Tree Trolls - Adding profiles here to prevent new comers from perpetuating mistakes.

Few days ago we were commenting on how in Family Search there is been a huge amount of records modified and wrongly merged (on purpose) by trolls, been the most notorious "Mbarrena" who also goes by o

Marin de la Pena losa

wow. that's a mouthful. Do you have any dates and resource info for these? -----Original Message-----From: "R. A. Ricci" []Date: 02/19/2009 12:24 PMTo: research@lists.nuestrosranchos.orgSubject: Re: [Nuestros Ranchos] Marin de la Pena losa Juan marin and Elbira Juarez de Penalosa are the parents of another Juan Marin who married 9/Jan/1583 in Mexico City to Cathalina Arenas the daughter of Juan Gonzalez and Luisa De la Cuevas. Juan Marin and Cathalina Arenas were the parents of at least 2 children: Juan Marin De la Pena losa and Catharina (Cathalina) Marin de la Penalosa Catharina de la penalosa married Joseph de Alba Retamosa, son of Alonso De Alba and Leonor de Retamosa Leonor de Retamosa was the daughter of Nicolas Macias Valadez and, her namesake Leonor Reramosa. Joseph de alba and catharina Marin de la penalosa Arenas (she sometimes reversed the surnames) were the parents of at least 2 siblings, Cristobal de alba y arenas and Ildefonso (Alonso) De A