Carta abierta a Don Mariano González Leal

Estimado Sr. González:

Disculpe que me dirija a Ud. por este medio, pero tengo entendido que Ud. pertenece al grupo Nuestros Ranchos y no he podido comunicarme con Ud. por otros medios. Traté de eviarle este mismo mensaje hace algunos meses, pero probablemente las direcciones que me dieron no estén actualizadas.

DNA results for surname Castanon

The results for our surname Castanon DNA came back today. They are R1B1, considered European.. What a mix we are when our ancestors are from Mexico! My maternal MTDNA is Native American, Haplogroup A, my mothers Gutierrez line done through her brother came back Eurasian, Haplogroup N and now a European ancestor.. Doing the genealogy also have given me 3 lines of Mulato ancestors in the mid 1600's in Jalisco, Zacatecas and Michoacan.. I am everything Mexico has to offer! Just thought I'd share the results.

Ruiz de Esparza family of Aguascalientes

'The Ruiz de Esparza family is a well-known Basque family that settled in Aguascalientes at the beginning of the Seventeenth Century. The surname Esparza is said to mean one who came from Esparza (a barren place or a place where feather grass grew) in Spain. The word was derived from the Latin sparsus (spread abroad, scattered), probably referring to land that yields little. Esparza is the name of a village near Pamplona in Navarra (Navarre), España (Spain).

Baptism of Twins

I am sorry, I wanted to ask this question when we were discussing naming twins the same name, but I have not have not have time to visit the site lately and missed my chance. I could not find the link about the twins even in the search. So, I have started a new thread.

Valparaiso research

I came across the following site (quite by accident - I was looking for something else) and thought I would post it, although I know not many are researching in this area. It is basically some general information regarding the Valparaiso district, including famous personages. It is a part of "Enciclopedia de los Municipios de Mexico, Estado de Zacatecas".

Dispensation records for Zacatecas

Are there specific films for Zacatecas where the dispensation records that are in La Sagrada Mitra can be found? The book is very expensive and not really available as far as I can find. I would like to know if I can order the films the records are taken from from the LDS history center. I'm interested in the Jerez Zacatecas area's since so many early families intermarried. I've done the marriage information records and hey say when they are related but not who that person was 3 or 4 generations ago who was the trunk.