Proyecto de Crear Indices en Cooperacion con la Biblioteca de Historia Familiar

Lo siguiente es una traduccion de un mensaje que enviamos en ingles el 9 de octubre y que se ha traducido gracias a la generosidad de nuestro miembro David Delgado.

The following is a translation of a message that was sent out in English on October 9 and which has been translated thanks to the generosity of our member David Delgado.

Announce Digest, Vol 20, Issue 3

I am so excited, I bought the book last week and I will surely be getting it this week or the next.

Best Regards

> From:> Subject: Announce Digest, Vol 20, Issue 3> To:> Date: Wed, 10 Oct 2007 12:10:17 -0700> > Send Announce mailing list submissions to>> > To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit>…> > or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to>> > You can reach the person managing the list at>> > When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific> than "Re: Contents of Announce digest..."> > > Nuestros Ranchos Announce Mailing List> ANNOUNCE DIGEST> ****************************************> > Today's Topics:> > 1. Sources for San Gabriel Valley Families of Nueva Galicia Book> (Rose Hardy)> > > ----------------------------------------------------------------------> > Mes



I found your message interesting. I have been searching for my Reynoso's for many years. My grandfather, Francisco Reynoso o Renteria used to say that the family records could be found in Jalisco. He never talked much about the family in Mexico and when he did he liked to mix truth with untruth. One never knew what could be believed. I have had to find original source records and prove what I believed to be correct. More fun!

Census Indexing Project in Cooperation...

Esther asked how much room the software takes...

FamilySearch Indexing takes up about 20-30 MBs.

There have been a lot of questions about indexing, and I doubt that all can be addressed in the mailing list. If you want to learn more you can visit and click the "Help" tab at the top of the screen. These tutorials will explain a lot about the program in general. Specific instructions will be made available when your pilot project begins. I would recommend that everyone go through lessons 1, 3 & 4 to get a basic understanding of how the program works.

Census Indexing Project in Cooperation with the Family History Library

Dear Nuestros Ranchos Members:

This afternoon, Joseph, Mickey and I had a conference call with Ruth Schirmacher and Lynn Turner of the Family History Library in Salt Lake City where they proposed that Nuestros Ranchos serve as the pilot group to use Family Search's new digital online indexing technology to index Latin American records.

Census Indexing Project in Cooperation with the Family...

Thanks Joseph for recording the conversation, I am such an auditory learner.
I have some questions about being involved as an indexer (not an

1) Where would we get the census and notary records that are being asked for

New Site for Information About Finding Your Ancestors In Mexico

Let me suggest that you visit the "Mexico folder" link below, of a new Family Search (Research Wiki - Beta) page that contains all-around information about finding ancestors in Mexico.

It includes about 50 recent Articles (written this year by LDS family history experts), - - - with descriptive information, links and references with a high quantity of research sources, bibliographies, disertations, monographs, lessons, and other concepts relating to research about ancestries in Mexico.

Santos Coy

I am a descendant of the Juan Caliz also. I descend throught the Arredondos who married Santos COy and the Yslas Palacios of the mining area of Villaldama, Nuevo Leon who also married Santos Coy.

THe dna testing the results posted out on Gary Felix's Genealogy of Mexico website suggest a semitic origin to the family.