I am researching my 8th GG-father Juan Castaneda born 10/12/1686 in Pinos, Zac. He married Juana Carabajal on 4/5/1707 at Pinos. https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/V5F8-WNC
I am stuck on his parents Antonio Castaneda and Thomasa de Carrion.
I have Juana born 7/30/1690 at Guadalajara and parents as Juan Carabajal and Catharina Sanama or Sanabria.
Any help would be appreciated.
I have found that Thomasa’s records show her as "Tomassa de Carrion", daughter of Antonio de Carrion (1645-?) and Francisca Beatriz Rodriguez (1648-1700).
Antonio de Castañeda León y Vargas (1660-1743) was son of Nicolás de Castañeda León y Ruelas Sotomayor (1620-1689) and Ana Maria de Vargas de Cardona (1636-1722).
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In my tree I have Pedro de Vargas Castañeda (b. 1660) m. Francisca Lopez Mercado He lived in Teul and while I haven't yet found proof, I'm fairly sure he's connected to Nicolas and Ana because of the compound surname.
Pedro has a brother Joseph de Vargas Castaneda m. Francisca Vela Castro. Their daughter Micaela - who married the brother of Francisca Lopez Mercado - was identified as "Micaela de Vargas Castaneda Machuca" on the baptism record of her daughter.
- Andrea
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Carolyn Gomez Duran
Bill, Jaime, Daniel,Jorge and everybody researching this family,
As I read the recent posting I am in awe of the work you all perform as expert genealogist! I have so much to learn but am so grateful to have found Nuestros Ranchos!
Thank you all for this gift!
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The marriage information ("Informacion Matrimonial") for Juan de Castañeda and Juana de Carbajal was registered in Aguascalientes on 12 March 1707, and the license to marry was granted two weeks later on March 28th also in Aguascalientes. The link to see this document is
Juan de Castañeda and Juana de Carbajal were married on 5 April 1707 at the church of San Matias in Sierra de Pinos, Zac. (within the jurisdiction of Aguascalientes). Notice that the parents of Juan de Castañeda are identified as Antonio de Castañeda and Thomasa de Carrion, and those of Juana de Carbajal as Juan de Carbajal (difunto) and Catharina de Sanabia. This last surname seems to be misspelled and could be either Sanabria or Sarabia. Notice that Juan de Castañeda is said to be "Natural y Vecino del Puesto nombrado La Noria" (in Sierra de Pinos) and Juana de Carbajal "Natural y Vecina de Guadalajara". Juana de Carbajal was living at the Real de Sierra de Pinos when the marriage license was granted. Just another piece of the puzzle.
----- Original Message -----
From: casavolver@lpbroadband.net
To: research@lists.nuestrosranchos.org
Sent: Monday, March 25, 2013 5:40 PM
Subject: [Nuestros Ranchos] Castaneda, Carabajal, Carrion
I am researching my 8th GG-father Juan Castaneda born 10/12/1686 in Pinos, Zac. He married Juana Carabajal on 4/5/1707 at Pinos.
I am stuck on his parents Antonio Castaneda and Thomasa de Carrion.
I have Juana born 7/30/1690 at Guadalajara and parents as Juan Carabajal and Catharina Sanama or Sanabria.
Any help would be appreciated.
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Bill and Carolyn,
On familysearch, one of the submited genealogies, someone referred Antonio de Castañeda as Antonio de Castañeda y Vargas, this might be a possible reference in a baptismal record for one of their children. We should research this, if this be the case I have already found a possible link as to parents for Antonio: Nicolás de Castañeda who married Antonia de Vargas Machuca who also had Apolonia de Castañeda. This last daughter married Capt. Sebastián Flores de Robles ca. 1693.
It will be interesting to further research the Castañeda and Carrión families, there are many missing links in the genealogy.
I hope this helps somehow.
Daniel Méndez de Torres Camino
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Good job, Don Daniel,
Hasta pronto,
Pablo Juan Gómez de Lizarraga Martínez-Peña
Paul J Gomez
Sent from my iPhone
On Mar 28, 2013, at 6:12 AM, Daniel Mendez de Torres Camino
> Bill and Carolyn,
> On familysearch, one of the submited genealogies, someone referred Antonio de Castañeda as Antonio de Castañeda y Vargas, this might be a possible reference in a baptismal record for one of their children. We should research this, if this be the case I have already found a possible link as to parents for Antonio: Nicolás de Castañeda who married Antonia de Vargas Machuca who also had Apolonia de Castañeda. This last daughter married Capt. Sebastián Flores de Robles ca. 1693.
> It will be interesting to further research the Castañeda and Carrión families, there are many missing links in the genealogy.
> I hope this helps somehow.
> Daniel Méndez de Torres Camino
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Carolyn Gomez Duran
Bill and Daniel,
Yesterday I looked up Antonio Castaneda and Thomasa Carrion's eight children's baptisms. I found no records of grandparent's names or the name Vargas as a godparent.
Sadd to report this!
