FW: Somos Primos "We are Cousins" March 2018

"The opinions expressed in the Somos Primos Newsletter DO NOT necessarily reflect the opinions of the moderators of the NR group or the group in general"

Birth of the United States Marines: Thomas Jefferson and the Barbary Muslim Pirates Abraham Lincoln and Mexico Project 170th Anniversary of the Original Signing of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo The end of the Españoles, the Méjicanos & the Coming of the Américanos,
1821-1846 by Michael S. Perez
Justice Sonia Sotomayor Charms Crowd of Law Students, Lawyers, Judges An Airline’s Captain Report Congratulations to the 2017 LATINA Style Corporate Executive of the Year San Diego (CA) State University is getting its first Latina scholar to serve as president This Month in Immigration and Naturalization History The Real Clear History of DACA Informative Webinars: U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services: U.S.
Department of Homeland Security
Friends of the National Museum, American Latino Cesar Chavez - the Teacher - The Role Model by Rudy Padilla Murder by Metropolitan Area in the USA as Reported by the FBI, 2015

Epilepsy and Marijuana by Aury L. Holtzman, M.D.
The Use of Cannabis to Treat Children with Epilepsy

Gratitude to Granaderos y Damas member Henry De Leon A 500 años de la primera circunnavegación del planeta de Magallanes-Elcano

The Dream, a Remembrance
Rancho del Sueno leads in the development of a Heritage Discovery Center in CaliforniaHISTORIC TIDBITS Maria Coronel becomes "the Woman in Blue"
Hay que acabar con la leyenda negra que pesa sobre la conquista español

Romana Acosta Bañuelos: First Latina treasurer paved path by Alejandra Reyes-Velarde AMERICAN PATRIOTS Remember the heroic acts of four Army chaplains on February 4, 1943 Veterans group honors Pico Rivera student who recorded teacher's anti-military rant.
24 Medals of Honor by Eddie Morin
God and the Spider, a folktale, or real?

"El Que Tenga Valor, Que Me Siga" Bernardo de Galvez El Paso, Texas DAR Moved to Action in Support of General Bernardo de Galvez History
SURNAMES Acuna | Aguayo | Alba | Alaniz |
Amador | Andrade

Eva Longoria’s Surprising DNA Test
How DNA Testing Blotched My Family's Heritage, and Probably Yours, Too Ancient Human Genomes DNA Research

Book: Translation and Analyses in The Search for the Roots of My Faith by Refugio Fernandez Family Search Quietly Starts Releasing Indexed Mexican Civil Registration Collection

Children Born between 1999-2015 are Most Non-Christian Generation by Amanda Casanova God's Standard for Attaining Citizenship Does God use world leaders to accomplish His geopolitical will by Pete Garcia New Harvard Research says U.S. Christianity is not Shrinking, but growing Stronger by Glenn T. Stanton

Thursday, March 29th, Viva La Mujer: California State University, San Bernardino The University That Produces the Most Graduates Valley Educators Call for Mexican-American Studies by Danya Perez-Hernandez San Diego State Selects New President, Adela de la Torre Center for School, College, and Career Resources (CSCCR) Fighting Bullying Through Hip Hop

March 3: My Family. Mi Herencia. Featuring Luz de Las Naciones La Filosofia de Jose Bacedoni Bravo Pensamientos

Rehab Riviera: Industry struggling to get clean, Part 1
California testing Vermont’s model to fight addiction, Part 2

Book: From Santa Anna To Selena: Notable Mexicanos and Tejanos in Texas History since 1821,
by Dr. Harriett Denise Joseph, La Voz Newspapers, September 2005 to the present La Voz de la Esparanza History of La Prensa, published in San Antonio from 1913 to 1963 by Nora E. Rios McMillan SHHAR Genealogical Journals 1-5 and Somos Primos, 1990-1999 Three Chicana/o Scholars & Historians Complete History Doctorates in the North Texas Area in 2017 Gilberto Quezada's Epiphany

Maya Faces in a Smoking Mirror

March 10, 2018 SHHAR Monthly meeting, speaker Victor Chavez "From the Earliest of New Mexican Settlers, 1598 to Los Angeles and "Chavez Ravine"
Small Town America: Life in Early El Toro, California March 31, 2018: Abraham Lincoln and Mexico, Presenter, Sylvia Contreras Resident Releases Book article in East Hampton New Bulletin, January 19,
Who am I? asks Albert V. Vela
Photo: Orange Picker
Photo: Gaylords, Westminster High School Club Orange County 1800s Cultural Intermarrying Computerized Analysis of the 1836 Padrón

