Nicolas de Escamilla and Michaela de Lomelin Jalostotitlan

Hello Primos,

I been trying to figure out who the parents of Nicolas de Escamilla and Micaela de Lomelin are. their son Juan Manuel Escamilla was baptized 4 July 1711 in Jalostotilan Padrinos Carlos Francisco de Vallarta y Juana de Lomelin. Nicolas became a window a few years after, married Manuela de Alfaro sometime between 1711 and 1714 family moved to Ayo el Chico. Juan Manuel Escamilla married Juana Quiteria de Alfaro Perez Oct 1727 in Ayo el Chico. Looks like the record for Jalos don't back further than 1698. I tried to look for Micaelas death record see if i could find another clue, but just to my luck the record from 1711-1714 dont exist. Does anyone know where i could find more information for the record of Jalos before 1700s, or does anyone know have more information on the Escamilla families from Los Altos.

Juan Manl Baptism.…


Aaron Torres Mendoza