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Carolyn and Daniel,
This past week I did extensive research on the Castañeda family trying to find the parents of Antonio de Castañeda, but was unable to pinpoint them. One of the first records I checked was the marriage of Miguel de Castañeda to María López, which is also one of the oldest records of a Castañeda living in Sierra de Pinos (within the jurisdiction of Aguascalientes at that time). Their marriage record reads as follows:
Al margen: "Miguel de Castañeda y María López, españoles"
"En primero de febrero de dicho año (1653), se casó y veló según el orden
de la Santa Madre Iglesia habiendo antecedido todas las diligencias que manda
el concilio, Maria López, viuda de Joan Valadés, vecino que fue de esta
jurisdición, con Miguel de Castañeda, hijo legítimo de P.... de Castañe-
da, y de Jasinta de Sotomayor, vecinos de la jurisdición de Sierra de Pinos,
fue su padrino el Capitán Juan de Quenca y Escalante. Y lo firmé
Pedro Rincon de Ortega"
Miguel de Castañeda and María López had a son named Diego who wed María Ruiz de Esparza 11 Aug 1681 in Aguascalientes; when María died Diego married Mariana de Mendoza y Villalobos circa 31 Dec 1701, also in Aguascalientes.
Other records from the same period clearly indicate that the parents of Miguel de Castañeda were Pedro de Castañeda and Jacinta de Sotomayor. The testament of Josepha de Castañeda, for example, filed in Aguascalientes in 1710 reads "...Sepan quantos este testamento y ultima voluntad vieren como yo Josepha de Castañeda vesina de esta Villa de Nra. Señora de la Asunpcion de Aguas Calientes e hija lexitima de Pedro de Castañeda y de Jasinta de Sotomaior dho. mi padre natural de la ciudad de Mexico y mi madre del pueblo de Thequaltichi (Teocaltiche) e como estoy sana y buena y deseando salvar mi alma temiendo de la muerte para quando Dios sea servido de que llegue por ser cosa natural a toda criatura....etc. etc." . Four years later in 1714, she followed up with her final will and testament which confirms the preceeding one. It reads "....Sea notorio a los que la presente carta vieren de mi testamento y ultima voluntad como yo, Josepha de Castañeda vesina de esta Villa hija lexitima de Pedro de Castañeda y Jasinta de Sotomaior vecinos y naturales del real y minas de S. Mathias de Sierra de Pinos de donde yo lo soy...etc. etc."
Based on these and other documents I have identified the following children of Pedro de Castañeda and Jacinta de Sotomayor: 1) Miguel, 2) Jacinta, 3) Nicolasa, 4) Josepha, 5) Theresa and 6) Gabriel. Unfortunately, I was unable to identify the parents of Antonio de Castañeda, although I believe he was closely related.
Apolonia de Castañeda, who married 1) Alonso de Guzman y Prado and 2) Sebastián Flores de Robles, was a daughter of Nicolás de Castañeda and Anna de Vargas (Machuca). I believe Nicolás was Pedro's brother, but have not found the proper documentation. Notwithstanding, Josepha de Castañeda instructed the executors of her will to use some of the proceedings from the sale of her property to establish a Capellanía to assist HER NEPHEW Francisco Lino de Guzman to be ordained priest of the Catholic Church. Francisco Lino de Guzmán was the son of Alonso de Guzmán and Apolonia de Castañeda.
I am still trying to fill-in some of the gaps in the Castañeda Sotomayor family tree. However, I do believe that Antonio de Castañeda was related to Apolonia de Castañeda and thus to Anna de Vargas Machuca (it is Anna, Daniel, not Antonia). We need to find out how. Antonio fits the timeline and could be a brother of Apolonia de Castañeda.
I believe Pedro de Castañeda, who was born in México City, was the first Castañeda to arrive in Sierra de Pinos and Aguascalientes, probably after marrying Jacinta de Sotomayor in Teocaltiche.
Carolyn, could you let me know which eight children you found for Antonio de Castañeda and Thomasa Carrión, and their baptismal dates? I have Juan, María, María Nicolasa, Francisca and Polonia.
----- Original Message -----
From: casavolver@lpbroadband.net
To: research@lists.nuestrosranchos.org
Sent: Thursday, March 28, 2013 6:41 PM
Subject: [Nuestros Ranchos] Castaneda, Carabajal, Carrion
Carolyn Gomez Duran
Bill and Daniel,
Yesterday I looked up Antonio Castaneda and Thomasa Carrion's eight children's baptisms. I found no records of grandparent's names or the name Vargas as a godparent.
Sad to report this!
