Hernando Martel, fundador de Lagos
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Hola compañeros,
Out of the office.
I remember reading an article from a fellow genealogist that found the documentation in utah when he studied the genealogical tables/history of the meNdoza family.
I am reaching out to the group as I am at a dead end.
Hola a todos, nada mas para saludarlos, e invitarlos a ver mi carpeta donde agregue algunos nombres, haciendolo con el mejor de mi criterio, que no dudo habra talvez algun error, nombre de carpeta:
To everybody researching roots in spain:
The requested info is attached.
Direct Link: http://www.nuestrosranchos.org/node/18354
Necesito un consejo. La acata de mi abuela Elena Gonzales Torres no exsiste. Able con el registro civil de Guanajuato y despues de mucha busqueda me dijieron que mi abula nunca fue registrada.
Hola a todos soy nueva en esto,mi nombre es Gloria Noemi Casillas y quiero compartir lo poco que hemos encontrado ya que he tenido la fortuna de contar con la ayuda de un amigo en mi investigacion y a
Hi all, I got a reply saying we need to contact The Genealogical Society of Utah so we can be granted an Extraction access
Dear Nuestros Ranchos Members:
The Nueva Galicia Genealogical Society of Northern California
will be hosting a Geanology conference in the San Jose / Milpitas area of Northern Californa, the weeke
As one of the "barely active" members right now, I want to let those active ones, especially ones that are volunteering for extractions, know how much your work is appreciated.
I have posted scans from the earliest surviving Zacatecas marriage film, which includes marriages from the first half of the 17th Century.
Hi everyone,
My name is Maria Elena Gutierrez-Uhlenburg, I took a couple of years off from genealogy but I'm back now. My research started in Los Altos de Jalisco, Mexico and has now gone back S
I´m José Humberto Suárez Villarreal. I´ve been doing some research on my family, for almost 10 years or so I focused mainly in my maternal side (Villarreal De La Fuente Zertuche Rodríguez - from Nuevo León and Coahuila). But a couple of years ago I started with my paternal lines (Orozco, Moreno). Later I found interesting links of this families with the "Familias Alteñas" that were in Nueva Galicia since the times of colonization.
José Miguel Romero de Solís of the Colegio de Colima has published a seminal work with biographies of the earliest settlers of the town of Colima in the 16th Century.
This is more culture related that genealogy related - but la familia is about culture lived in the past and transmitted through the generations.
Hi Daniel,
Thanks for the tip! My grandmother was born in Aguascalientes, AGS but it
turns out she is descended from the Lorenzo Alvarez Tostado line!
I have been unble to place this Ancestry in my database. any info on these
relations would be appreciated. Thank you David Serna
Descendants of Hilario Serna
Generation No. 1
Hola a todos/as:
I too have ancestors in Aguas. Thank you so much for your research!
In a message dated 12/31/2009 1:52:20 P.M.
I have been unble to place this Ancestry in my database. any info on these relations would be appreciated. Thank you David Serna
Descendants of Hilario Serna
Generation No. 1
I have been un able to place these Serna -Lopez Families in my database. Any info on Cirilo, Micaela, Aurelio Serna or this Lopez family would be appreciated.
Descendants of Cirilo Serna
Recently I started my Familytree Maker cleanup of my Alviso/Bejar genealogy trees. I am adding a few things I did not add originally. One is the time of birth.
Hi Paul,
It so happens that keeping a woman inside her home for 40 days is not
unique to the Mexican culture.