Need help in reading a document—entierros, Guadalajara, 1626

If anyone would like a real challenge in interpreting an old document, I should be grateful for any assistance in reading the last entry on the left-hand page of image 200 on roll 38311 (it's page 189 verso). What caught my eye about this entry is what I believe is the name on the last line of the entry of Hernando Enriques, on the mystery of whom I am currently working.

Thanks in advance.

Lawrence Bouett

I have a copy of the dispensa for Pedro Enríquez and Isabel Calderón, dated 3 Jul 1667 in San Felipe, Gto. It states Pedro was from San Luis Potosí and the bride from Nochistlán in Nueva Galicia.…

However, it does not mention his parents. Some genealogists have him as Enríquez de Rivera (an influential family in San Luis Potosí) and others have him as Enríquez del Castillo.

Best Regards,

Daniel Méndez de Torres y Camino


The film no. is 38309 and not 38311. Hernando Enriquez del Castillo was a notary in Guadalajara. This death certificate says that "Francisco Ahumada's" will was drawn by this Hernado Enriquez.

I have not been able to connect Vicente Enriquez's ancestors to the Guadalajara Enriquez del Castillo

Sergio Gutierrez


Thank you; now I see it: "... testamente Hernando Enriques escribano publico y lo firme ..."; and you're right, of course: it's roll 38309—my error.

As for the ancestors of Vicente Enriques, here is what I have:
* the baptism of Joseph Bisente (279254 image 169) says "... hijo lexmo de Franco Enriques y de Anna Albares ...";
* the birth of Francisco Enriques (25 Nov 1677) is supposed to be on roll 226646 (FamilySearch), but images of the Zacatecas registros are not online;
* so if Francisco's father is, indeed, Pedro Enriquez Cuellar, then Pedro's baptism on 24 May 1646 is found on roll 38311, image 14; and
* Pedro's baptismal record gives his parent's names as Hernando Enriquez del Castillo and María de Cuellar.

So it would seem that the missing link is proof that Francisco is the son of Pedro Enriquez Cuellar and Isabel Calderon Delgadillo; of course, the marriage between Pedro and Isabel is also supposed to be on one of the Zacatecas registros, roll 226724.

If I have misstated any fact here, I would welcome your comment or correction. I should think that the two Zacatecas microfilm rolls would clear this up, wouldn't they? (Or are there other issues of which I am unaware?)

Best wishes,
Lawrence Bouett

Dear Lawrence & Sergio,
I'm so happy to see others researching Hernando Enriquez del Castillo!

Not sure if you already had the following information. Hernando Enriquez
del Castillo is mentioned in:

Retonos de Espana en la Nueva Galicia, by Mariano Gonzalez-Leal in Tomo III,
p. 282-289
"Juan Enriquez Sanz y dona Andrea del Castillo fueron padres de Hernando
Enriquez del Castillo...Este caballero caso en Guadalajara el 22 de Junio
1621 con dona Mariana Diaz de Pangua... Fallecida en Guadalajara, viuda el 1
de Julio 1639..."

Genealogia de Nochistlan Antiguo Reino de la Nueva Galicia en el Siglo XVII
Segun sus Archivos Parroquiles by Jose Luis Vasquez y Rodriguez de Frias,
p. 40
"Isabel Calderon. El 3 de Julio de 1667 en Nochistlan casaron Pedro Enriquez
vez de la villa de San Phelipe del obspado de Michoacan, e Isabel Calderon
hija de Diego Delgadillo y Petrona de Yslas... El 6 de Junio de 1667 en San
Felipe Guanajuato presento informacion Pedro Enriquez, natural de San Luis
Potosi; para casar con Isabel de Calderon..."
P. 41 reads "Francisco Enriquez. El 26 Febrero 1702 en Nochistlan casaron
Francisco Enriquez y Ana Alvarez Tostado hija de Capitan Francisco Alvarez
Tostado... Y Maria Ana Ramirez de Hermosillo... Refierase a la dispensa
matrimonial de Antonio Ximenx y Juana Jospeha Delgadillo. El 26 de Junio de
1729 en Xalostotitlan fallecio Francisco Enriquez siendo albaceas Franco
Xavier Enriques su hijo y sebastian peres de paredes. El 29 Mayo de 1753 en
Xalostotitlan fallecio Ana Alvarez Tostado."

Did either of you happen to locate the above documents? Any information you
can share would be very much appreciated!

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of
Sent: Monday, April 02, 2012 11:57 PM
Subject: [Nuestros Ranchos] Hernando Enriques del Castillo


Thank you; now I see it: "... testamente Hernando Enriques escribano
publico y lo firme ..."; and you're right, of course: it's roll 38309—my

As for the ancestors of Vicente Enriques, here is what I have:
* the baptism of Joseph Bisente (279254 image 169) says "... hijo lexmo de
Franco Enriques y de Anna Albares ...";
* the birth of Francisco Enriques (25 Nov 1677) is supposed to be on roll
226646 (FamilySearch), but images of the Zacatecas registros are not online;
* so if Francisco's father is, indeed, Pedro Enriquez Cuellar, then Pedro's
baptism on 24 May 1646 is found on roll 38311, image 14; and
* Pedro's baptismal record gives his parent's names as Hernando Enriquez del
Castillo and María de Cuellar.

So it would seem that the missing link is proof that Francisco is the son of
Pedro Enriquez Cuellar and Isabel Calderon Delgadillo; of course, the
marriage between Pedro and Isabel is also supposed to be on one of the
Zacatecas registros, roll 226724.

If I have misstated any fact here, I would welcome your comment or
correction. I should think that the two Zacatecas microfilm rolls would
clear this up, wouldn't they? (Or are there other issues of which I am

Best wishes,
Lawrence Bouett


Trying the pick up the research for my direct ancestor Pedro Enriquez del Castillo. Did we prove that he was son of Hernando and Maria de Cuellar? I am confused with her and Mariana Diaz de Paniagua.

Also, on the previous thread, I see that Guanajuato and San Luis Potosi are mentioned in Pedro's marriage certificate. I have the certificate but could not make this out.


Lawrence and Rosa,

The big question is if the Pedro Enriquez, who married Isabel Calderon in Nochistlan on 3 July 1667, is the son of Hernando Enriquez del Castillo and Maria de Cuellar who was born in Guadalajara on 26 May 1646. Unfortunately, the marriage act of 1667, does not mentioned who Pedro's parents were.

Link to Pedro Enriquez and Isabel Marriage Act (lower right corner):…

We do know that Francisco Enriquez's marriage certificate (Nochistlan, 26 Feb 1702) with Ana Alvarez-Tostado, mentions his parents as being Pedro and Isabel.

Link to Francisco and Ana's Marriage Act (upper left area):…

Below is the link to all of Nochistlan, Zacatecas digitized church records, unfortunately familysearch folks need to reorganize to include Zacatecas, as well as other states, with the section where Jalisco resides in.…


Sergio Gutierrez


Thank you so much for the Zacatecas links; I was so hung up in FamilySearch's other linkages that I missed the Zacatecas records altogether. You're right; FamilySearch should reorganize their lists.

These records will document some very important connections in my database; thanks again.

Lawrence Bouett