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Carolyn and Daniel,
When checking the marriage record of Andrés Martínez de Sotomayor with Ana de Castañeda, I discovered an interesting fact that seems to confirm my suspicions that Antonio de Castañeda was the son of Nicolás de Castañeda and Anna de Vargas Machuca, and therefore brother of Apolonia de Castañeda. The link is as follows:
Notice that Ana de Castañeda, daughter of Antonio de Castañeda and Thomasa de Carrión, is identified as Ana de Castañeda y Vargas. That pretty much tells me that she was named after her maternal grandmother Anna de Vargas Machuca, and that she sometimes used the surname Vargas. Here is a complete transcription of this record:
Al margen: "Noria / Andres Martinez con Ana de Castañeda"
"En el Real y Minas de San Mathias Sierra
de Pinos en diez de febrero de mill setecientos y veinte y dos
años haviendo precedido las tres amonestaciones que
dispone el Santo Concilio de Trento en tres dias festivos
Intter Misarum Solemnia y no haviendo de todo re-
sultado impedimento alguno Canónico como todo consta
de los Autos que pasan en este Archivo Eclesiástico que me
remitto el R. P. Fr. Joseph de Mesa, Cura Maestro de
Doctrina de los Indios de dho Real, con mi lisencia
casó por palabras de presente y veló Infacie Ecclesiae a
Antonio Martinez de Sotomaior, Español, originario de los Taco-
tes y vecino de esta Jurisdision, hixo lexitimo de Domingo Marti-
nez de Sotomaior y de Da. Theresa de Guerra, españoles difun-
tos, con Ana de Castañeda y Vargas, española originaria y resi-
dente en esta Jurisdición en el puesto nombrado La Noria, hi-
xa legitima de Antonio de Castañeda y de Thomasa de
Carrion, españoles, fueron testigos a dicha selebrasion
y Velasion los Capitanes Fermin de Sasiayn? y Esteban Mu-
ñoz y otras muchas personas y para que conste lo firmé
D. Cosme Borruel"
There are probably other church records from San Matías de Sierra de Pinos that we can check. Let me know what you think.
----- Original Message -----
From: Bill Figueroa
To: research@nuestrosranchos.org
Sent: Sunday, March 31, 2013 6:27 PM
Subject: Re: [Nuestros Ranchos] Castaneda, Carabajal, Carrion
Carolyn and Daniel,
This past week I did extensive research on the Castañeda family trying to find the parents of Antonio de Castañeda, but was unable to pinpoint them. One of the first records I checked was the marriage of Miguel de Castañeda to María López, which is also one of the oldest records of a Castañeda living in Sierra de Pinos (within the jurisdiction of Aguascalientes at that time). Their marriage record reads as follows:
Al margen: "Miguel de Castañeda y María López, españoles"
"En primero de febrero de dicho año (1653), se casó y veló según el orden
de la Santa Madre Iglesia habiendo antecedido todas las diligencias que manda
el concilio, Maria López, viuda de Joan Valadés, vecino que fue de esta
jurisdición, con Miguel de Castañeda, hijo legítimo de P.... de Castañe-
da, y de Jasinta de Sotomayor, vecinos de la jurisdición de Sierra de Pinos,
fue su padrino el Capitán Juan de Quenca y Escalante. Y lo firmé
Pedro Rincon de Ortega"
Miguel de Castañeda and María López had a son named Diego who wed María Ruiz de Esparza 11 Aug 1681 in Aguascalientes; when María died Diego married Mariana de Mendoza y Villalobos circa 31 Dec 1701, also in Aguascalientes.
Other records from the same period clearly indicate that the parents of Miguel de Castañeda were Pedro de Castañeda and Jacinta de Sotomayor. The testament of Josepha de Castañeda, for example, filed in Aguascalientes in 1710 reads "...Sepan quantos este testamento y ultima voluntad vieren como yo Josepha de Castañeda vesina de esta Villa de Nra. Señora de la Asunpcion de Aguas Calientes e hija lexitima de Pedro de Castañeda y de Jasinta de Sotomaior dho. mi padre natural de la ciudad de Mexico y mi madre del pueblo de Thequaltichi (Teocaltiche) e como estoy sana y buena y deseando salvar mi alma temiendo de la muerte para quando Dios sea servido de que llegue por ser cosa natural a toda criatura....etc. etc." . Four years later in 1714, she followed up with her final will and testament which confirms the preceeding one. It reads "....Sea notorio a los que la presente carta vieren de mi testamento y ultima voluntad como yo, Josepha de Castañeda vesina de esta Villa hija lexitima de Pedro de Castañeda y Jasinta de Sotomaior vecinos y naturales del real y minas de S. Mathias de Sierra de Pinos de donde yo lo soy...etc. etc."
Based on these and other documents I have identified the following children of Pedro de Castañeda and Jacinta de Sotomayor: 1) Miguel, 2) Jacinta, 3) Nicolasa, 4) Josepha, 5) Theresa and 6) Gabriel. Unfortunately, I was unable to identify the parents of Antonio de Castañeda, although I believe he was closely related.
Apolonia de Castañeda, who married 1) Alonso de Guzman y Prado and 2) Sebastián Flores de Robles, was a daughter of Nicolás de Castañeda and Anna de Vargas (Machuca). I believe Nicolás was Pedro's brother, but have not found the proper documentation. Notwithstanding, Josepha de Castañeda instructed the executors of her will to use some of the proceedings from the sale of her property to establish a Capellanía to assist HER NEPHEW Francisco Lino de Guzman to be ordained priest of the Catholic Church. Francisco Lino de Guzmán was the son of Alonso de Guzmán and Apolonia de Castañeda.
