Hola a todos.
He encontrado encontrado en la pagina de
que Bernardina Mendoza, esposa de Gonzalo Nuñez de Sotomayor, fue
descendiente de Inés Alvarez de Toledo y esta última
fue descendiente de los duques de Alba. esto me parece muy interesante
ya que Bernardina Mendoza es mi ancestro, pero
las fechas de nacimiento no son lógicas ya que Bernardina Mendoza
tiene como año de nacimiento el 1533 y Luis Hurtado
de Mendoza (esposo de Inés Alvares de Toledo) tiene como año de
nacimiento el 1500. como se ve en 33 años no pueden existir 4 generaciones.
Mis preguntas hacia el foro son, ¿habrá un error en las fechas? o
¿simplemente no hay relación entre Bernardina Mendoza y Luis Hurtado de
Agradesco la aclaración que presten a mi gran duda.
Mario González
1)- Rollo “Hrolfr” “Rolf” “Rollon” “Rollo the Viking” “Rollo the Walker” “Rollo Normandy” nació in 860 ad y murio entre 928 ad y 933 ad. Rollo es uno de los más importantes Vikingos en historia. Rolls es antepasado de muchas casas reales en Europa. Rollo y Poppa procreáron a Guillaume “William Longsword.”
2)- Guillaume, “William Longsword”, (Guillaume Longue-Épée en frances) Lord of the Normans. Guillaume nacio en 893, fue asasinado 17/December/942. El controlo Normandía desde 927 hasta su muerte. Guilluame y Sprota procreán a Richard I “the Fearless”.
3)- Richard I “the Fearless”, Duke of Normandy , Richard I y su padre crecieron los terrenos de Normandy. Richard I y Gunnora procrearon Richard II “The Good”
4)- Richard II “The Good”, Duke of Normandy, nacio 23/August/963 y murió 28 August 1026. Richard II procreáro a Robert I.
5)- Robert I “the Magnificent”, Duke of Normandy Robert I procrearo a Guillermo I.
6)- Guillermo I, El Conquistador, nació en 1028, reinó en Inglaterra desde el 1066 hasta el 1087, sepultado en Caen, Francia. Guillermo I, casó con Matilde de Flandes, hija de Balduino V, Conde de Flandes y procrearon nueve hijos, uno de ellos: Enrique I.
7)- Enrique I, nació en 1070 y murio 1035, sucedió su hermano como rey. (Su hermano murió en 1100 de un accidental y cuestionable flechazo en una cacería.) Enrique fue rey hasta 1035. Enrique I se casó el 6 de agosto de 1100, en Westminster, con Edith Matilde, princesa escocesa, Desciende de King Alfred the Great, nacida en el 1080, en Dunfermline. Hija de Malcolm III Canmore, rey de Escocia y Santa Margarita. Casi no dejaron a Edith Matilde casarse. Se convocó a un concilio especial de la iglesia para asegurarse de que Edith Matilde no había hecho votos como monja. Su testimonio enfático logró convencerlos que ella no había hecho votos como monja. Procrearon dos hijos, El Príncipe Guillermo y Matilde de Inglaterra.
Sin embargo, la corona pasó a un primo, otro descendiente colateral de Guillermo, El Conquistador, quien la retuvo por 19 años.
8)- Matilde de Inglaterra, la hija de Enrique I, nacida e en 1102, Londres, casó en segundas nupcias el 22/May/1127, con Godofredo V Plantagenet (1113-1151), Conde de Anjou. Procrearon tres hijos, uno de los cuales, se convertiría en Henry II, retomando de nuevo la línea sucesoral del trono de Inglaterra. Este sobresaliente monarca reinó desde 1154 hasta 1189.
9)- Henry II Plantagenet, King of England,(1133-1189), casó el 18/May/1152, con Eleanor of Aquitaine, hija de Guillermo X, Duque de Aquitania. Los hijos de esta pareja se mezclaron con todas las casas reales europeas de la época. Procrearon siete hijos, siendo uno de ellos Leonor de Plantagenet.
10)- Leonor de Plantagenet (1156-1214), la hija del Monarca inglés Enrique II, casó en 1177, en Burgos, España, con Alfonso VIII, Rey de Castilla (1155-1214). Alfonso VIII es hijo de Sancho III, Rey de Castilla y Blanca de Navarra. Procrearon seis hijos, entre ellos a Berenguela, Infanta de Castilla.
11)- Berenguela, Infanta de Castilla (1180-1246), casó en Dec/1197, en Valladolid, con Alfonso IX, Rey de León (1171-1230). Procrearon a Fernando III, (San Fernando)
12)- Fernando III, Rey de Castilla y León “San Fernando” (1201-1252), casó el 30/Nov/1219, en Burgos, Francia, con Beatriz (Elizabeth Von Hohenstaufen) de Suabia, quien a su vez era hija de Felipe de Suabia. Este monarca unificó para siempre Castilla y León. Además jugó un papel preponderante en la reconquista de España en manos de los moros. Procrearon tres hijos, entre ellos, quien mantendría la corona, Alfonso X, más conocido como Alfonso, El Sabio.
13)- Alfonso X, (El Sabio) nació el 23/Nov/1221, en Toledo y falleció en 1284, en Sevilla, España. Tuvo varios matrimonios, llevándose a cabo uno de ellos el 26 de noviembre de 1248, con Violante de Aragón, hija de Jaime I de Aragón y de Violante de Hungría, nació en 1236, en Zaragoza y falleció en 1301, en Roscesvalles, Navarra, España. Procrearon once hijos, siendo uno de estos Fernando de la Cerda, Infante de Castilla.
14)- Fernando de la Cerda, Infante de Castilla, nació el 23/Oct/1255, en Valladolid y falleció el 25/July/ 1275, en Ciudad Real. Casó el 30/Nov/1269, en Burgos, con Blanca Capeto de Francia (1252-1320), quien era hija del rey de Francia Luis IX. Tuvieron dos hijos, siendo uno de ellos Alfonso de la Cerda Infante de Castilla.
15)- Alfonso de la Cerda, Infante de Castilla (1270-1334), casó con Mahalda Brienne-EU y procrearon a Luís de la Cerda, Infante de Castilla.
16)- Luís de la Cerda, Infante de Castilla, nació en 1291, Francia. Casó con Leonor de Guzmán en el 1306, en Sevilla. Luís de la Cerda, falleció el 5/July/1348, en La Motte-Sur-Rhone, Francia. Procrearon a Juan de la Cerda.
17)- Juan de la Cerda(1327-1357), nació en Sevilla. Juan de la Cerda y Sol Martínez procrearon a Martín González de la Cerda. En el testamento de Leonor Guzman ella deja un dinero para Sol Martinez y escribe que ella esta embarazada por su hijo Juan de la Cerda.
18)- Martín González de la Cerda, casó en el 1366, con Violante Alvarez Pereyra, hija ilegítima de Alvaro Gonçalves Pereira, Obispo de Braga. Violante es hermana de Nuñez Alvarez Pereira, más conocido somo “San Nuño de Santa Maria” y como “el Protector de Portugal.” Martin y Violante procrearon a Mahalda de la Cerda.
19)- Mahalda de la Cerda, nació en ca. 1370, casó con Fernán Gutiérrez de Valverde y procrearon a María Gutiérrez de Valverde de la Cerda.
20)- María Gutiérrez de Valverde de la Cerda, murió 1464, casó con Gonzalo Porcallo Morán y procrearon a María Moran de la Cerda.
21)- Maria Moran de la Cerda, casó con Lorenzo Ulloa, Señor de Malgarrida, quien otorgó testamento y codicilo el 2/feb/1467. Lorenzo es hijo de Fernán Pérez de Ulloa Señor de Malgarrida y Gracia de Carvajal, vecinos de Cáceres, Fernán dio poder para testar a sus hijos el 11/Dec/1450. Lorenzo y Maria procrearon a Leonor de la Cerda.
22)- Leonor de la Cerda, casó con Balthazar Mendoza, hijo de Juan Pantoja y Elvira Alvarez de Mendoza. (Elvira es hija de Alfonso Duran Mendoza y Aldonza Vasquez de Sandoval. Filiación que consta en la carta de dote otorgada a favor de Juan Pantoja, el 3/Aug/1431) Balthazar y Leonor procrearon a Juan Pantoja.
23)- Juan Pantoja, conquistador, casó con Catalina Medina, hija de Domingo Medina. Juan y Catalina procrearon a Bernardina Mendoza.
24)- Bernardina Mendoza, casó con Gonzalo Nuñez de Sotomayor y procrearon a Juana Nuñez de Sotomayor.
25)- Juana Nuñez de Sotomayor, casó en 1573 con Diego Ochoa Garibay.
