New to the Site

Hello. I am new to the site and want to introduce myself. I am researching my family lines from Zacatecas. One of my great grandparents was born in Concepcion del Oro and came from a family of miners. I have hit a brick wall on that line and cannot find any information beyond my 4 great great grandparents. I have another family line from Coahuila that I have traced back to Zacatecas in the 1700s to Mazapil and surrounding areas. I have hit a brick wall there, too. I know I will break through my brick walls eventually. I am excited to be a part of this group and look forward to learning more that may help me find my ancestors.

Greetings Elisa, and welcome. Like you, I have family lines in both Coahuila and the NR areas, specifically Aguascalientes. Let me know if you want help with the brick walls. I recently got past a few in Coahuila and Agc with some legwork and will be happy to share my research method. One good technique is to look for additional spouses, as additional info is often included in subsequent marriage documents. I had two ancestors whose relevant (to my line) marriage documents claimed no known parents. However, in later marriages, after everyone who cared was dead I suppose, those ancestors finally revealed their true parentage. Likewise, prior/first marriage records of females who were widowed are a good source of information (especially in Coahuila), as those females’ parents are not always listed in subsequent marriages. And, of course, in some jurisdictions the baptismal records will list grandparents. Good luck to you.

In reply to by MiguelNR

Thank you Miguel. I'll keep searching for other documents that could link my family lines and give me a breakthrough.