I am still trying to fill-in some of the gaps in the Castañeda Sotomayor family tree. However, I do believe that Antonio de Castañeda was related to Apolonia de Castañeda and thus to Anna de Vargas Machuca (it is Anna, Daniel, not Antonia). We need to find out how. Antonio fits the timeline and could be a brother of Apolonia de Castañeda.
I believe Pedro de Castañeda, who was born in México City, was the first Castañeda to arrive in Sierra de Pinos and Aguascalientes, probably after marrying Jacinta de Sotomayor in Teocaltiche.
Carolyn, could you let me know which eight children you found for Antonio de Castañeda and Thomasa Carrión, and their baptismal dates? I have Juan, María, María Nicolasa, Francisca and Polonia.
----- Original Message -----
From: casavolver@lpbroadband.net
To: research@lists.nuestrosranchos.org
Sent: Thursday, March 28, 2013 6:41 PM
Subject: [Nuestros Ranchos] Castaneda, Carabajal, Carrion
Carolyn Gomez Duran
Bill and Daniel,
Yesterday I looked up Antonio Castaneda and Thomasa Carrion's eight children's baptisms. I found no records of grandparent's names or the name Vargas as a godparent.
Sad to report this!
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Carolyn Gomez Duran
The children I have identified for Antonio Castaneda and Thomasa Carrion are the following:
Gregorio Joseph Castaneda born July 5, 1684 Baptism source number 1095293, image 27 Padrinoas Antonio de Carrion and Dona Maria de Ascension Oropessa, his wife.
Juan Castaneda born Oct. 12, 1686 Baptism source number 1095293, image 49 Padrino Estaban Munos in the presence of Miguel Castaneda and Antonia de Castaneda.
Maria Nicolasa Castaneda born Oct., 01, 1688 Baptism source number 1095293, image 64
Padrinos Alonzo de Guzman and Polonia de Castaneda! :-)
Francisca Castaneda born July 31, 1693 Baptism source number 1095293, image 103 Padrinos Antonio de Aguilar and Mariana Dias de la Puente, his wife. They lived at Rancho de Castaneda Sabala.
Ana Castaneda de Vargas born Dec., 10, 1695 Baptism source number 1095293, image 130
Padrino Antonio de Carrion.
Geronima Castaneda born Nov., 05, 1698 Baptism source number 1095293, image 172 Padrino Juan Munos
Polonia Castaneda born July 14, 1701 Baptism source number 1095293, image 203 Padrinos Antonio de Carrion and Dona Gertrudi Marin de Penalosa at Rancho de Castaneda.
Juan Antonio Castaneda born July 17, 1704 Baptism source number 1095294, image 136 Padrinos Antonio Serrano and Teresa Nieto at Rancho de Castaneda.
I also have Nicolas Cstaneda, no birth date, married to Maria Gomes.
By George, I mean by Bill I think you've got it!!
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Thank you, Carolyn. I'm pretty sure we're on the right track. Another piece of the puzzle is in the baptismal record of María Nicolasa de Castañeda, which identifies her padrinos as Alonzo Guzmán and Polonia de Castañeda. I believe this is the same María who married Martín Ruiz de Esparza in 1704, right? Here is the link to that marriage:
----- Original Message -----
From: casavolver@lpbroadband.net
To: research@lists.nuestrosranchos.org
Sent: Monday, April 01, 2013 5:59 PM
Subject: [Nuestros Ranchos] Antonio Castaneda Children
Carolyn Gomez Duran
The children I have identified for Antonio Castaneda and Thomasa Carrion are the following:
Gregorio Joseph Castaneda born July 5, 1684 Baptism source number 1095293, image 27 Padrinoas Antonio de Carrion and Dona Maria de Ascension Oropessa, his wife.
Juan Castaneda born Oct. 12, 1686 Baptism source number 1095293, image 49 Padrino Estaban Munos in the presence of Miguel Castaneda and Antonia de Castaneda.
Maria Nicolasa Castaneda born Oct., 01, 1688 Baptism source number 1095293, image 64
Padrinos Alonzo de Guzman and Polonia de Castaneda! :-)
Francisca Castaneda born July 31, 1693 Baptism source number 1095293, image 103 Padrinos Antonio de Aguilar and Mariana Dias de la Puente, his wife. They lived at Rancho de Castaneda Sabala.
Ana Castaneda de Vargas born Dec., 10, 1695 Baptism source number 1095293, image 130
Padrino Antonio de Carrion.
Geronima Castaneda born Nov., 05, 1698 Baptism source number 1095293, image 172 Padrino Juan Munos
Polonia Castaneda born July 14, 1701 Baptism source number 1095293, image 203 Padrinos Antonio de Carrion and Dona Gertrudi Marin de Penalosa at Rancho de Castaneda.
Juan Antonio Castaneda born July 17, 1704 Baptism source number 1095294, image 136 Padrinos Antonio Serrano and Teresa Nieto at Rancho de Castaneda.
I also have Nicolas Cstaneda, no birth date, married to Maria Gomes.
By George, I mean by Bill I think you've got it!!