26)- Francisca Ochoa de Garibay nació hacía 1590, casó 11/Mar/1613 en Zamora (Michoacan)con Juan De la Mora (nació hacia 1585, murió antes de 22/Apr/1641), y procrearon a Fernando De la Mora Mendoza.
27)- Fernando De la Mora Mendoza, nació hacia 1630 con Maria Zamora y procrearon a Juan De la Mora, Capitán.
28)- Juan De La Mora, Capitán, nació Jun/1656 casó con Leonor Gutiérrez de Hermosillo
Important sources:
1)Ejecutoria del pleito litigado por Juan de Contreras con Alfonso Durán de Mendoza y consortes, vecino de Medellín (Badajoz), sobre herencia de Juan Pantoja...Archivo de la Real Chancillería de Valladolid
2) Seguro a favor de Pedro de Pantoja y de Baltasar de Mendoza, vecinos de Cáceres; de Alfonso Durán, vecino de Medellín y de Alvaro de Mendoza, que se recelan del conde de Medellín.-Reyes.
Rick A. Ricci
Book: Mygenes2000
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Bernardina Mendoza did not descend from the Juan Pantoja that we have been tracking in this thread. Bernadina’s parents and ancestry can be found at
The information that was gathered in this original thread was not in vain as it led to understanding the vast and complicated Pantoja ancestry.
Thanks to Erik Andres Reynoso For providing valuable genealogical information that clarified the identities of her parents and grandparents.
Rick A. Ricci
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Otro dato incorrecto es el de Gonzalo Núñez de Sotomayor que según se dice nació en 1531 en Guadalajara y esto no puede ser ya que la primera fundación de Guadalajara (en Nochistlan) fue el 5 de enero de 1532 y duro en ese lugar hasta el 8 de agosto de 1533
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Hola a todos:
Estoy de acuerdo en lo que dice nuestro amigo Carlos Peredo, es improbable la conexión que se ha hecho de Bernardina de Mendoza con los Duques de Alba, al menos la proporcionaba en algunos sitios de Internet.
Cometí el error hace tiempo de confiar en lo establecido en los sitios de Internet pensando en que no había razón por la cual inventar parentescos o fechas pero con la experiencia te das cuenta que todo debes tener documentado para que goce de validez y es ahí cuando empiezas a dudar de información sin fuente alguna y después por mero análisis como el que ha hecho Carlos Peredo con las fechas de nacimiento de sus supuestos progenitores te das cuenta que los datos en la web son falsos.
También por mi parte he logrado desmentir otras supuestas líneas gracias una investigación rigurosa y en otros casos los nombres son correctos pero a propósito suelen cambiar las fechas como un número en un año por ejemplo: 1681 a 1687. Yo creo que en estos casos, es preferible que se abstengan de compartir información falsa más para aquellos genealogistas que apenas van agarrando experiencia.
Al igual que ustedes espero que se pueda pronto conocer la verdadera filiación de Bernardina de Mendoza, una antepasada que compartimos muchos de nosotros y cuyo linaje lleno de dudas parece muy interesante.
Enrique Agraz
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Enrique, yo seguí la misma línea de los Señores de Mocejón sin revisar bien las fechas.
Vamos a analizar estos datos:
a) Juan de Pantoja tuvo el regimiento de Michoacán en 1538. Fuente: Archivo General de Indias, Audiencia de México.
b) A Juan de Pantoja se le hace hijo de Martín, Señor de Mocejón y de Inés de Mendoza. Su hija Catalina de Pantoja fue la que casó con Álvaro de las Cuevas. Fuente: Fundadores de Nueva Galicia. Guillermo Garmendia Leal.
c) Bernardina de Mendoza, viuda de Gonzalo Núñez falleció el 22 de Febrero de 1614, fue enterrada en San Agustín y testó ante el escribano Diego Rubio. Fueron sus albaceas Diego de Zúñiga y Baltasar de la Peña. Fuente: Partidas de Entierro del Primer Libro Mixto del Archivo del S. Metropolitano de la Ciudad de Guadalajara. Claudio Jiménez Vizcarra.
Ahí tenemos un rango de dos fechas en los que podemos ubicar a nuestros personajes, Bernardina falleció en 1614 y su abuelo Juan está en Michoacán en 1538.
La partida de entierro de Bernardina de Mendoza es de capital importancia para conocer mejor los enlaces de esta familia.
Como puedes ver, los albaceas de Bernardina de Mendoza fueron Baltasar de la Peña, esposo de Catalina de Mendoza y Pantoja "La Menor". El otro albacea fue Diego de Zúñiga esposo de Luisa de Mendoza. Es decir, Baltasar y Diego fueron yernos de Bernardina de Mendoza y de Gonzalo Núñez (de Sotomayor).
En la relación de méritos y servicios del Bachiller Marcos de la Peña y Mendoza de 1680, nieto de Bernardina, a ella se le llama "de Mendoza y Pantoja".
¿Hasta ahí vamos bien?
Tenemos lo siguiente:
I. Generación de nuestro interés: Juan de Pantoja debió de haber nacido aproximadamente entre 1500 y 1510 suponiendo que tenía 28 o 38 años cuando tuvo el Regimiento de Michoacán. Vamos a usar ese margen para nuestros cálculos.
II. Generación: Catalina de Pantoja "La Mayor", esposa de Álvaro de las Cuevas debió de haber nacido entre 1528 y 1538.
III. Generación: Bernardina de Mendoza y Pantoja debió de haber nacido entre 1548 y 1558, tenemos la fecha exacta de su fallecimiento: 1614, es decir, debió de haber fallecido de 66 o 56 años. ¿Suena lógico?
Me permito citar nuevamente a Carlos Peredo con el fin de seguir la línea también aquí: Como bien dice: Luis de Pantoja y de su sobrina Sancha de Silva quienes casaron en Toledo el 12 de Febrero de 1597. Luis como vemos debió de haber nacido hacia 1560 -tomando en cuenta que casó con su sobrina- y es el hipotético hermano de Juan de Pantoja quien calculamos nació hacia 1500.
De ser así, como ya comentaron Mario González, Randy McNeal, Carlos Peredo y Enrique de Agraz, Bernardina perteneció al linaje de los Pantoja pero NO era descendiente de Martín de Pantoja y de Inés de Toledo y Mendoza.
Ahora, está claro que Bernardina descendía también de los Mendoza pero por qué rama? Hasta ahora hemos obviado algo:
Álvaro de las Cuevas, esposo de Catalina de Pantoja "La Mayor". Debió de haber nacido alrededor de 1530.
¿Pudo haber sido hijo de Alonso de la Cueva, I Señor de Bedmar, fallecido en Nápoles en 1565 y de su esposa Juana Manrique de Mendoza?
El manuscrito "Noticias genealógicas de la casa de la Cueva, señores de Bedmar" menciona como hija de Alonso de la Cueva y Juana Manrique de Mendoza, entre otros a: Bernardina. Este nombre se repite nuevamente en Bernardina de la Cueva y Mendoza, hija de Luis de la Cueva y de Elvira de Mendoza pero este personaje debió de haber nacido ca. 1580.
La primera Bernardina de la Cueva y Mendoza es contemporánea a Álvaro de las Cuevas esposo de Catalina de Pantoja.
¿Es por Álvaro de las Cuevas por donde viene el linaje de los Mendoza? ¿Se llamó su hija Bernardina por su hermana/pariente Bernardina de las Cuevas Mendoza?
Por otro lado ¿Alguien tiene o ha visto el testamento de Bernardina de Mendoza que hizo ante el escribano de provincia Diego Rubio? Eso nos ayudaría a establecer mejor las filiaciones.
Erik Reynoso.
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Carlos Peredo
Hola Erik, hola a todos
Creo que nos aproximamos a situar correctamente en el tiempo a Bernardina y su familia, de acuerdo a datos que expongo enseguida, coincido contigo Erik que Bernardina debió nacer por 1548 por lo siguiente:
Bernardina debió casar por 1570 (de unos 20 a 22 años) ya que su hija Catalina casó antes de 1600, digamos 1595 ya que la primer hija de ella y de Baltazar de la Peña que he localizado llamada María fue bautizada el 7-feb-1600 en Guadalajára, Mex., así que sí esta Catalina Mendoza Núñez Sotomayor casó por 1595, debió nacer por 1575.
Lo anterior es apoyado también por las fechas de nacimiento de los hijos de Luisa (la hermana de Catalina Mendoza Núñez Sotomayor) casada con diego de Zúñiga, ya que dicha boda se verificó el 25-oct-1603 en Guadalajára, Jal., por lo que Luisa debió nacer por 1583 y así sería unos 8 años menor que su hermana Catalina.
Un dato interesante lo es el que en la partida de bautizo de uno de sus hijos a Luisa se le nombra de Ulloa y Mendoza lo cual puede ser una buena pista.
