Medina Origin

Hello Nuestros Ranchos members, I have a general question. I want to know where the Medina family comes from. I have noticed, after researching my Medina family, that in Zacatecas there is a very high population of people with that last name. I have gone through several records for Rio Grande Zacatecas where my family is from and other locations and after spending a small amount of time flipping through the records I found a high volume of people with that last name.

There were several Medina lines in early Aguascalientes, and neighboring towns. Notably, over the years we have discussed the origin of Christobal Medina, and his descendants. If you search in the site's forum, you may find some evidence that links your Medinas to ours.

Jaime Alvarado

Hi Jaime,

I have a Medina link in my genealogy as well. The last record I have is for
Jose Leon de Acosta Medina who married Juana Rafaela de Ornelas Peres in
Teocaltiche, Jalisco on Feb. 26, 1782. Jose Leon's parents are listed as
Juan Jose Acosta and Margarita Medina.

Do you have any info on Margarita Medina and her family?


Juan Aguayo

On Sun, Apr 7, 2013 at 11:35 PM, Jaime R. Alvarado wrote:

> Jose,
> There were several Medina lines in early Aguascalientes, and neighboring
> towns. Notably, over the years we have discussed the origin of Christobal
> Medina, and his descendants. If you search in the site's forum, you may
> find some evidence that links your Medinas to ours.
> Jaime Alvarado

Well, the name originally is Arabic. I found one of many references but
chose this one to peruse--just a start:

Sincerely, Marge Vallazza

On Fri, Apr 5, 2013 at 11:33 PM, wrote:

> Hello Nuestros Ranchos members, I have a general question. I want to know
> where the Medina family comes from. I have noticed, after researching my
> Medina family, that in Zacatecas there is a very high population of people
> with that last name. I have gone through several records for Rio Grande
> Zacatecas where my family is from and other locations and after spending a
> small amount of time flipping through the records I found a high volume of
> people with that last name.

As Marge points out, Medina is an Arabic name, meaning "city." I have a friend named Omar Medina, whom I jokingly refer to as "the Arab."

I found these sites as well after a short search.

If you're on

Laura Gonzalez

The best place to check for Spanish surnames is a site that relies on information from Diccionario Heraldico y Nobiliario - Fernando González-Doria and
Repertorio de Blasones de la Comunidad Hispánica - Vicente de Cadenas y Vicent.

That site is

The result for a search of Medina states the following -

Linaje originario de la voz árabe madinat, que significa ciudad. Son varias la localidades españolas con este nombre, p. e. Medina de Pomar, en la provincia de Burgos, Medina de Rioseco y Medina del Campo, en la de Valladolid, Medina de las Torres, en la de Badajoz y Medina-Sidonia, en la de Cádiz.
Muchas familias cristianas oriundas de estas localidades, tomaron este nombre como apellido. Berenguer de Medina fue capitán de las huestes cristianas, pero considerado como capitán mozárabe y defendió la ciudad de Medina del Campo (Valladolid).
Cierto noble llamado Gonzalo Hernández añadió asimismo Medina a su primer apellido. Perteneció al Consejo del rey de León, don Ramiro, y sus servicios a la Corona aragonesa le valieron la autorización de poder usar las armas del reino de León.
Otro Medina, don Martín de Medina, fue uno de los caballeros que acompañaron al rey Fernando III el Santo en la conquista de Andalucía, donde se distinguió en la toma de Baeza, y Ruy de Medina fue otro de los que formaron parte de las huestes del rey Fernando en la conquista de Sevilla, siendo reconocido por este monarca como uno de los caballeros que más se habían distinguido en la toma de dicha ciudad.
Ocurrió que los Medina se establecieron en Andalucía y de ahí que este apellido se de mucho en dicha región de España.



I was searching for Sanchez-Castellanos but in 1717 my garandgrand.....father Nicolas Sanchez-Castellanos founded a Capellania at the Hacienda Sta Rosa in Monte Escobedo, in that Capellania was named Antonio de Medina y Rosas married with ??? de los Santos, it was very strange for me because Nicolas said that tey were cousins, searching at family search I finded that Antonio was from Cocula, Jalisco. Here you can find one of the first Medina's in Zacatecas and was from Cocula.