals concerned are too many to easily number I can quickly
tutor you how to start a discussion group on Yahoo Groups where you can
discuss any and all topics.

p.d: actualmente en estos dias no tengo mucho tiempo y harare
r?pidamente lo que tengo a traer a una discusi?n que es desordenada en
una discusi?n que sea ordenada. Si el pensamiento cruza su mente que
"qu? usted tiene que decir" puede ser de asunto entonces yo sugerir?a
que SEA y para que usted tome que la discusi?n al EMAIL PRIVADO con esos
individuos. Ahora si usted cree que los individuos referidos est?n a
muchos a numerar f?cilmente puedo tutor r?pidamente c?mo comenzar a un
grupo de discusi?n en los grupos de Yahoo donde usted puede discutir
cualesquiera y todos los asuntos


Joseph Puentes (Vegan Environmental Solutions Podcast) (Environmental Podcast) (Blog for above) (Women's Peace Podcast) (Latin American History Podcast) (Jalisco, Zacatecas, and Aguascalientes
