Pedro Saldivar and Escandon s route from Zacatecas to Nuevo Santender Tamaulipas

I hope this is the correct venue to ask..if anyone knows if the route Escandon to Santender

n 1746 Escandón was commissioned to inspect the country between Tampico and the San Antonio River, later known as Nuevo Santander. In January 1747 he sent seven divisions into the area, and in October he presented a colonization plan. After delays by the Spanish bureaucracy, Escandón was made governor and captain general of Nuevo Santander on June 1, 1748. In 1749 he was made Count of Sierra Gorda and Knight of the Order of Santiago by Fernando VI, and he began establishing settlements along the Rio Grande. The first two were Camargo (founded on March 5) and Reynosa (March 14). On August 22, 1750, Escandón granted José Vázquez Borrego fifty sitios for the founding of Dolores, and on October 10 he sent Vicente Guerra to set up Revilla, twenty leagues northwest of Camargo. On March 6, 1753, Escandón founded the town of Mier, and in 1755 he granted permission to Tomás Sánchez de la Barrera y Garza to found Laredo, the largest and most successful permanent Spanish settlement in Southwest Texas.

On April 30, 1727, Escandón married Dominga Pedrajo in Soto de la Marina, province of Santander, Spain. She was the daughter of Juan Manuel de Pedrajo and Dominga de Revilla. She died in 1736, and in 1737 Escandón married María Josefa de Llera from Querétaro. They had seven children. After the appointment of a royal commission in 1767, the settlers of Nuevo Santander were assigned the land grants that Escandón had promised them. Grants were made to residents of the colonies of the Rio Grande, thus starting the colonization of South Texas from the Rio Grande to the San Antonio River. José de Escandón was accused by Diego Corrido of maladministration, and he had to leave for Mexico City to defend himself. He died during the trial, on September 10, 1770, and was buried in Mexico City. In 1773 his son Manuel Ignacio de Escandón y Llera petitioned the court for a settlement; a decision rendered by the court completely exonerated the count.

My 6th great grandfather Agustin de la Rosa Married Juliana Rodriguez de Montemayor (b in Linares Nuevo Leon) 1755

Pedro Saldivar was born in 1714 in Rio Blanco..Thank you for any help


Existe un libro muy detallado sobre la vida de Don José de Escandón llamado "El Conde de Sierra Gorda do José de Escandón y la Helguera: militar, noble y caballero" de Jesús Mendoza Muñoz.

Don José pasó a la Nueva España en 1715, a la edad de 15 años residiendo en Yucatán e incorporándose al ejército. El matrimonio con Dominga Pedrajo no corresponde a la época en que él ya estaba en Nueva España y además casado.

El 9 de diciembre de 1724 contrajo matrimonio en Querétaro con Doña María Antonia de Osio y Ocampo, hija de Don Agustín de Osio y Ocampo hija de una rica familia de Querétaro y tuvieron dos hijos: Don José profesó como sacerdote y Doña Ana María profesó como monja. Su suegro le entregó dote y un gran obraje en donde se fabricaban tejidos de lana, de ésta manera se enriqueció, la esposa murió en el año de 1736.

EN 1737 se casa con María Josefa de Llera Bayas hija de otra rica familia, recibiendo otra dote. Tuvieron como hijos a:el Coronel Miguel de Escandón y Llera, al Bachiller Don Mariano Timoteo, Don Francisco, Doña Josefa María y Doña María Josefa todos de apellidos Escandón y Llera.