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Carolyn Gomez Duran
I too have Maria Nicolasa Castaneda marrried to Martin Ruis de Esparzan May 5, 1704. Marriage source 1096163/32 Padrinos Capitan Esteban Munos and Thomas Nieto
Widow of Dona Gerturdis Calbillo
Nicolasa was from the pueblo of San Joseph and Martin was from Aguascalientes del pueblo de Santiago de Xalya..
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Dear Bill, Carolyn and others
Another document belonging to a child of Pedro de Castañeda and Jacinta Sotomayor is the marriage document of Gabriel de Castañeda and Maria Rebollo (San Matias, Pinos, Zacatecas, 29 enero 1653, Image 110). Maria Rebollo was the widow of Juan Valades and legitimate daughter of Domingo Rebollo and Maria Lopez from Aguascalientes.
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Hello, Jaime. Thank you for the wedding info. of Gabriel de Castañeda with María Rebollo. I was unable to find the source record at San Matias, Pinos, Zac. Could you please send me the link? María's parents Domingo Rebollo and Mari López wed 9 Oct 1625 in Aguascalientes. The link is as follows:
----- Original Message -----
From: Jaime R. Alvarado
To: research@nuestrosranchos.org
Sent: Thursday, April 04, 2013 9:46 PM
Subject: Re: [Nuestros Ranchos] Maria Nicolasa Castaneda
Dear Bill, Carolyn and others
Another document belonging to a child of Pedro de Castañeda and Jacinta Sotomayor is the marriage document of Gabriel de Castañeda and Maria Rebollo (San Matias, Pinos, Zacatecas, 29 enero 1653, Image 110). Maria Rebollo was the widow of Juan Valades and legitimate daughter of Domingo Rebollo and Maria Lopez from Aguascalientes.
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Here is the link to Garbriel's Castaneda document: https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.3.1/TH-1-15245-22889-22?cc=1804458&wc…
Also, thanks for the information about the parents of the bride.
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You're not going to believe this! The link to Gabriel de Castañeda's Información Matrimonial that you sent me last Friday solves another mystery that had me wondering for several days. It turns out that Gabriel's marriage record in Aguascalientes is none other than the one erroneously attributed to Miguel de Castañeda. There is no Miguel de Castañeda. Gabriel and Miguel sound similar, so the good padre (or his scribe) wrote the wrong name in the record book. Here is an excerpt of the marriage information provided by Gabriel de Castañeda in Sierra de Pinos:
"En 29 dias de henero de 1653 años"
"Grabiel de Castañeda, vesino y natural del Real y Minas de Sierra de Pinos,
hijo legitimo de Pedro de Castañeda, ya difunto, y de Jasinta de Sotomayor,
paresco ante Vuestra Merced en la mejor bia y forma que aya lugar y digo que
yo tengo tratado contraer matrimonio por letras de presente en
la Villa de Aguas Calientes con Maria Rebollo, biuda mujer que fue
de Juan Balades, natural de la Jurisdicion de tequaltiche, hija de Do-
mingo de Rebollo y de Maria Lopez su mujer, y para poderlo aser ne-
cesito dar ynformasion de libre, soltero y sin impedimento."
"Por todo lo qual a Vuestra Merced pido y suplico se me resiba dicha in-
formacion que ofresco, y dada mande sea amonestado en tres dias festi-
bos y no resultando ympedimento alguno se me de lisensia en forma para
que el matrimonio se selebre en dicha Villa de Aguascalientes que siendo-
lo asi cumplira Vuestra Merced con su obligacion y a mi me ara bien y merced,
con justicia que pido y en lo necesario esta"
[f] "Graviel de Castañeda"
Abiendo bisto esta peticion presentada por Graviel
de Castañeda ante el Sr. Bachiller Juan de Quixas Escalante dijo
que mandava y mando se le resibiera la ynformacion que ofrese,
q' dada probera lo que conbenga, asi lo probeyó y mandó y firmó
[f] Br. Juan de Quixas y Escalante Ante mi
[f] Juan Diaz Otero? (firma ilegible)
Notario ?
Following the testimony of three witnesses Joseph de Quixas Escalante, Juan Diaz de León (el mozo) and Xinés de Carrión, the priest granted him the license to marry María Rebollo López in Aguascalientes. Three days later Gabriel and María were married at Parroquia de la Asunción de Aguascalientes. Notice that Maria, a native of Teocaltiche, was a resident of Aguascalientes. She was the widow of Juan Macías Valadez, buried in Aguascalientes 18 Dec 1652. A revised transcription of Gabriel and María's wedding follows:
Al margen: "Miguel (should read Gabriel) de Castañeda y María López, españoles".
"En primero de febrero de dicho año (1653), se casó y veló según el orden
de la Santa Madre Iglesia habiendo antecedido todas las diligencias que manda
el concilio, Maria López, viuda de Joan Valadés, vecino que fue de esta
jurisdición, con Miguel (should read Gabriel) de Castañeda), hijo legítimo de P.... de Castañe-
da, y de Jasinta de Sotomayor, vecinos de la jurisdición de Sierra de Pinos,
fue su padrino el Capitán Juan de Quixas y Escalante. Y lo firmé
Pedro Rincon de Ortega"
This is just another example of the type of errors sometimes found in church records. However, in all fairness to the Church, it doesn't happen often. I had suspected this because of the previous marriage of María Rebollo López to Juan Macías Valadez, but fortunately the mystery has been solved. The children of Pedro de Castañeda and Jacinta de Sotomayor are Jacinta, Nicolasa, Josepha, Teresa, Gabriel and Nicolás. Let me know if you have any questions.
