Estevan Munoz and Ignacia Reynoso

Hola Members ,here is one of many doors I can't open . I have a Jose Antonio Munoz born on Sept. 02, 1804 in San Diego de Alejandria,Jalisco( Bautismos de San Diego de Alejandria-1803-1823-Image # 104) . Jose Antonio Munoz is the son of Estevan Munoz and Ignacia Reynoso. Abuelos Maternos -Juan Antonio Reynoso and Juana Catarina SantaCruz. Abuelos Paternos-LUIS MUNOZ , but no Abuela Paterna. Jose Antonio was the only one that would give a lead to continue Estevan Munoz's lineage. There is another son Juan Nepomuceno Munoz but born prior to 1800. I don't know where Estevan Munoz and Ignacia Reynoso were married or when nor if they had any more kids born after 1800. I was wondering if someone would have some leads
Thank you
Ronnie Reynoso.