Archivo General de Indias

Has anybody actually traced their ancestor back to the ships?

Listas de Pasajeros a Indias, Passenger Lists to the Indies?

While I have references of several ancestors having come from Spain, I haven't been able to locate them on the ship lists or to find their documentation at the Casa de la Contratación.

Yes, I have to Diego de Temiño, from Seville. He is one of my 13th great-grandfathers. He left Spain to immigrate to the New World on 13 Jun 1518, going first to Cartagena, Colombia, then to Mexico. His name is found in the Inquisition records of Seville. Los Conversos y la Inquisición Sevillana, by Juan Gil, Universidad de Sevilla, 2001, vol 5, p. 385.

Diego de Temiño must have headed first to one of the islands, be it Cuba or Dominicana. By 1518 there was no Cartagena, Veracruz was founded in 1519.

Yes, I have to Diego de Temiño, from Seville. He is one of my 13th great-grandfathers. He left Spain to immigrate to the New World on 13 Jun 1518, going first to Cartagena, Colombia, then to Mexico. His name is found in the Inquisition records of Seville. Los Conversos y la Inquisición Sevillana, by Juan Gil, Universidad de Sevilla, 2001, vol 5, p. 385.

He's my ancestor also. Marge V.

> On May 11, 2019, at 16:47, wrote:
> Yes, I have to Diego de Temiño, from Seville. He is one of my 13th
> great-grandfathers. He left Spain to immigrate to the New World on 13 Jun
> 1518, going first to Cartagena, Colombia, then to Mexico. His name is found
> in the Inquisition records of Seville. Los Conversos y la Inquisición
> Sevillana, by Juan Gil, Universidad de Sevilla, 2001, vol 5, p. 385.

He's my ancestor also. Marge V.

> On May 11, 2019, at 16:47, wrote:
> Yes, I have to Diego de Temiño, from Seville. He is one of my 13th
> great-grandfathers. He left Spain to immigrate to the New World on 13 Jun
> 1518, going first to Cartagena, Colombia, then to Mexico. His name is found
> in the Inquisition records of Seville. Los Conversos y la Inquisición
> Sevillana, by Juan Gil, Universidad de Sevilla, 2001, vol 5, p. 385.

Los links del Portal Pares y del Portal Europe:



Buen dia Marcelina,

Muchísimas gracias por la información lo agradezco mucho.

Bonito día.


And beyond. I am currently doing most of my work on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean. I have gone back another hundred years, crossed another border, and am currently working on a French ancestral line of the Reynoso family that goes back to Charlemagne.

Rick A. Ricci

Hola Gaby:

Hay dos portales en línea (webs):
1. Portal Pares
2. Portal

Tienen muchos registros en las categorías en la sección Archiivo General de Indias (labels):

1. Casa de Contratación
2. Indiferente General.



My genealogy is still a work in progress but to answer your question, on my paternal line Barbosa I've hit a dead end, as my ancestor who I believed to be born around 1740 was from Cotija, Michoacan, he died in Tamazula de Gordiano, Jal. in 1811, and Cotija's records have been lost.

On my maternal side I have gotten further back but all in Mexico, I would love to find one of my ancestors on their journey to America and then track them in Europe, that would be very exciting!