Videos de informacion general sobre genealogia en español.

Acabo de encontrar una pagina de youtube que contiene varios videos con entrevistas con personas de familysearch, y dan mucha informacion importante sobre la pagina web y la indexacion. Estan en español, y creo que podrian ser de mucha ayuda para aquellos que estan comenzando en este mundo maravilloso de la genealogia, y tambien uno que ya tiene tiempo haciendo esto aprende o recuerda una que otra cosa. La pagina es:

I just found a youtube account that has several videos where they interview people who work in familysearch, and they provide lots of important information about the website and about indexing. The videos are in spanish, but I think they can be of great help for those who are just starting in the amazing world of genealogy, and even those who have done this for a while may benefit from these videos by learning something new or remembering something we forgot. the link is:


Steve in NC.