Jose Clemente ramirez and Ermenegilda Ramirez

Hola Every One , I am stuck , I am looking for the connection of Jose Clemente Ramirez(baptized 10 dec 1784 San Juan de Los lagos) son of Joaquin Ramirez and Carmela Garcia . Jose Clemente Ramirez married Ermenegilda Ramirez ( daughter of Joseph Eugenio Ramirez (born 05 feb 1755 San Juan de los lagos ) and Rosalia Prudencia Ornelas (born 14 may 1758 San Juan de Los lagos) .

Jose Clemente Ramirez married Ermenegilda Ramirez 08 feb 1809 San Juan de Los Lagos (Matrimonios-1797-1823 Image # 265 ) -Parientesco de Tercer Grado.

The only hint I have is Ermenegilda Ramirezs Parents -of whom I have mentioned ,but have also their Parents

Joseph Eugenio Ramirez-born to Jose Ramirez(son of Antonio Ramirez and Josefa Vasquez) and Ramona Justa Limon(parents -Miguel limon and Clara de Ornelas) married 08 april 1742 San Juan de Los lagos -Matrimonios-1722-1770 # Image 222

Miguel Limon son of Diego Limon and Marta de Ornelas.

Rosalia Prudencia Ornelas daughter of Antonio George Ornelas and Manuela Olivares

I hope I didn't confuse any one

thank you for your time


Hola Danny and Members , I guess I was confusing ,sorry I will try again , I hope I am clearer. I am tying to connect
Jose Clemente Ramirez and Ermenegilda Ramirez who were married Feb 09 , 1809 San Juan de Los Lagos-(Matrimonos-San Juan de Lagos-1795-1823 Image # 265.
In the Acta it states that the couple had Parientesco de Tercer grado.
I was trying to figure out how. went to the Las Dispensas and nothing.
I hope this works , I became confused myself.
Other info is below.

From: Research on behalf of Ronald Reynoso
Sent: Thursday, May 26, 2016 2:18 PM
Subject: [Nuestros Ranchos] Jose Clemente ramirez and Ermenegilda Ramirez

Hola Every One , I am stuck , I am looking for the connection of Jose Clemente Ramirez(baptized 10 dec 1784 San Juan de Los lagos) son of Joaquin Ramirez and Carmela Garcia . Jose Clemente Ramirez married Ermenegilda Ramirez ( daughter of Joseph Eugenio Ramirez (born 05 feb 1755 San Juan de los lagos ) and Rosalia Prudencia Ornelas (born 14 may 1758 San Juan de Los lagos) .

Jose Clemente Ramirez married Ermenegilda Ramirez 08 feb 1809 San Juan de Los Lagos (Matrimonios-1797-1823 Image # 265 ) -Parientesco de Tercer Grado.

The only hint I have is Ermenegilda Ramirezs Parents -of whom I have mentioned ,but have also their Parents

Joseph Eugenio Ramirez-born to Jose Ramirez(son of Antonio Ramirez and Josefa Vasquez) and Ramona Justa Limon(parents -Miguel limon and Clara de Ornelas) married 08 april 1742 San Juan de Los lagos -Matrimonios-1722-1770 # Image 222

Miguel Limon son of Diego Limon and Marta de Ornelas.

Rosalia Prudencia Ornelas daughter of Antonio George Ornelas and Manuela Olivares

I hope I didn't confuse any one

thank you for your time



I assume you are looking for the dispensation for Jose Clemente and Ermenegilda. I would expect this to have been done in early 1809. There are four films in the Diocese of Guadalajara for 1809 dispensations, but unfortunately they have not yet been indexed. I checked Claudia's dispensa website.

What you are looking for may be there!

George Fulton

Hola Members ,wanted to say thank you to Austin Perez . I found the Dispensa ,the bad thing I cant figure out who the main tronco is. It states that (1) Jose Ramirez is the father of (2)Christobal Ramirez and Jose Ramirez.

Christobal bore --(3Joaquin Ramirez(married to Carmela Garcia )

whom bore Jose Clemente Ramirez(Pretenso)

Jose Ramirez(married to Ramona Justa Limon) whom bore Jose Eugenio Ramirez (married to Rosalia Prudencia Ornelas)

who bore Ermenegilda RamirezI (Pretensa)

I am trying to figure out who the Tronco---Jose Ramirez is all about .

I have a Antonio Ramirez and Josefa Vasquez but I don't know if Antonio is Jose (Antonio) and if he is then its him

I obtained these names from the Marriage of Jose Ramirez and Rosalia Prudencia Ornelas-Matrimonios-San Juan de Los Lagos-1722-1770 Image # 222

Thank you
