Alvarado-Guerrero Family search (Tepetate,Zac-Asientos, Aquas area)

Hi, I'm Looking for information on my Great-grandfather Jose Alvarado born/death in 1911-1939 in El Tepetate, Zacatecas and Manuel Guerrero born/death on 10/1909-1955(Reynosa,Tam,Mx) in Asientos, Aguascalientes. Jose A. is my grandfather's real father and Manuel is his step-father. its said that both Jose and Manuel are related, possibly 1st cousin. So I've been researching on did find some info. but I'm having trouble connecting both Jose and Manuel.

Jose Alvarado, married to Irene "Consuelo" Galindo on 4/22/1933
his parents are: J. Cruz Alvarado-Maria Guerrero
his abuelos paternos: Serapio Alvarado-Ma.Refugio Gutierrez est. marriage year 1900-1911
Abuelos maternos: Anastacio Guerrero-ma Dolores Casillas M/D: 2/24/1879

Manuel Guerrero, married to Irene "Consuelo" Galindo 5/3/1941
His parents: J. Natividad Guerrero(est. DOB:1880-1889)-Rosario Duran(year born:1887) M/D: 2/1908
Abuelos P: Rosalio Silva-Ma. Refugio Silva est. M/D est. 1871-1875
Abuelos M: Jose Ma. Duran-Emilia Esparza M/D: 1875

I can not find the marriage info. of Rosalio Guerrero & Ma. Refugio Silva. Nor can I find the birth or baptism Info on J. Natividad. Only Information is the marriage info on J. Natividad-R.Duran and birth info on Manuel.

Now, the Guerrero's from Jose Alvarado family are also from Rancho del Pastor. I cant find any information on that area. I believe its near Villa Garcia, Zacatecas.

Only other connect to both family are the godparents on marriage, birth, and baptism information are some of the family member of Guerrero from Rancho del Pastor.

Other Surnames related to Guerrero's Lomeli, Casillas, Delgado, Mendoza, Legovia, Luevano, Monreal, and Vera.

Thanks Jenny