Looking for relatives of Julian Covarrubias from the 1700;s
Trying to find anyone that is related to Julian Covarrubias who was married to Rafaela Ramirez in the 1700's in Jalisco. thanks
Trying to find anyone that is related to Julian Covarrubias who was married to Rafaela Ramirez in the 1700's in Jalisco. thanks
-----Original Message-----
From: mimilozano@somosprimos.com [mailto:mimilozano@somosprimos.com]
Sent: Friday, January 03, 2014 11:02 PM
To: undisclosed-recipients:
Subject: Somos Primos January 201
Maria T.
i think it is the same couple. Miguel lopez de la Cerda married Maria
Magdalena Lozano in 1635 so he probably was born around 1611.
I came across 1611 Guadalajara baptismal record for a Migel Lopez, son of Francisco Lopez and Francisca Ramirez De Los Angeles.
Buenas tardes,
Les paso este mensaje que me mandaron del AGN en la Cd. de México.
Saludos cordiales,
Victoriano Navarro
Apreciable usuario:
The following information on the children of Alonso Perez de Ortega may be posted elsewhere. If so, this will be old news.
Hello anyone has family in this area.
There are two Zambranao family i belong to there, Zambrano Hernandez 1889 and Zambrano Ayala 1892.
I just uploaded y Medina Family tree, if you have relatives that i do not have please me know.
-----Original Message-----
From: mimilozano@somosprimos.com [mailto:mimilozano@somosprimos.com]
Sent: Monday, February 01, 2016 3:25 PM
To: mimilozano@aol.com
Subject: Somos Primos February 2016
Does anyone have the following book?
I found this 3 page document which mentions "La Provincia de Texas of Nueva Espana (Mexico)." Year 1692.
Antes que nada quiero presentarme ya que este es mi primer hilo, es un gusto estar aquí y espero poder compartir todo lo que pueda.
Hello Nuestros Ranchos Forum,
I'm lookin at my ancestor Catarina de Mendoza baptism
and it says her padrino was Thomas de Villalobo
Phelipe Marquez de los Olivos and his wife Francisca Xaviera Sanchez are the ancestors of many families associated with Colotlan.
I'm trying to find the parents of Petrona de Sotomayor, the wife of
Bernardo Garcia de Leon, does anyone in the group know if Petrona de
Sotomayor that married Alvaro Marin de Peñalosa is the same Pet
Hello rduni
I dont really speak spanish that well but I'm taking it in school but it
looks like your looking for information on the above couple and theres a
marriage for a Juan Jose Hernandes an
Hello Nuestros Ranchos Forum,
Me gustaria saber si alguen es descendiente de
1. Juan Jose Hernandez Hernandez que
nacio posiblemente en 1814, Arandas, Jalisco.
2. Benedicta Bustos Hernandez que
(Archivo general de Indias, Guadalajara, 43,N 30) imagen 32/32)
Transcripcion textual por Dr. Moises Beutelspacher Huizar 10 /Enero 2016)
I have just uploaded an index to Aguascalientes Matrimonial Investigation films 299573-299575. The link is http://www.nuestrosranchos.org/node/18014
alguien sabe quienes son los padres de cristobal ruis de esparza
y de antonia de alvarado?
hay algunas publicacines donde mencionan que ls padres de ambos
I am looking at the defunto records in familysearch.org of Huejuquilla El Alto of Jalisco, Mexico years 1720 - 1761. I found a couple of interesting people:
This will be a study of Historical events of the Sephardic (Spanish) Jews who were brought over from Spain to the Americas and Mexico territory to escape Genocide.
Hi every body,
I am looking for any information about Jacobo Ugarte y Loyola, more specifically about his testament, he past away on august the 18th, 1798 o 1799 in Guadalajara, Jalisco.