FW: Somos Primos February 2016

-----Original Message-----
From: mimilozano@somosprimos.com [mailto:mimilozano@somosprimos.com]
Sent: Monday, February 01, 2016 3:25 PM
To: mimilozano@aol.com
Subject: Somos Primos February 2016


Dear family, primos, and friends:
2016 is really starting out with a bang for Hispanic heritage activists.

Chicano Week, February 2-8: In 1985, Dr. Refugio Rochin, while at The Julian Samora Research Institute Michigan initiated a move for the state of Michigan to recognize February 2-8 as Chicano Week. He said during a telephone call that his goal was to promote more awareness of the signing of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo February 2, 1848 as the point in time when Mexicans in the Southwest became Chicanos.

Thanks to the effort of Dr. Margarito Garcia, Rio Grande College, Texas, after years of lying dormant, Chicano Week has become relevant again.
On January 29, 2014, the State of Michigan House of Representatives passed Resolution No. 295 which declared February 2-8, 2014 once again, Chicano History Week in the State of Michigan.

Dr. Garcia, Rio Grande College, Texas has been advocating for all states, but in particular, all the states west of the Mississippi to also recognize Chicano Week. Let us hope that the movement grows because it will certainly clarify a history, whose lack of visibility has caused confusion concerning the Mexican presence in the Southwest.

For those interested in starting their family history research, Somos Primos in collaboration with Arturo Cuellar, on staff with FamilySearch.org and a LULAC member, is coordinating with his LULAC Council 44019 in Salt Lake, the Society of Hispanic Historical and Ancestral Research, and the Salt Lake Family History Library, to plan for a 3-day gathering, September 15-17, focused on support for Spanish heritage researcher. If you have always thought of searching your family history and have not, do plan on attending this event.

SPAR, The Spanish Presence in America's Roots is the name of the steering committee for a major effort to promote more awareness of the big gap in the history of the Spanish presence between 1500-1750. It is a 250 year Spanish presence which receives little coverage in US history, yet it was when our Spanish roots and blood were mingled and planted with our indigenous ancestors in the Americas.

During a recent conference call, committee member, Monica Smith, on the Tucson Presidio Board [whose ancestor Juan Manual Ortega served at the Tucson Presidio, 1790-1819] shared the fact that US currency which we all use daily is based on Spanish currency. Judge Edward Butler, SPAR co-chair with me, added that the United States first currency was Spanish currency.

So much to learn about our place in history . . . but together we can do it.
May the Lord Bless us in the effort . . . Mimi


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