El mencionado por Erik : Marcos de la Peña y Mendoza fue bautizado el 4-may-1610 en Guadalajára y fue longevo ya que Erik nos menciona que hizo relación de méritos en 1680 a los 70 años! de edad.
Con las fechas tentativas expuestas, mi aproximación cronológica de esta línea es la siguiente :
Gonzalo Pantoja Monroy nacido por 1445 y casado por 1475 con Elvira Portocarrero y Guzmán Señora de Mocejón, quienes fueron los padres de :
Gonzalo Pantoja Portocarrero décimo Señor de Mocejón nacido por 1480 y casado ca 1510 con Juana de Melo y Toledo;
y Juan Pantoja Portocarrero (¿El corregidor de Michoacan?) nacido por 1485 que casaría por 1510 con María de la Peña, de quienes nacería :
Catalina Pantoja y de la Peña por 1520 la cual casó por 1540 con Álvaro de la Cueva, padres finalmente de Bernardina Hurtado de Mendoza que entonces habría nacido por 1545 y casaría por 1565 con Gonzalo Núñez de Sotomayor.
Parece lógico ?
De donde sale lo Ulloa ?
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Carlos Peredo
Solo como sugerencia quisiera mencionar como posible progenitor de Alvaro de la Cueva al Doctor Juan de la Cueva y Mendoza genarca de los Fernández de la Cueva de Tecolotlán según información que nos fue compartida hace algunas semanas aquí en nuestros ranchos.
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Hello Carlos,
Can you tell me more about El Docto Juan de la Cueva y Mendoza.
What post mentions him.
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Hello Carlos,
Can you tell me more about El Docto Juan de la Cueva y Mendoza.
What post mentions him.
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Carlos Peredo
El node en que se nos compartió la información sobre los Cueva de Tecolotlán es :
Por otra parte y siguiendo en el enigma de Juan de Pantoja es posible que estemos hablando de dos muy diferentes.
Resulta que el Corregidor de Michoacan llamado así llegó -según declaró él mismo- a la Nueva España antes de la conquista acompañando a Hernán Cortés:
" ..que es vecino de Mechuacán , natural de Medellín e hijo legítimo de Pedro Pantoja y Catalina Rodríguez; y que ha veintiseis años que pasó a esta Nueva España, que fue antes que esta cibdad se ganase....fue con Cristóba Dolid a la conquista de Michuacán.....que ha trece años que es casado y tiene seis hijas y dos hijos y que se hayó en la última pacificación de la Nueva Galicia, y tiene en encomienda el pueblo de La Guacana y tiene muy poca gente..." Andariegos y Pobladores.
Sobre el anterior , Dorantes de Carranza dice que su hija María casó con Francisco Madaleno.
Por la declaración de este Juan, podemos decir que llegó por 1520 y que casó por 1533 por lo que sí es contemporaeno del Juan de que veníamos hablando (o es el mismo). De este encomendero hay más información, por ejemplo, en 1524 en un documento Hernán Cortés refiere haber recibido una carta de Juan Pantoja (su compañero de conquistas), también por ahí encontré que murió en 1565 ya que en ese año su hijo Pedro Pantoja heredó la encomienda, misma que pasó en 1600 a su nieto también llamado Juan Pantoja.
Entonces, se trata de homónimos o es el mismo ?
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Carlos Peredo
Encontré la partida del fallecimiento de una hermana de Bernardina Pantoja Mendoza; se trata de Ana DE ULLOA !!! que murió el 26-jun-1630 en donde se declara que fue hija de Álvaro de las Cuevas y de Catalina Pantoja y que dejó de albacea a Baltazar de la Peña (el yerno de Bernardina).
Entonces, Álvaro de las Cuevas sería un Ulloa? o viene por los Pantoja ?
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Hello Carlos
I believe that the line that I have descending from Gonzalo Pantoja is the correct one. It is through Gonzalo's maternal grandmother that we have Ulloa I believe that I have discovered why Garmandi Leal mixed up his line with the one that descends from the duque de Alba. There are three other connections which make Gonzalo Pantojas descendents Cousins, 2nd and 3rd cousins to to the Alvarez de Toledo family. He must have come across documents stating that they were closely related and went to the one relationship that does not I belong as our direct ancestors.
Thanks again for your work in trying to figure out this mess. I have more on Gonzalo Pantoja's ancestors and the details as to how they are closely related to the Alvarez de Toledo family but will hold off on providing this info since we need to focus on making a solid connection with each link from Catalina Pantoja to Gonzalo Pantoja.
There is a Pantoja page on the internet that has some good info on the Pantoja line but has some major mistakes as to the Melo line. I understand why they made their mistake because I made the same mistake at first when I read a certain document. They must have read that same document that I stumbled on. It took me a while to make sense of it and write down the correct line. I later corroborated the correct line with other documents.
R A Ricci
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Bernardina Mendoza.and Ana Ulloa may descend from Gonzalo Pantoja jr and Juana Merlo Ulloa
More research is needed to verify Juan Pantojas parents. We do not know if he is the same Juan that lists Pedro as his father.
There were many Juan, Pedro, and Gonzalo Pantojas in Mexico during the 16th century.
I found a Captain Juan Pantoja and Lord of Ixtlahuaca that accompanied Narvaez on his 1st expedition to Mexico. This Captain Juan Pantoja may be the same Captain that was killed by Vasco Porcalles' brother, surnamed Sotomayor, during another expedition.
Another Juan Pantoja went to Honduras and stayed there.
There is another named Juan de la Cueva Pantoja
There is a Gonzalo Pantoja that is the father of Jeronimo Pantoja Zuniga (aka Geronimo Zuniga)
There is a Pedro Pantoja that married into the Ovando family
Another Pantoja married into the Ribera family
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I have been able to confirm the connection between the Ulloa family and the Pantoja family. I have found wills that show their correct lines. . Many experienced genealogists have posted articles with clear mistakes in their lineage Diego Merlo was an uncle and not an ancestor. Diego is the son of Juan Merlo el bravo. Some genealogists have erroneously stated that this Juan is the son. Constanza is the wife of Diego and not Juan. Again some make the mistake of making constanza the wife of Juan. Constanza was known under different last names but they aren't mistakes and she is the same person as she sometimes used her maternal grandmothers last name and sometimes she used her fathers surname. Diego did have two sons named Juan with one named after his paternal grandfather and another surnamed after a maternal grandfather which added to the confusion but Diego leaves a will that that clearly indicates who the different Juan's are. Diego, his father Juan, and his maternal grandfather are listed in royal court documents as they were involved with the royal court. Guiomar Ulloa and Juan Merlo are ancestors to our gonzalo Pantoja Portocarrero.
It is often difficult to confirm descents from antiquity as most lineage have some speculation but at least one line clearly descends from Recared 1 King of the Visigoths
R A Ricci
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I think the Merlo-Ulloa family is interesting but not related to our Bernardina Hurtado de Mendoza Ulloa Pantoja who married our Gonzalo Núñez de Sotomayor, the reasons are :
The Merlo Ulloa relationship with the Pantojas of Mocejón starts around 1510 when Gonzalo Pantoja Portocarrero marries Juana de Merlo Ulloa y Toledo.....
At this same time Juan Pantoja Rodríguez the conqueror of Colima was marriying his first wife NN, with whom he had a son by the name of Pedro Pantoja born in Spain around 1520 who inherited la encomienda de la Huacana from his father on 1565.
It´s clear that this line of Pantojas is not related then to the Merlo-Ulloa line
Now the line of our Bernardina comes from the same Juan Pantoja Rodríguez or another one by the same name who lived around the same time and therefore was not the son of Gonzalo Pantoja and Juana Merlo.
This Juan Pantoja was born well before 1510 when Gonzalo Pantoja married Juana Merlo, because he marries María de la Peña around 1515-1520 ! so he was born at least around 1495-1497.
We know that he married María de la Peña between 1515 and 1520 because Catalina, their daughter was born around 1520 and married Álvaro Alonso de la Cueva very close to 1540. The year 1540 is very important because that´s the likely year of birth of OUR BERNARDINA HURTADO DE MENDOZA ULLOA PANTOJA.
Bernardina must have been born in or close to 1540 because she married IN OR CLOSE TO 1560 to Gonzalo Núñez de Sotomayor.
We can be sure about that because her first documented daughter : Juana Núñez de Sotomayor y Mendoza who married IN OR CLOSE TO 1580 to Diego de Ochoa Garibay !
And we know that that marriage was ON OR CLOSE TO 1580 because their first documented son : Pedro Núñez de Sotomayor Ochoa y Mendoza married on August 23rd 1603 in Guadalajara. So we can asume that this Pedro Núñez was born between 1581-1585.
