Who's Stuck? Who Doesn't Know Where To Start?

Are you stuck? Are you wondering where to start? Well one good place would be to ask your questions on the research@nuestrosranchos.org list. We might not be able to help but we'll try.

If you are just starting out in genealogy then you need to familiarize yourself with your local Family History Center. Your local FHC is part of the LDS church and is an absolute goldmine of information for Mexican Genealogy and other locations around the world. Go to www.familysearch.org to find your closest location with the best hours to fit your schedule: go to the site and click on "Library" and "Family History Centers" to find your location. Give them a call and pay them a visit. Ask questions about how the center works.

Diaz DeLeon

Researching Diaz De Leon family of Zacatecas (Tlaltenango,Jerez) for my wife,
Maria Hildelissa Olga Diaz De Leon de Wiser of Palo Alto, Ca. Specifically,
Ysidro Diaz De Leon and wife Apolonia Casas of Tlaltenango. Have some

Hola! a todos recurro a ustedes recibi este mensaje y estoy en shock no se que pensar menos contestar

Pues que se quede con sus dos baules y sus tres petaquillas ,que nosotros tenemos muchas mas

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