----- Original Message -----
From: Jaime R. Alvarado
To: research@nuestrosranchos.org
Sent: Friday, April 05, 2013 9:12 PM
Subject: Re: [Nuestros Ranchos] Maria Nicolasa Castaneda
Here is the link to Garbriel's Castaneda document: https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.3.1/TH-1-15245-22889-22?cc=1804458&wc…
Also, thanks for the information about the parents of the bride.
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Bill, Jaime, Carolyn, Daniel, and everybody researching this family,
I have been reading all these posting and I am excited to be able to add some information.
If I understood correctly, Antonio de Castañeda y Vargas is in fact the son of Nicolás de Castañeda y Ana de Vargas Muriano, correct? Based on my research, I had not been able to find his parents, but I had been able to find the following information on his siblings:
1.Antonio de Castaneda Y Vargas m. Thomasa Carrion
-Gregorio Joseph Castaneda Carrion
-Juan Castaneda Carrion m. Juana Carbajal Sanabia (Sarabia) b. Jul 1690 In Gdl. Jal. (I have found 11 children from this marriage)
-Maria Nicolassa Castaneda Carrion m. Martin Ruiz de Esparza Sotelo (I have found 9 children from this marriage)
-Nicolas Castaneda Carrion m. Maria Gomez Ruiz de Villasenor
-Francisca Castaneda Carrion m. Joseph Diaz Perea (I have found 6 children)
-Ana Castaneda Carrion m. Andres Martinez de Sotomayor Guerra
-Geronima Castaneda Carrion
-Polonia Castaneda Carrion
-Juan Antonio Castaneda Carrion
2.Petrona de Castaneda m. Matheo Aguado (I assume she is Antonio's sister, since Antonio & Thomasa are her daughter's godparents)
3.Miguel de Castaneda (based on your contributions, it seems that his name is Gabriel instead, correct?) There is a Miguel Castaneda who appears on Antonio's son's -Juan Castaneda Carrion- baptismal record.
4.Polonia de Castaneda m. Alonso de Guzman (she would be Apolonia de Castaneda)
Therefore, everything seems to indicate that Antonio (husband of Thomasa Carrion) is in fact Apolonia's brother, both children of Nicolas de Castaneda y Ana de Vargas, correct? Do you think Petrona de Castaneda is also their sister? I have been researching Antonio's descendants, in case somebody is also working on this line we could share information.
Thank you for all the information you have shared!
Jorge Chiprés Castañeda
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I thought it was a estrange coincidence that two brothers married, within a short time frame, two ladies named Maria (Lopez and Rebollo Lopez) who were widows of two husbands named Juan Valades. Yet, I did not pursue it any further. Once again you share with the group a fantastic piece of genealogical research that demonstrates there was no Miguel but only Gabriel Castañeda.
Regarding the surname Moriano, although rare, it can be found in Spain, and in some latin american countries, particularly in Argentina. There is a town in northern Italy that goes by that name, and the presence among Argentineans could be associated to a toponym used among Italian inmigrants. However, in our case, there is another toponym that yields a more plausible origin. If we focus on the alternative spelling recorded in Apolonia's testament (Vargas Muriano) we find Cerro Muriano, a small town just north of the City of Cordoba, and the site of ancient Roman copper mines known by that name.
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Carolyn Gomez Duran
Dear Jorge,
These are my ancestors:
Antonio Castaneda and Thomasa Carrion would be my 9th GG-parents.
Juan Castaneda and Juana Carabajal my 8th GG-parents.
Maria Gertrudis Castaneda and Joseph Matias Sesario Sosa my 7th GG-parents.
Maria Josefa Anastacia Sosa and Jose German Gaitan my 6th GG-parents.
Jose Manuel Gaitan and Maria de los Dolores Gaitan my 5th GG-parents.
Prudencia Gaitan and Manuel Garza my 4th GG-parents.
Rosalia Martinez Gaitan and Roman Hinostroza Esparza my 3rd GG-parents.
Maria Bernarda Esparza and Bonifacio Jimenez my 2nd GG-Parents.
Antonio Jimenez and Maria Loginos Moreno my 1st GG-parents.
Maria Isabel Jimenez and Roman Cardenas my Grandparents.
Are we primos??
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Bill, Jaime, Carolyn et. al.
I believe I have found another piece of the puzzle with the Castañeda family. The following: In a dispensa that can be found for the years 1710-1712, image 489 we find the following information:
Sierra de Pìnos - Nicolás de Castañeda y María Gómez Ruíz
It mentions that Nicolás is a native of Sierra de Pinos as well as María Gómez. They share a 4th and 3rd degree of consanguinity. He is the son of Antonio de Castañeda and Tomasa de Carrión; she is the daughter of Matías Gómez and Isabel Ruíz; The genealogy is not fully mentioned, the only information the witnesses give is that both are "bisnietos de dos hermanos carnales"
According to the dispensation, Antonio de Castañeda is the grandson of Pedro de Castañeda and María Gómez is the great grandaughter of Jacinta de Sotomayor. It also mentions that Jacinta was a sister to Blas Nieto. My question is the following: is Blas Nieto somehow related to the Nieto Corona family? This would put all these individuals at the beginning to the first quarter of the XVII century in Aguascalientes-Pinos region.