In conclusion : we find ONE OR TWO Juan Pantojas in full adulthood when his supposed parents were just getting married, so NONE of this Juanes is related to Gonzalo Pantoja and Juana Merlo Ulloa.
My last guess is that in this case there´s just one Juan Pantoja that married twice:
I think he is the same conqueror of Colima and encomendero of Huacana that first married around 1510 to NN with whom he had the line of the encomenderos of Huacana that followed in his son Pedro who took thwe encomienda on 1565; then he was followed by his son Juan who inherited Huacana on 1600 and finally we find a son of this Juan, named Pedro Pantoja Velasco who was the encomendero on 1630.
I think The encomendero of Huacana, already a widow before coming to America, married also in Spain to María de la Peña around 1515 AND THEY WERE THE GRANDPARENTS of our Bernardina Hurtado de Mendoza Ulloa Pantoja
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If the the timeline that you are you are using is correct then I agree with your reasoning. However, I disagree with your dates on Gonzalo Pantoja And Juana Merlo Ulloa. I believe that Gonzalo Pantoja and Juana Merlo Ulloa married at least two decades earlier, most likely twenty-five to thirty years earlier than you are proposing. The dates showing juana as marrying at a later date are supposing that she descended from the toledo which is in fact an error that genealogists made many years later when they were fighting for an inheritance in court. Her stepmother was a Toledo not her. Even some court documents wrongly refer to he rdescending from the Toledo in the inheritance fight. Her father, brother and herself are clearly from an earlier age than the false lines state. Her maternal grandfather and uncle left wills that show that they were from an earlier age. they had many connections with the royal court which is why they kept these wills.
Juana Merlo Ulloa had half siblings and first cousins that were surnamed toledo and her step mother has been misidentified at times as being her mother but she did not descend from the Toledo family.
For the correct timeline you need to know that she is does not descend from Diego Merlo Ulloa.
When we look at the year Giuomar Ulloa's stepmother passed away in 1442, then take six years away for the Guiomars five half siblings to be born, and add another year for Giomars younger full sister, we see that Juana's mother Giuomar was born at the latest in 1434 and most likely a few years before that so let's deduce circa 1430. If she had Juana when she was thirty then Juana Merlo Ulloa was born in 1460. If she married at twenty then she married in 1480. This is much earlier than 1510 that you state. In 1510 she would be around fifty years old.
Rick A Ricci
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To Carlos Peredo
I believe that you are correct in your analysis of the date ranges for all the people you addressed in this post except for Juana Merlo Ulloa and her husband
Even though I calculated a birthdate for her of 1460, this date is closer to the latest that she was born. An strong argument can be made that her birth date is in the 1450's.. This would make her closer to 60 in 1510. This age calculation allows for at the very least one added generation, maybe even two. The calculations are based on known data regarding Juana's mother, Giuomar Ulloa, when Giuomars stepmother conceived her children and when she passed away.
Rick A Ricci
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Hello Rick
I´m really puzzled wilth this Juana Merlo and I´m guessing that there may be two different Juana Merlos in different time ranges because from what I´ve seen Juan de Merlo " El Bravo" married for his third time with Guiomar de Ulloa around 1430 and
they were the parents of Diego de Ulloa born ca 1430 and Juana de Merlo Ulloa but......she must have been born around 1460 because I´ve found that she and her husband Gonzalo Pantoja Portocarrero founded the Mayorazgo of Benacazón on 1537 so I´m supposing that she was born around 1460, married around 1480 and when she was about 77 years old founded the said Mayorazgo!
So could she be the sister of Diego de Merlo ? sounds unlkely, because we know that Diego was Alcayde of Alcalá on 1454 so he must have been born at least on 1430 to be charged with such responsibility.
Now, we know that Diego de Merlo was Alcayde of Alcalá after his fathers death, so Juan de Merlo El Bravo died on or before 1454, how could he be the father of Juana de Ulloa if she was born around 1460?
But there´s even more :
I have found that Gonzalo Pantoja gave "carta de Arras" to marry Juana de Merlo on 1513 !, here is the link :
And in the same documents it appears that the wedding was completed on 1514, so this Juana de Merlo Ulloa must have been born more likely around 1490-1496.
Now, what I think is that Gonzalo Pantoja Portocarrero was already around 53 years old when he married a young Juana de Merlo, because I believe he was born around 1460, and that he was the brother of Pedro Pantoja (born around 1465) who married Catalina Rodríguez around 1490, this last couple were the parents of Juan Pantoja Rodríguez, born around 1490 on Medellín Extremadura, España.Who was the Encomendero of Huacana on 1538 and corregidor of Michoacan.
About This last Juan Pantoja we know the names of som of his children :
Cristóbal, Fray Francisco, María and Pedro who inherited the encomienda.
My guess, based on the timeframe is that he was also the father of OUR Catalina Pantoja de la Peña.
I´ve corrected the timeline of this line and now I can suggest that Catalina Pantoja de la Peña was born very close to 1515 because she got married on or close to 1532 with Álvaro Alonso de la Cueva Mendoza, and they were the parents of :
Bernardina Husrtado de Mendoza Ulloa Pantoja who according to Guillermo Tovar de Teresa was born on 1533. This year mentioned by Don Guillermo fits well with the following:
Bernardina must have married to Gonzalo Núñez de Sotomayor around 1554 (when she was around 20 years old) because their first documented daughter , Juana married around 1575 to Diego de Ochoa Garibay, so I can safely suppose that she was born around 1555.
We know that Juana married Diego de Ochoa Garibay around 1575 because their known siblings married before or close to the year 1600, so all of them must have been born around the year 1580.
Those descendants were :
María who married Agustín de Villalobos Gómez López de Fuenllana around 1595 and then around 1605 with Diego Fernández de la Cueva Colio
Francisco de Ochoa Garibay who was the father of Inés de Garibay, and grandfather of Nicolás Guzmán Garibay who was baptized on sep-19th-1625 in Zamora, Mich. So we can guess, that Inés was bron around 1605, and therefore her father was born around 1580;
Juan Bautista de Ochoa Garibay who first married around 1599 to Isabel de Ábrego (one of their daughters, Magdalena was "madrina" on 1616, so she was at least 16 or 17 years old) and secondly around 1615 to Mencía de Castañeda;
Pedro Núñez de Sotomayor Ochoa who married on Aug-31-1603 to Ana Leonor Hurtado de Mendoza de la Vega, so Pedro was born also around 1580.´
Nicolás who married around 1605 to Mariana de la Cruz y Cárcamo (ancestors of Morelos)
And lastly, Francisca who was probably the youngest daughter of Diego de Ochoa Garibay y Juana Núñez de Sotomayor Mendoza Pantoja Ulloa:
Francisca was born around 1593 and married on nov-27-1613 to Juan de la Mora y Mendoza, and they are my ancestors
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Hello Carlos,
There were at least three Juanas . Our gonzalo Pantojas wife, has a maternal aunt Juana. The aunt was born after her sister Guiomar. Their father remarried soon after this first Juana was born and had more children with his second wife. The dates of the second marriage and children help date these people which is why I gave you a birthdate on our second Juana in 1450s.
I believe your analysis helps confirm that The birthdate that I gave you for this second Juana Merlo is 1450s not 1460. if her father dies like you say in 1454. Let's give her a birth date of 1450 So if Gonzalo is given a birth date approximating hers then I believe that it makes room for another generation where pedro is not his brother but their son. This would explain the Ulloa in the family line.
The third juana Merlo that you mention is most likely the cause for the confusion of the birth date on the second Juana Merlo, who was married to Gonzalo. Did Gonzalo marry two Juana Merlos ?
That information that you give of a carta de arras in 1513 to marry in 1514 would indicate another marriage either in celebration of already being married for many years, or to possibly a niece of his first wife with both having the same name. This information of a Juana Merlo marrying in 1514 does not change the fact that our Gonzalo was married to Juana Merlo Ulloa decades earlier and that they are the parents of children who were fighting over an inheritance.
Or is there another Couple with the same name as our Gonzalo Pantoja and Juana Merlo since there seems to be many Gonzalo, Pedro, and Juan Pantojas.
So our line would look like this:
Juan Merlo el Bravo and Guiomar Ulloa Yanez (born about 1430)
Juana Merlo Ulloa (born about 1450 and Gonzalo Pantoja Portocarrero
Pedro Pantoja (born about 1468)and Catalina Rodriguez
juan Pantoja (born about 1490) and Maria de la Pena
Catalina Pantoja Pena Ulloa (born about 1515) and Alonso De la Cueva Mendoza
Bernardina Hurtado de Mendoza Pantoja Ulloa (born about 1533) and Gonzalo nunez de Sotomayor
Juana nunez de Sotomayor( born about 1555) and Diego Ochoa de Garibay
Francisca Ochoa Soto. (born about1593) and married on 27/Nov/1613 to Juan de la Mora y Mendoza
P.s. The founding of the mayorazgo has caused some confusion as I believe the date of its founding is not 1537 as many have written. I believe the date 1537 refers to when they passed this Mayorazgo to their son.