My First Time on Stage and My First Dog by Mimi Lozano, Life Story, Chapter 3 Maya Cinemas, We've Moved The Jose G. Ramos Newsletter

March 24, 2018 : Swallows Day Parade and Fiesta de Las Golondrinas, begins 11:00 Hidden Heritages: San José’s French Pioneer Families 1848–1900 Dissolution of the California State Genealogical Alliance (CSGA) From mission to majesty: A genealogy & history of early California and royal European ancestors Los Gobernadores Españoles de California Juan Rodríguez Cabrillo: San Diego, California The Town of Los Alamitos began as a Spanish Grant by Margrit Kendrick April 7th & 8th 2018: Julian Gold Rush Days Daughters of Utah Pioneers Camp 1846, Battle of San Pasqual The Mormon Battalion Annual Commemoration Event

Camps: The Organizational Structure of Daughters of Utah Pioneers

Indian slavery once thrived in New Mexico. Latinos are finding family ties to it.

March 6, 2018: 182nd Anniversary of the Battle of the Alamo Jumano Indian Nation of Texas, West Texas San Angelo, Texas: Center of the Jumano people What’s Amiss in Tejano History? by Arnoldo de Leon March 23 & 24, 2018: Witte Museum Conference Tejanos fought to Create Texas The Legacy of Ranching, Preserving the Past Embracing the Future Marie T. Mora of Edinburg, Appointed to Dallas Fed's San Antonio Branch Board

February 8th, 1830 -- Last Franciscan in early Texas relinquishes missions February 8th, 1887 -- Violence presages end of notorious red-light district February 8th, 1910 -- Brewster County exposes "dummy town"
February 8th, 1887 -- Violence presages end of notorious red-light district February 10th, 1899 -- "Madam Candelaria" dies at age 113 February 10th, 1852 -- Legislature confirms South Texas land grants

Being a Catholic is not easy. The Learning Years – 1953 by Rudy Padilla La Batalla de San Luis en la Luisiana española (en el actual estado de Misuri)​

Police Books, authored by Police Officers with the New York City Police DepartmentAFRICAN-AMERICAN New Report Examines the Racial Gap in Degree Attainments in the United States February 9th, 1902 -- Juanita Shanks Craft, NAACP leader born in Round Rock February 9th, 1939 -- Renowned jazz saxophonist dies

National Trust for Historic Preservation Why Are American Indians Dying Young? by Jennifer Abbasi February 10th, 1721 -- French castaway reaches Natchitoches Remembering our Coahuilteca Connections by José “Joe” Antonio López

Spain helps keep alive archaic language of Sephardic Jews by Cristina Fuentes-Cantillana Israel touts 'steel dome' as answer to terror tunnels by Barbara Opall-Rome

Tabla Sumeria de Hace 5 mil Anos Resulta ser un Mapa Estelar

The Cristero War: A Personal Connection by Gilberto Quezada Cartas de Hernan Cortes al emperador Carlos I La ciudad dentro del lagoCENTRAL & SOUTH AMERICA Maya Civilization was much vaster than known by Cleve R. Wootson, Jr.
¿Cómo vencieron los 168 españoles de Pizarro a 30.000 incas? Una nueva visión La Historia de Garcilaso de la Vega - El Inca​ - Mestizaje en el Perú La Conquista Del Perú (IV): Primeros Pasos Por El Tahuantinsuyo

Tratado de Tordesillas

The Armada Tree
La Primera Vuelta al Mundo de La Nao Victoria, 1519-1522 Los olvidados de las Flotas de Indias: Los ataques perpetrados contra convoyes españoles
por José Crespo
Castillos de España y otros paises blog por Eduardo Jose Ramos La Nación española que pudimos ser Cartas de Hernan Cortes al Emperador Carlos

La sangrienta persecución de católicos en Inglaterra: historia que empequeñece a la Inquisición ¿Por qué el reloj más antiguo de Japón está fabricado en el Madrid del siglo XVI?
1514: Real Cédula que permite el matrimonio mixto, un hecho que destroza la Leyenda Negra Return of the Stasi Police State? by Dudith Bergman