I hope this will shed forth even more light on this genealogy,
Daniel Méndez de Torres Camino
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Does anyone know who were the parents of Apolonia de Castañeda married to D. Alonso de Guzmán y Prado?
Daniel Méndez de Torres Camino
Saludos desde São Paulo, SP, Brasil
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Hi Daniel,
The parents of Apolonia de Castañeda are Nicolás de Castañeda and Ana de Vargas Moriano.
Christopher de Cuéllar
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Carolyn, Daniel, David et al,
Just a quick note to correct the name of the "padrino" in the wedding of Miguel de Castañeda and María López. The transcription should read "fue su padrino el Capitán Pedro de Quixas y Escalante" instead of Juan de Quenca y Escalante. My mistake in reading the original document. Capt. Pedro de Quixas belonged to a prominent family of landowners in Pinos at that time. I apologize for the mistake, which was caught by the quick eyes of David Delgado of Albany, California. The transcription should read
Al margen: "Miguel de Castañeda y María López, españoles"
"En primero de febrero de dicho año (1653), se casó y veló según el orden
de la Santa Madre Iglesia habiendo antecedido todas las diligencias que manda
el concilio, Maria López, viuda de Joan Valadés, vecino que fue de esta
jurisdición, con Miguel de Castañeda, hijo legítimo de P.... de Castañe-
da, y de Jasinta de Sotomayor, vecinos de la jurisdición de Sierra de Pinos,
fue su padrino el Capitán Pedro de Quixas y Escalante. Y lo firmé
Pedro Rincon de Ortega"
Additional information about Pedro de Quixas y Escalante:
Capt. Pedro de Quixas y Escalante was the son of Pedro Fernández de Quixas and María de Escalante Borroto. He married Catalina López de Saldaña y Alcaraz, and established his family in Pinos, Zacatecas, where he was a rancher and raised cattle. They had several children, including two sons Diego and Juan de Quixas Escalante, ordained as priests in the Catholic Church, and one daughter, Catalina de Saldaña, who became a nun.
31. Testamento. Zacatecas, 12 de febrero 1656. Juan de Oñate Salcedo, residente hijo legítimo de Juan de Oñate, vecino de San Luís Potosí difunto (no dice madre) albacea,
y testamentario el bachiller Juan de Quijas Escalante, presbítero, cura y juez del partido de Sierra de Pinos. Heredera, Catalina de Saldaña hija del capitán Pedro de Quijas
para ayuda de la dote del estado de religiosa. fjs. (32-33)
The following excerpts from Jaime Holcombe's correspondence with Mary Lou Montagna (1992-1994)
"In the Zacatecas protocols is the will of a woman who connects with the Quijas Escalantes. It's in the notary records of Felipe de Espinosa, Box 04, Package 1659:
15 de noviembre de 1659 - testamento de Leonor de Saldaña, viuda, hija legítima del Capitán Juan de Herrera y Catalina de Saldaña, vecinos de Nuestra Señora de los
Zacatecas, de donde es originaria.
Casó en primeras nupcias con Antonio de Alcaraz, habiendo a los siguientes hijos: Diego de Herrera y Alcaraz, médico: Catalina de Saldaña y Alcaraz, mujer del Capitán
Pedro de Quijas Escalante; a la madre María del Santísimo Sacramento, monja profesa en el Convento de Regina Coeli de Mexico; Antonia de Saldaña y Alcaraz; Gerónima
de Alcaraz y Saldaña viuda del licenciado Diego Dávalos y Rivera, abogado de la Real Audiencia; el padre fray Jacinto de Herrera, religioso de San Francisco; Nicolás de
Alcaraz y Pedro de Herrera y Alcaraz, los dos últimos fallecidos y cuyas herencias de su padre fueron a cargo de mi hermano, Mateo de Herrera.
Casó por segunda vez con Bartolomé Hernández, ya difunto, y sus hijos fueron Ana de Saldaña y Juana de Saldaña. Juana murío después que su padre.
Son los albaceas el Capitán Pedro de Quijas Escalante mi yerno, Ana de Saldaña mi hija y Nicolás de Quijas Escalante mi nieto.
In the margin it reads: 2 de marzo de 1662 para Ana de Saldaña. En 2 de octubre se sacó de mandato de Juez para Diego Cid de Escobar.
Leonor de Saldaña's brother Mateo appears in other documents:
1. Same package of entries; In Zacatecas, 29 May 1659. El Capitán Pedro de Quijas Escalante vecino y criador de ganados en la jurisdicción de Sierra de Pinos arrienda
a Alonso Cordero, vecino y minero la hacienda de minas del beneficio de sacar plata por azogue por fín y muerte de Mateo de Herrera, escribano fue del Cabildo. La
hacienda le pertenece por la sentencia que los fueros Reales dieron sobre los bienes del dicho Mateo de Herrera. Es el arrendamiento por dos años que inician el
15 de junio de este año al precio anual de 500 pesos en plata.