Rick A Ricci
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Hello Carlos
I took a look at one of the sources that you provided. The book confirms much of what I stated regarding the errors in some court documents. The book states, just like I did, that there is a clear error, they said "tiene un error evidente" and they go on to explain what I had explained in a previous post. The mistakes that were made were used by many genealogists to come up with the false genealogies and caused much confusion regarding the birth dates of the involved individuals. These mistakes are so prevalent that I began to think that maybe I was wrong and that I should go and start over all again with this branch since so many people follow these different lines. Now that you found a source that confirms my claims, I will not start all over again. Juan Merlo is the father of Guiomar Ulloa and Diego Merlo. They also have a sister named juana and multiple half siblings. This book also confirms what I said about diego and Constanza Carillo having two sons named juan, one named Juan Merlo and the other Juan Carillo. The book names a third son who became a monk.
The book also provides some interesting information that may have contributed to the mistakes made in the genealogies. There seems to be a second isabel Alvarez de toledo and she is married to a grandson of Diego Merlo Ulloa that is also named Diego Merlo so people may have confused with the Isabel Alvarez de toledo married to Juan Merlo.
Remember that the first isabel de toledo and Juana Merlo are mistakenly referred to as sisters in a document when they were wives to the same man.
I will continue to look at the sources you have provided and hope to find more gold nuggets that help our research.
The book claims as it's sources the same documents that i used to come up with my conclusions.
The other source you provided is riddled with mistakes as it provides the inaccurate information that we, the book and I, claim to be errors.
Thanks again for providing these sources,
Rick A Ricci
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Hello Carlos
Contributing to the mixed up lines that everyone has is the following information:
Juan Merlo el Bravo and Guiomar Ulloa Yanez (born about 1430)
Juana Merlo Ulloa (born about 1450 and Gonzalo Pantoja Portocarrero
Juan Merlo also marries Isabel Alvarez de Toledo
Juan Merlo who is el bravo and Guiomar Ulloa Yanez are also the parents of
Diego Merlo Ulloa and he is married to Constanza Carillo and they are the parents of two Juan's:
Juan Merlo and Juan Carillo ( full brothers)
One of these Juan's is the father of
Diego Merlo who is married to another Isabel Alvarez Toledo
Who it seems have two daughters ,
One named Juana Merlo and another named Isabel Alvarez Toledo (named after her mother)
So we have three Juana's in the family, one Juana Ulloa and two Juana Merlos
And three isabel Alvarez de Toledo
And numerous Juan Merlos, including the set of brothers named Juan but with different surnames.
And at least two Diego Merlos
At least two Gonzalo Pantojas
Numerous Juan Pantojas
At least a couple of Pedro Pantojas
No wonder that there is a lot of confusion as to their identities.
Some of the documents seem to have errors when in fact they are just talking about someone else in the extended family that has a similar name.
The mistakes are made from not realizing that the documents at times refer to someone else with a similar name with other similar names clouding the picture since in some cases we are talking siblings, other times they are talking about wives to the same man and other times they are referring to a grandfather, uncle, spouse or sibling. Once when referring to half siblings it makes an error and states that they have the same mother, that is how Juana is mistakenly named as the daughter of her dads other wife when she is Guiomars daughter. Actually he had three wives but I have not discovered the name of the third wife who was his first wife.
It takes a lot of patience and documents from other sources to put the pieces of the puzzle together. The book is right in that even in the court documents they had trouble keeping everything straight so that is why they compiled so many documents to try to get it straight. People read the excerpts and create their own genealogies from what they think they are reading. after reading other documents and wills everything gets straightened out. The problem is that many people have not had access to the wills and other documents so they have made a mess of the family tree and timelines.
The lines that I have put together are the result of looking at many documents. The book corroborates my research, or better yet, since the book was written before I did my research, my work reinforces and validates the conclusions of the author of that book.
Rick A Ricci
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Hello Carlos
You wrote:
The Merlo Ulloa relationship with the Pantojas of Mocejón starts around 1510 when Gonzalo Pantoja Portocarrero marries Juana de Merlo Ulloa y Toledo.....
But Juana Merlo Ulloa and Juana Merlo Toledo are different people. The first Juana was Gonzalo Pantojas wife and a great aunt to Juana Merlo Toledo. If Gonzalo did marry a second Juana Merlo, it was most likely this great niece and that would explain the confusion and conflicting timelines. This may also explain the conflicting information regarding Juana Merlos parents.
The marriage to a Juana Merlo toledo could have occurred in 1514 just like you claim.
Our line of descent that you and I both share comes from Juana Merlo Ulloa.
If Gonzalo did remarry in 1514 then all documents after this must have contributed to the mistakes in the family tree as this second Juana Merlo (Juana Merlo Toledo) did descend from diego Merlo Ulloa (he was her grandfather and brother to Juana Merlo Ulloa)
If gonzalo Pantoja did not remarry then the confusion over Juana merlo Ulloa's surname comes from her half sibling taking his mothers surname, toledo (Alvarez Toledo).
Rick A Ricci
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Hello and thank you Carlos,
I continued researching using the resources you provided. The sources you provide confirm that Guiomar Ulloa was the third and last wife of Juan merlo, confirming my earlier research that she survived him. My earlier research identified her as a widow and favorite of the Queen. I became unsure of this info because the court document that erroneously implied that the second wife was the last wife. She had to be the last wife if she is the same Guiomar Ulloa that is the queens favorite.
I believe that the resources that you provided support the Pantoja Merlo family tree that I have presented in these posts.
One of the books is down the street from me at UCLA.
Thanks again,
Rick A Ricci
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There is conflicting information as to the name of Martim Alfonso de Merlos wife, the parents of Juan Merlo el Bravo. One of the sources that Carlos provided claims her name is Leonor Acuña and a couple of pages later claims that it is teresa Acuña. Leonor and Teresa Acuña are sisters. Leonor is identified as being married twice having to two other men in another other source.
Further research identifies Leonor as a very busy bride. It seems that she had multiple marriages, her husbands kept dying. According to Luis de Salazar y Castro, Leonor is the sister that was a wife of Martim Alfonso de Merlo, Sr de Valdenebro
Juan Merlo el bravo had a sister, Catalina de Merlo, that married into another very prominent family that had many business ties with the Spanish King, just like juan Merlo's father in law. All of their lives revolved around the King and or Queen.
Many Gonzalo Pantojas identified themselves as Gonzalo Pantoja Portocerrero. The first or earliest one was himself a son of a Gonzalo Pantoja. The first Gonzalo Pantoja Portocerrero was married to juana Merlo Ulloa (1)the sister of Diego merlo Ulloa. This was his third wife. His second wife was Isabel Toledo (1)
This diego Merlo Ulloa was a very famous man in Spain. He has two sons named juan but they had different surnames. The son named Juan Merlo and his wife, Isabel Toledo (2) had two daughters, juana merlo Ulloa Toledo and Isabel Toledo (3)
These two sisters are often confused with two of the first Gonzalo Pantoja Portocerrero's wives, Juana Merlo Ulloa (1)and Isabel Toledo (1) One of the tow sisters, Juana Merlo Ulloa Toledo (2) married a Gonzalo Pantoja Portocerrero. It is unclear whether this gonzlalo Pantoja Portocerrero could possibly be the same one married to her great aunt though I believe he is either a son or grandson.
So there is one Juana Ulloa, two Juana Merlo Ulloas, three Isabel Toledos (though one was known as Ines) and multiple Gonzalo Pantoja Portocerreros, three juans (two of these Juan's were Juan Merlo while the other Juan had his mother s surname but was a full brother to one of the Juan Merlos, the grandfather to these two Juan brothers, was the famous knight Juan Merlo el Bravo (the first Johnny Bravo).
I believe that Catalina Pantoja descends from the first Gonzalo Pantoja Portocerreo and the first Juana Merlo Ulloa. The book that Carlos Peredo provided supports this line and provides sources that I myself researched before seeing this book. The other source that Carlos provided is a compilation of court documents that were gathered together to try to make sense of all the family entanglements. This compilation has not cleared up the family tree as many genealogists take excerpts and construct faulty family trees.
There are two lines to antiquity, one through the Portecerrero line and another through the Ulloa line.
R A Ricci
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The last testament and will of Diego Merlo and other primary sources support the conclusions of my research on this family. The problem is that many genealogists in the 1600s and 1700s had already mixed up the members of this family and wrote incorrect genealogies in their books.
