Family Search ??
Iv'e been trying to locate an informacion matrimonial in the year 1762 from Nochistlan but i can't find it no where.Can someone please help?
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Iv'e been trying to locate an informacion matrimonial in the year 1762 from Nochistlan but i can't find it no where.Can someone please help?
Daniel Francisco Briones
We are also researching the name "Briones" - Altagracia Briones (B: abt.
1895, D: 1982).
Married Jose Antonio Escobedo.
Both probably from the Ja
Im pretty much stuck on this the Lomelin individual his name is Sebastian Lomelin he married Josefa Hurtado but i do not have their marriage record i descend from the offspring Maria Margarita Lomelin
Saludos amigos, he encontrado (tal parece) el inicio de mi árbol genealógico, pero me dice que Joseph Hurtado nacido entre los años 1655 y 1663 en el puesto de la Barrera, jurisdicción del rincón
I have seen several death records from Asientos in the mid 1790s with a clause similar to "se entierro menor en fabrica de quatro pesos seis reales".
¿Alguien está interesado en adquirir la colección libros de Retoños de España en la Nueva Galicia de Don Mariano González-Leal?
Does anybody know how far back in time from wedding date does one have to look for a "dispensa por consanguineidad"?
I have looked at hundreds (maybe a thousand by now) of marriage dispensations in Guadalajara and can add that the vast majority of them were executed about three to five weeks before the marriage too
Alguien me podría indicar si existen registros on line de los miembros de las iglesias cristianas no católicas en Zacatecas a principios del siglo XX o entre 1890 y 1940.?
My name is Yvonne Medina and I have been working on my family tree for several years. I have run into a block wall with the research on my Medina line.
I have been trying to find my gg grandfather's Luna line for a very long
time - I finally made a discovery - my ggg grandfather's name was Jose
Nicomedes Luna (born 1814) at the Rancho del Terre
Hello! I'm having a heck of a time finding a birth and death date for Arcadio Amezcua, son of Jose Apolonio Trinidad Amezcua-Gutierrez and Maria Lorensa Carmen Torres-Lopez.. He and his entire fam
Does anyone know more about the ancestors of these individuals?
All I''ve been able to ascertain is that Nicolaza's mother was Manuela Estrada..
Alguien sabe quienes eran los abuelos de José Julián Hurtado, nacido el 12 de Marzo de 1792, esposo de Rafaela Gonzalez Fernandez e hijo de Juan Jose Hurtado Y María Timotea Gonzalez, nacido en San
tengo literatura sobre pasajeros a indias en pdf con casi 600 paginas , trae indice de nombres de personas que llegaro en el siglo XVI y XVII de españa y ademas notas
Alguien sabe quienes eran los abuelos de José Julián Hurtado, nacido el 12 de Marzo de 1792, esposo de Rafaela Gonzalez Fernandez e hijo de Juan Jose Hurtado Y María Timotea Gonzalez, nacido en San
I sent research the email meant to go to Victor Lopez member.
¿Alguien está interesado en adquirir la colección libros de Retoños de España en la Nueva Galicia de Don Mariano González-Leal?
Hola a todos:
Me surgió este tema de foro cuando ví la publicación de Cammi Amezcua con respecto a cuando no encontramos el acta bautismal de nuestros antepasados.
Hello Albert,
Francisca Tejada was one of my great-great grandmothers. I, too, have been
having difficulty finding information about her family.
Im having a hard time again with Family Search.Im trying to locate a marriage record for Gaspar Masias and Mariana De Torres.It says that they were married in the year 1612 in Sagrario Aguascalientes.
I can't find the city of Valladold Spain in Family
this is the marriage record im looking for
I cant quite figure out what the last name of Cenon's Grandmothers from both sides all i can read is Maria Magdelena.....???and for the other grandmother Ana maria...??? please help.