PBS Documentary and Mexican Revolution

 Thank you to those who alerted us all on this epic accomplishment. I recorded it last night because 2 hours beginning at 10:00 pm!  I was getting a new cable provider and had to watch it early or lose the recording.

 I was especially impressed with the coverage of oral testament on revolution by two men who had served. 

Equally impressive, the contributions of Campobello and the coverage of the 1968 student uprising. How can 300 students be gunned down by their own government? Please explain. 

Cardenas nationalization of the oil companies was a brave move.  His attempts to enact land reform and other social programs was very notable.  It was touching to see Mr. Katz tearfully express his gratitude to the Mexican government for extending refuge to his family and 30,000 other refugees no  other country would take in.

Mexico has a grand history. I hope I live to see Mexico reach it's full potential as an nation able to fairly provide for it's people. The plight of the poor and indigenous robbed of their land and assets must be cured.
Sylvia Robles