Juana Merlo is the daughter of Juan Merlo "el Bravo" and Guiomar Ulloa Yanez. She is not the same Juana Merlo that is the daughter of the Juan Merlo Toledo, son of Diego Merlo, Guiomars brother. This second Juan Merlo is married to an Alvarez Toledo, the same surname of his mother which adds to the confusion.
Juan Merlo El Bravo is one of the only, maybe the only foreign knight, acknowledged to win in tournaments in Germany during this time. Juan went to Germany and challenged the Germans stating he was the best. Then he proved it when they took him up on the challenge.
Juan Merlo el Bravo and Guiomar Ulloa Yanez (born about 1430)
Juana Merlo Ulloa (born about 1450 and Gonzalo Pantoja Portocarrero
Pedro Pantoja (born about 1468)and Catalina Rodriguez
juan Pantoja (born about 1490) and Maria de la Pena
Catalina Pantoja Pena Ulloa (born about 1515) and Alonso De la Cueva Mendoza
Bernardina Hurtado de Mendoza Pantoja Ulloa (born about 1533) and Gonzalo nunez de Sotomayor
Juana nunez de Sotomayor( born about 1555) and Diego Ochoa de Garibay
Francisca Ochoa Soto. (born about1593) and married on 27/Nov/1613 to Juan de la Mora y Mendoza
R.A. Ricci
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Bernardino hurtado de Mendoza Pantoja s ancestor, the famous knight, Juan Merlo, who descends mainly from. " Christiano Viejos" also descends from a third cousin of the Prophet Mohammed. This ancestor, besides being Mohammed's third cousin is the brother to the mother of one of Mohammed's wives.
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Hello Carlos
Great work finding juan Pantoja son of Pedro Pantoja and Catalina Rodriguez. I believe that we are on the right track and will solve this puzzle soon. We have made great progress in these few days. Fortunately, I found a couple of sources that should help us solve, or at least add a couple more pieces to this puzzle. Unfortunately, I won't be able to travel and get these books until after the school year ends in June so we have at least a month until I open up and see these prizes. I was able to see a line from one of these books and I can already tell you that this book will reveal some information. The bad news is that I can only see the second half of the sentence so I don't know all the info. Luckily I can tell from the second half of the sentence that it will provide us with some valuable information.
Many good genealogists have stumbled with the Merlo (Melo) /Suarez-Alvarez Toledo Ulloa line associated withe the Pantoja family. They screwed up because there are three wives and they have confused who is the son of which or only know of one wife. Because of the three wives, they have also mixed up son and father, mistakenly claiming that Diego is the father of whom I know to be Diego's father. juana is the sister of Diego Merlo and not the daughter like some claim. I have been able to clarify the ancestry of Juana Merlo for many generations. I can continue working on this line without having to travel far as the sources are close by to me.
Much of the confusion is caused be court records over a fight over the inheritance mistakenly names the stepmother( the widow) as the mother, genealogists and historians read the document and assumed they had it right. Guiomar Ulloa is the biological mother to Diego and Juana. The others are their half siblings.
R A Ricci
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Dear Mr. Ricci and other Members,
As far as whether Dr. Juan de la Cueva y Mendoza may have been an ancestor to Bernardina de Mendoza I simply don't know. I know from her from this thread.
The thread that mentions Dr. Juan de la Cueva-Mendoza y González is one I started on 28 Feb 2014 and I called it "Origen de Beltrán de la Cueva: Re-encontré la conexión a España!" Unfortunately I have only limited info on Dr. Juan de la Cueva-Mendoza y González, and what I have I found in Gabriel Agraz García de Alba's article "Origen y Desenvolvimiento de la Familia de la Cueva en Tecolotlán" published in Memorias de la Academia Mexicana de Genealogía y Heráldica, México DF, 1952, p. 56.
I quote Mr. Agraz here:
"Décimosegundo nieto, Doctor Juan de la Cueva Mendoza y González, natural de la ciudad de Úbeda, donde fué regidor y Dña. Inés de Castro, de la antigua y noble familia de los 'Fernández de Castro.'"
In English this says that Juan de la Cueva Mendoza y González was from the city of Ubeda, and he was a member of the town council. He was married to Ines de Castro, and that she was of the ancient and noble family of Fernández de Castro.
The next few pages give some more details of his family, but the full text is in that original post of 28 Feb. A quick summary is:
Dr. Juan de la Cueva must have lived in the early 16th century in Spain since his son Beltrán de la Cueva Mendoza y Castro (p. 57) won a trial in 1547 in the royal Chancellery of Granada that affirmed that he was the descendant of noble knights. (I would love to find that original document but haven't had luck yet) Beltrán's son was named Cap. Juan de la Cueva Mendoza y Molina was born 1552 in Úbeda, Spain (p. 58). Note: the Beltrán mentioned in this paragraph is NOT the same as the homonymous ancestor from Tecolotlan, but rather his great-grandfather.
I hope this helps!
Sergio Sean Salés
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I forgot to mention who Dr. Juan de la Cueva's parents were.
Per Mr. Gabriel Agraz Garcia de Alba's work, Dr. Juan de la Cueva was the son of Diego de la Cueva y Mendoza and of Maria Gonzalez. Diego was son of Ruy Perez de la Cueva and of Sancha de Mendoza. This is where the Mendoza name comes in.
As you can see in the post of 28 Feb there was some debate as to how Ruy came into the picture. But Sancha de Mendoza was of the Hurtado de Mendoza line. Ruy and Sancha probably lived during the 1400s, probably the earlier half of the century.
This is from "Origen y Desenvolvimiento de la Familia de la Cueva en Tecolotlán" published in Memorias de la Academia Mexicana de Genealogía y Heráldica, México DF, 1952, p. 56.
Sergio Salés
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Great work Sergio,
Ruy Perez de la Cueva is the son of Gil Martinez de la Cueva and Blanca Fernandez de la Cueva. Ruys parents are second cousins. These two parents have been mistaken for uncle and niece instead of second cousins.
Many genealogists present a different family tree then the one that I am presenting here. The reason for the different lines is that there are three Diego Fernandez de la Cueva, all closely related. I will present the three with roman numerals I, II, & III to keep them straight. What makes this line even more confusing is that there are two Gil Martinez de la Cueva. They have two different titles which differentiates them. One Gil is Blanca's father and the other Gil is her husband. There are also two wives surnamed Alfonso de Mercado.
On Wikipedia they have Beltran de la Cueva as the son of one of Diego Fernandez de la Cueva III primer Visconde de Huelma and the wife of Juan Fernandez de la Cueva, Maria Alfonso de Mercado, so one of us is wrong. I don't think I'm wrong.
1. Hugo Beltran, Alferez mayor del Pendon de la Cruzada + Maria Fernandez de la Cueva. (Hugo Beltran came from France to Spain with his cousin, Ramon Beltran and other French to fight the Muslims.)
Two sons
1.1 Diego Fernandez de la Cueva I married to Leonor Sanchez de la Trapera. [this is the grandfather of Gil Martinez de la Cueva]
{this is the first line}
1.2. Juan Martinez de la Cueva [this is the grandfather of Blanca Fernandez de la Cueva] Juan's wife is Marina Alfonso de Mercado
1.1 Diego Fernandez de la Cueva I ( son of Hugo Beltran) married to Leonor Sanchez
1.1.1 Juan Sanchez de la Cueva and his wife Isabel Fernandez Davalos. [She is aka Isabel de Molina ( daughter of Diego Hernandez de Molina and Teresa Gonzalez de Aranda.)]
Son Gil Martinez de la Cueva marries his second cousin, Blanca Fernandez de la Cueva, granddaughter of his great uncle 1.2 Juan Martinez de la Cueva. Fernandez de la Cueva III, 1.Visconde de Huelma married to Mayor Alfonso de Mercado (Mayor is often confused with Marina Alfonso de Mercado who is married to 1.2 Juan Martinez de la Cueva)
Diego III and Mayor had many children, the most famous Son: Beltran de la Cueva, duque de Albuerquerque, rumored father of Juana La Beltrana Ruy Perez de la Cueva married to Sancha Mendoza ( this line is continued )
Ruy Perez de la Cuevas supposedly the son of Gil Martinez de la Cueva and Blanca Fernandez de la Cueva. I have not confirmed that he is their son but have confirmed his fathers and mothers ancestry.Ruy Perez de la Cueva is married to Sancha Mendoza. Wikipedia states that Diego is the only son so if they are right, Ruy can't be Gil Matrinez de la Cuevas son. However the Wikipedia sites on this family has many errors where they confuse the Diegos and the wives. They actually have 4 Diego Fernandez de la Cuevas. I only listed the three that are directly connected to Blanca Fernandez de La Cueva. The Wikipedia sites with this family contradict each other and I have not relied on them for any information on these lines.) Diego de la Cueva y Mendoza and of Maria Gonzalez. Dr. Juan de la Cueva Mendoza y Gonzalez married to Ines Fernandez de Castro
I have no information on Sancha Mendoza. I believe that Sancha is most likely Mendoza through her mother as I don't find her in my databanks for the Mendoza.
