Francisco de Acosta and Theresa de Pedroza

I'm wondering if anyone in the group has any information on Francisco de Acosta or Theresa de Pedroza. They would have been born probably between 1715 and 1735 in Aguascalientes. They had a natural born daughter named Michaela de Pedroza born around 1750 who married Joseph Thomas Muñoz Gonzales de Hermosillo. She is actually listed on her dote as Michaela de Acosta y Pedroza, but she seemed to alternate between using Acosta and Pedroza. I've been looking for information on Francisco de Acosta and Theresa de Pedroza since I started searching for ancestors almost a year ago and still can't seem to find anything about them. I'm hoping someone out there might have them in their records. Anything that anyone might know would be really appreciated.
Christopher de Cuéllar