Cuquio Gonzalez & Placensia

Does anyone have information about Yldelfonso Gonzalez Placensia born around 1680 in Cuquio? He is the son of Maria Ana Placensia and unknown Gonzalez. I hope someone knows the name of the husband of Maria Ana Placensia.

Yldedfonso G. P. married Josefa Rodriguez around 1700-05, possibly in Cuquio. Their son Luis received a dispensation in 1729 to marry Manuela Becerra Gutierrez. The dispensation states that Yldelfonso Gonzalez Placensia and Petrona Gutierrez "son primos segundos." Petrona Gutierrez Placensia (mother of Manuela B. G.) is the daughter of Balthazar G. & Maria Placensia.


A couple of things:

First, here's the link to the dispensa with the claim Ildefonso Gonzalez Placensia and Petrona Gutierrez second cousins. See Image 341:…

Second, I came across the larger discussion from 2015 about the Placensia line:

Third, I believe that my Gonzalez line descends from the same Gonzalez line as that of the unspecific father of Ildefonso Gonzalez Placensia. My paternal DNA is an identical match of the male descendants of Atanacio Gonzalez, illegitimate son of Gervacio Gonzalez in Ixtlahuacan del Rio. There is only one "Gervacio Gonzalez" that I've found in Cuquio/Ixtlahuacan so I believe that so my working hypothesis is this is my genetic relative. My hope is to find a male descendant of Ildefonso Gonzalez Placensia to check for a DNA match. (PS. I've hit a brick wall on Gonzalez line from La Villita in Jalpa with Sebastian Gonzalez, born around 1660.)

Dang, thats a tough one! I can't add any real new info. The only Mariana that I have in my tree that fits is the daughter of Pedro Plascencia Maldonado, who eventually married Melchora de los Reyes Moscoso y Sandoval and not confirmed to be Mariana's mother. This Mariana I have no husband for and is the mother Clemente de Lomelin.

There is also Marina Plascencia Maldonado who is the daughter of Francisco Plascencia Maldonado and Antonia Arias Avella Valadez. I have no husband or descendants for her.