Second Line the ancestry of Blanca Fernandez de la Cueva. She has a brother named Diego Fernandez de la Cueva II. Her descent from 1.2 juan Martinez de la Cueva is next.
1.2. Juan Martinez de la Cueva [this is the grandfather of Blanca Fernandez de la Cueva] Juan's wife is Marina Alfonso de Mercado
1.2.1. Gil Martinez de la Cueva, Sr de la casa de Villarejo married to Blanca Fernandez de Biedma (daughter of Ruy Diaz de Biedma and Maria Fernandez de Biedma
Son and daughter: Diego Fernandez de la Cueva II, Sr. De Villarejo Blanca Fernandez de la Cueva married to her second cousin, Gil Martinez de la Cueva, Sr de la casa de la Cueva Diego Fernandez de la Cueva III, 1.Visconde de Huelma married to Mayor Alfonso de Mercado (Mayor is often confused with Marina Alfonso de Mercado who is married to 1.2 Juan Martinez de la Cueva)
Diego III and Mayor had many children, the most famous Son: Beltran de la Cueva, duque de Albuerquerque, rumored father of Juana La Beltrana Ruy Perez de la Cueva married to Sancha Mendoza Diego de la Cueva y Mendoza and of Maria Gonzalez.,1. Dr. Juan de la Cueva Mendoza y Gonzalez married to Ines Fernandez de Castro
I have many titles for these people that I have not added here.
Thank you again Sergio
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Hola Carlos,
Me parece muy lógica la relación que haces de los Pantoja y me alegra que mencionaras a los Ulloa. Francamente no tengo idea de dónde salió ese apellido. La sugerencia del Doctor Juan de la Cueva y Mendoza también me parece de mucho interés, de los otros de la Cueva que mencioné lo único de interés es el nombre de Bernardina y la ascendencia Mendoza pero aún así y sin mayores documentos que prueben el enlace con Álvaro de la Cueva, no es una pista fuerte ya que no hay evidencia que pasaran a Indias.
Habrá que tener en consideración la descendencia y parentescos del Doctor Juan de la Cueva.
Erik R.
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Giuomar Ulloa esta casada con Juan Merlo
Guiomar is the third and last wife of Juan Merlo, most genealogies posted on the internet do not list her as Juana's mother.
The family knows that they are connected to the Toledos so they assume that the second is the mother of Juana. but in court documents that dealt with a dispute over property inheritances there is a mistake made and Genealogist read this mistake and ran with it. The court documents make what At least one other mistake where they list Juan's two wives as sisters. documents show that Diego Merlo And juana are Guiomars biological children. The actual connections of the Pantoja and the Alvarez Toledo family are many. The Alvarez Toledo family married often into different branches of the armildez family. The three branches are the Lopez de Ayala, Pantoja,
Post Script
In her life, Guiomar was a very privileged woman who had the highest standing in the royal court of the Catholic kings. If Queen Isabella left the court and traveled, she left Guiomar Ulloa in charge of her children. Queen Isabela gave her complete responsibility. No wonder they surnamed Bernardina s sister after her. She was the second mother to the princes of Castilla. Guiomars half brother is treasurer to the queen. This half brother is also married to a relative of the queen.
Juana Merlo casada con Gonzalo Pantoja Portocerrero
Juan Merlo se caso tres veces y por eso fue mas dificil encontrar de donde viene lo Ulloa.
There are numerous connections to the Alvarez de toledo family, just not the two posted on the internet. I do have the numerous connections all mapped out.
R A Ricci
The sources where I compiled this information are in my book that I hope to publish this summer. The individual sources, when pieced together totally support this information. The book has already been copyrighted and i am adding a little more to it before it goes to the printers.
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Mario González my Spanish is bad but I have seen a family tree that shows Luis Hurtado de Mendoza Guzman is Bernardina Mendoza 3rd great grandfather as demonstrated below.
Luis Hurtado de Mendoza Guzmán & Inés Toledo
Next generation
Inés Mendoza & Martín Pantoja
Next generation
Juan Pantoja & María Peña
Next generation
Catalina Pantoja & Alonso Cuevas
Next generation
Bernardina Mendoza 1533-1614 married 1554 Gonzalo Núñez de Sotomayor 1531-†
The tree said Un proyecto desarrollado desde el Instituto de Investigaciones Históricas de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
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Carlos Peredo
Hello rmcneal,
We are currently discussing this line in the following node : http://www.nuestrosranchos.org/es/node/19810
And as you will see there´s a lot of "information" on the net that is at best misleading.
The "information" that you found in that Proyecto of the UNAM is unsustainable because
Luis Hurtado Mendoza Guzmán Suárez de Toledo nació por 1515 y fue primogénito de la Casa de Orgáz y casó ca 1535 con Inés Álvarez de Toledo, ellos tuvieron a :
Inés Toledo y Hurtado de Mendoza nacida ca 1550 (hermana del 6º Conde de Orgáz), la cual casó ca 1570 con Martín de Pantoja Portocarrero 11º Sr de Mocejón; esta pareja tuvo a :
Luis Pantoja Portocarrero Hurtado de Mendoza, quien nació ca 1570 y testó el 15-oct-1608 en Toledo, el fue 12º Sr. de Mocejón y Benacasón y casó el 12-feb-1597 con Sancha Silva Guzmán (quien murió en 1649),ella al parecer ya viuda dió poder en 1620 a su hijo Martín Pantoja Portocarrero 13o Sr de Mocejón bautizado el 19-sep-1600.
Como puedes ver es imposible que Inés Hurtado de Mendoza and Martín Pantoja sean the great grandparents of Bernardina Hurtado de Mendoza since this Bernardina is supposed to have been born on 1533 when Inés (the supposed ggrandmother) had not yet been born.
Apparently though, there may be a relationship with the "Señores de Mocejón" but it comes through a first cousin of Martín Pantoja the 11th Sr de Mocejón married to Ines Toledo Hurtado de Mendoza (de los condes de Orgáz), this first cousin is Catalina Pantoja de la Peña (not confirmed) whose grandmother was Elvira Portocarrero y Guzmán Sra de Mocejón who was also the grandmother of Martín Pantoja the multimentioned 11th Sr de Mocejón.
So Bernardina Hurtado de Mendoza may be a descendant of the pantojas but not from the main branch (Gonzalo Pantoja 10th Sr de Mocejón) but through his brother Juan Pantoja.
I hope we can find some conclusive information regarding this people soon.
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Carlos, Thank you. I posted that information in 2012 hoping to discover if it was good information or not. Your response and information was worth waiting for. I appreciate it.
Randy McNeal
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Carlos, thanks again after reading your response I started looking for more information and I found a little more in some snippets I was able to pull from, "Fundadores de Nueva Galicia": Guadalajara - Volume 1 - Page 43 and 64. The snippets didn't give me the parents of Benardina Mendoza but it does say, if I am reading it correctly that Martín Pantoja and Ines Mendoza had a son Juan married to Maria de la Pena (on the same page which I can't see all of it mentions Catalina Mendoza. I am hoping somewhere on that page it lists her parents). The closest library to me with this volume is 175 miles away but I will try to get there with in the next couple of weeks to research further and maybe find some source to back up what I am able to find in the book.
Fundadores de Nueva Galicia": Guadalajara - Volume 1 - Page 43
Cuebas, Alvaro de los (hizo testamento el 28 Enero 1590), ceccino de Guadlajara, reino de Castilla, cassado con Catalina de Pantoja hija de Juan de Pantoja y de Maria de la Pena.
Fundadores de Nueva Galicia": Guadalajara - Volume 1 -Page 64
Pantoja, Juan de hijo Martin de Pantoja (senor de Mocajan en el reino de Castilla) y de Ines de Mendosa k. con Maria de la Pena, veccinos de Sevilla.
Hijos Catalina de Pantoja, casso Alvaro de las Cuevas
Pena, Baltazar de la k. con Catalina de Mendoza (hija de Gonzalo Núñez de Soto y de Bernardina de Mendoza)
Randy McNeal
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The Pantoja surname was originally Hermildez or Armildes.
Garci Gonzalez Pantoja and Mencia Daza are the parents of
Tello Pantoja, Martin Pantoja, and Gutierre Gonzalez Pantoja
Our line continues with Tello Pantoja Sr. de dehesa de Vanegas
Tello Pantoja is married to Aldonza de Monroy (daughter of Estevan Rodriguez de Monroy and Maria de Guzman.) (Another source names Tellos maternal grandparents as Alvar Rodriguez de Monroy and Maria Guzman).