2. Box 04, paquete de 1653: En Zacatecas, 6 de mayo de 1653, el Capitán Cristóbal Tostado, vecino y minero vende a Diego de Arteaga la hacienda de minas y huerta
que fue de Mateo de Herrera Quezada, difunto en 1,700 pesos de oro común en Reales."
Just in case someone is interested in this family.
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Bill Figueroa,
Recently you provided the names of six children of Pedro Castañeda and Jacinta de Sotomayor, and also mentioned your belief that Nicolas Castañeda, the spouse of Ana Vargas, could be brother of Pedro. However, Nicolas was another child of Pedro and Jacinta, as it was stated in the marriage information when he pretended to marry Ana Vargas in Pinos, Zacatecas, https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.3.1/TH-1-15245-26512-76?cc=1804458&wc….
Ana was born in San Luis Potosi and lived in el Real de la Pendencia and was the daughter of Diego Vargas Moriano and Leonor de Cardona. Notice that her father's surname conflicts with at least one later document where the compound surname associated with Ana appears as 'Vargas Machuca'.
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Hello Jaime,
Wow!! You discovered a very important piece of the puzzle and the one were all missing. With this, all the other pieces seem to fall into place. This document confirms that Nicolás de Castañeda was indeed the son of Pedro de Castañeda and Jacinta de Sotomayor and not Pedro's brother, as I had originally thought.
As you mentioned, Ana de Vargas was the daughter of Diego de Vargas Moriano and Leonor de Cardona. The confusion with the surname "Vargas Machuca" stems from the burial record of Apolonia de Castañeda in 1739. Here is the link:
This record conflicts with others with more credibility, such the Información Matrimonial you found and the final will and testament of Apolonia de Castañeda, filed 7 Feb 1715 in Aguascalientes. This important document in the Protocolos Notariales of Baltazar Díaz de Aguilera, Alcalde Ordinario de Aguascalientes, begins as follows:
"En el nombre de Dios todopoderoso amen: sepan quan-
tos la presente carta de poder vieren como io Da. Apolonia de
Castañeda, vezina de esta Villa de Aguas calientes
e hija lexitima de D. Nicolas de Castañeda y de Ana
de Vargas Muriano, vezinos que fueron de el Real de
Sierra de Pinos; hallandome sana de el cuerpo, memoria y en-
tendimiento natural tal qual Dios nuestro Señor
fue servido de darme....etc. etc."
Apolonia de Castañeda was in her late 40s or early 50s (her last child, Julián Flores de Robles, was born in 1705) and in good health when she filed her testament in 1715. She didn't die until 23 Aug 1739 when she was buried in Aguascalientes. I think that settles it, her parents were Nicolás de Castañeda and Ana de Vargas Muriano (or Moriano). The reference to the surname Vargas Machuca was a blunder by the scribe who recorded her burial.
----- Original Message -----
From: Jaime R. Alvarado
To: research@nuestrosranchos.org
Sent: Friday, April 05, 2013 11:13 PM
Subject: Re: [Nuestros Ranchos] Castaneda, Carabajal, Carrion
Bill Figueroa,
Recently you provided the names of six children of Pedro Castañeda and Jacinta de Sotomayor, and also mentioned your belief that Nicolas Castañeda, the spouse of Ana Vargas, could be brother of Pedro. However, Nicolas was another child of Pedro and Jacinta, as it was stated in the marriage information when he pretended to marry Ana Vargas in Pinos, Zacatecas, https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.3.1/TH-1-15245-26512-76?cc=1804458&wc….
Ana was born in San Luis Potosi and lived in el Real de la Pendencia and was the daughter of Diego Vargas Moriano and Leonor de Cardona. Notice that her father's surname conflicts with at least one later document where the compound surname associated with Ana appears as 'Vargas Machuca'.
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Ana's sister Maria de Vargas married Juan Delgado (son of Diego Delgado and Juana Diaz). Juan was a widower, having previously been married to Juana de Rivera. It appears that Maria de Vargas and Juana de Rivera were related, since the marriage required a dispensation for 'segundo con tercero grado de afinidad'. The dispensation can be found in the Pinos IM 1640-1699 records: https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.3.1/TH-1-15245-25771-7?cc=1804458&wc=…
In the dispensation, Maria's parents are listed as Pedro de Vargas Moriano and Leonor de Cardona
…información dada por Juan Delgado, viudo de Juana de Rivera, hijo legitimo de Diego Delgado y de Juana Díaz, y María de Vargas, soltera hija legitima de Pedro de Vargas Moriano y de Leonor de Cardona españoles vecinos del partido de Sierra de Pinos para el matrimonio que pretenden contraer y el impedimento que resulta de parentesco de segundo con tercer grado de afinidad…
Austin Perez
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Antonio Castañeda and Thomasa de Carrion