Gonzalo Pantoja, "el Mayor" born abt 1445, Sr de Mocejon, Regidor de Toledo, Guarda, y Vassallo del Rey is married abt 1465 to Elvira Portocerrero, Sra de Bencezon y Mocezon (daughter of Fernando Portocerrero and Maria de Guzman). Elvira was the one who inherited the title Sra. De Mocezon after her brothers died. She was the tenth Sra de Mocezon, and had children in the 1470's. the children and grandchildren may have earlier birthdates than we have seen in these posts which could allow the additional generation that we are struggling with and Bernardina may have a later birthdate than we had been supposing.
Gonzalo Pantoja Portocaerrero, born abt 1465 24 de Sevilla, Sr. De Mocezon y Bencezon marries Juana Merlo (Melo) (She is the daughter of Juan Merlo and his second wife, Guiomar de Ulloa. another document names her mother as Isabel de Toledo but I believe that Isabel is a third wife and stepmother. there are three wives ( I have confirmed that Isabel's father is Pedro Suarez de Toledo) (Juana has a half-sibling named Garcia Alvarez de Toledo who is related to isabel Toledo. Numerous internet genealogies have juana as Melo and I did find a document with this surname but I have her identified more often as using the Merlo surname. The documents I have also refer to her father and grandfather as Merlo. See below. Melo and Merlo are interchangeable as later generations used Melo or Mello.
Gonzalo and Juana are the parents of:
The following are two competing claims regarding the ancestry of Catalina Pantoja
First claim without Martin Pantoja as an ancestor, this is the claim with a higher probability.
Pedro Pantoja Portecerrero and Catalina (Leonor?) Rodriguez
Juan Pantoja y Rodriguez (¿El corregidor de Michoacan?) married to María de la Peña and in Michoacan in 1538.
Catalina Pantoja y de la Peña b. abt 1520 married abt 1540 to Álvaro de la Cueva,
Bernardina Hurtado de Mendoza b. abt 1545 and married in 1565 to Gonzalo Núñez de Sotomayor.
Second claim with the junior Gonzalo as the grandfather of Martin and great grandfather of Juan Pantoja married to Maria Pena. This claim is not possible in light of recent research, but it is the one claimed most often by genealogists posting on the internet(which doesn't add anything to its validity).
Gonzalo Pantoja Portocaerrero, born abt 1480, 24 de Sevilla, Sr. De Mocezon y Bencezon marries Juana Melo (Merlo) (She is the daughter of Juan Merlo and Guiomar Ulloa. Another wife of Juan Merlo is Isabel Alvarez de Toledo) ( I have confirmed that Isabel's father is Pedro Suarez de Toledo) (Juana has a half-sibling named Garcia Alvarez de Toledo)
Gonzalo and Juana are the parents of:
Martin Pantoja married to Ines Hurtado de Mendoza (parents: Luis Hurtado de Mendoza Guzmán & Inés Toledo)
Juan Pantoja & María Peña
Catalina Pantoja & Alonso Cuevas
Bernardina Mendoza ?-†1614 married 1554 Gonzalo Núñez de Sotomayor ?-†?
The reason there is Ulloa in the family: Guiomar Ulloa
Gonzalo Pantoja Portocaerrero, born abt 1460, 24 de Sevilla,10 th Sr. De Mocezon y Bencezon marries Juana Merlo.She is the daughter of Juan Merlo and Guiomar Ulloa) Juan Merlo is also known as el Bravo. This Juan Merlo, Sr de Layos, is the "Guarda Mayor de Enrique iv y alcaide de reales Alcazares de Sevilla. Juan Merlo is born in Castilla and the son of the Portuguese Martin Alfonso de Merlo II and Teresa Acuna.Martin Alfonso Merlo II is the son of Martin Alfonso Merlo who moved to Castilla with two of his brothers.. Martin alfonso Merlo II served as " Mayordomo mayor y maestresala de la reina Dona Beatriz" wife of Juan I of Castilla and daughter of King Ferdinand of Portugal. Martin Alfonso Merlo holds a very high position in the royal court, to the queen, which allows him to marry as his second wife Marina Vasquez Pimentel,(aka Beatriz Pimentel). the daughter of the Conde de Benevente. At this time I do not know the name of his first wife, . Martin alfonso Merlo II is one of the two sons from this second wife that have titles and leave many Melo descendents in Portugal and Castilla.
Juana Merlo's brother, Diego Merlo also had an impressive military career like his father. Diego is married to Constanza known as both Constanza de Guevara and as Constanza Carillo de Toledo. Constanza is the daughter of Juan Carillo (adelantado de Cazorla) and Teresa Guevara. Martin de Merlo's position as Maestresala was more than just a chief waiter. It was his task to protect the health of Queen Beatriz and make sure she wasn't poisoned. Martin Alfonso de Merlo I first held this position and Martin Alfonso de Merlo inherited it. Some genealogies erroneously state that Constanza is Juan Merlo's wife when she is the daughter in law.
Juan merlo was married three times and one wife is identified as Isabel de Toledo. Isabel is the mother of Garcia Alvarez de Toledo.i have not yet identified one of the wives. The second wife was Juana and Diego's mother, Guiomar Ulloa. I believe that Guiomar is the second wife and Isabel is the third wife. Diego Merlo y Ulloa was a big time military hero so even after his sisters descendents, who were surnamed Pantoja and moved to Mexico would have kept up his legend in the family. Diego was involved in a very famous heart wrenching story of romance that was Spain's Romeo and Juliet. It turns out that I had studied Martin Afonso Melo before when trying to figure out Christoher Colombus's wife's maternal ancestry. In that research I had only been looking for Melo and Mello and had not yet discovered that the surname had started out as Merlo.
With Juan Merlo's multiple marriages, I need to do more research to make sure which children are from which marriage since two sources claim a different mother for a couple of the children.
New information: Martin Alfonso Merlo I mother in law is the sister of the Queen of Portugal. The Pantoja family has many connections to the Alvarez de Toledo family, and the the mendoza family.
Please correct me if you find mistakes
Thank you to everyone contributing to this discussion,
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Carlos Peredo
Como aquí se ha comentado, respecto a la ascendencia de Bernardina de Mendoza hay en la red varios "arboles" genealógicos que la hacen descender de Martín de Pantoja e Inés de Toledo, creo que todos ellos partieron de la "información" proporcionada por Garmendia Leal en su trabajo de "Fundadores de Nueva Galicia", así que creo que eso disculpa a todos aquellos que subieron a la red esos "árboles genealógicos", sin embargo, aunque lo haya publicado un estudioso de prestigio, no necesariamente lo así publicado es verídico.
En el presente caso creo que precisamente por haber sido publicado por alguien de prestigio se formó un embrollo que no se solucionó por no cuestionar siquiera que lo publicado fuera erroneo.
Puedo afirmar , con los datos que he podido verificar, que es imposible que Bernardina sea bisnieta del Martín Pantoja que casó con Inés de Toledo la hermana del Conde de Orgáz relacionada con los Duques de Alba.
We know so far that our Bernardina was the daughter of a Catalina de Pantoja married to Álvaro de la Cueva
We know that Bernardina must have been born around 1550 and must have married Gonzalo Núñez Sotomayor between 1570-1578 because her daughter Catalina married around 1595 to Baltazar de la Peña. We know that because they baptized their daughter María de la Peña Mendoza on feb-7th-1600.
Now, if Bernardina was born around 1550, we can suggest that her parents Catalina and Álvaro married around 1540 which leads us to infer that Catalina was born around 1520.
We know that this Catalina was the daughter of Juan Pantoja and María de la Peña so this Juan must have married around 1510-1520.
Finally : Juan CAN´T be the son of Martín Pantoja "Señor de Mocejón" and Inés Toledo because this last couple married when "their son" was already 70 years old !!!
OUR Juan MUST HAVE BEEN BORN between 1480-1500, and "his parents" married pretty much close to 1560. There´s no way Garmendia can explain that.
I still believe that OUR Juan and Martín "Señor de Mocejón" could be related but OUR Juan was very likely THE UNCLE of his supposed father Martín. Juan was very likely the brother of the father of Martín.
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Hello Carlos,
I agree with you that Garmendia Leal is wrong. Bernardina Mendoza may not descend from the dukes of Alba but she is their cousin. I have found proof that Gonzalo's great great grandmother is also the ancestor to the dukes of Alba. I have also found another link to the mendoza family.
The next step though is to see where Garmendia Leal got all of his information and to try to get it right.
We have evidence that she descends from the Pantoja line, and the Ulloa link has been found, so now we need to solidify the connections and study the alfonso Cuevas mendoza line. The connection that I made with the Merlo family makes this family high nobility, true aristocrats, not just nobility. It would be nice to get in contact with Luz Montejano and show her what we have found so far.
Keep up the excellent work.
R A Ricci
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Antepasados de 24) Bernardina Mendoza