Thank You Alicia


You are welcome, it is always my pleasure to help out and because I am self taught on the computer, most everything I have learned is by trial and error and believe me there has been much error but every mistake I make allows me to learn something new. If I didn't take the risk and try something, I would not learn something new.

Delgados of Pinos, Zacatecas

Dear Grupo, You guys need to realize and appreciate how truly blessed you are! You have been able to make family connections and share information. Everyday I read every email, even the ones I struggle with in Spanish. Every week I go to my FHC and find absolutely nothing. If it weren't that the only documented family members are in Panuco, Zacatecas, I'd think I'm in the wrong group! I need to share my experience, because I don't want the group to think that I don't care to share or don't work on my genealogy. It's just not happening. If there are any Santelices, Valerramas, Candelas, or Onates from the 19th to 20th century that I could connect with; I'd love to hear from you. Take care and continued success. Alice

zacateca birth records

Hi, Peggy Delgado

I tried getting to you through your e-mail, but couldn't.

I see where you have? birth records from a place in Zacatecas. Where were you able to obtain them? My interest is also in Zacatecas, in San Matias, Pinos, but looks like I have run into a stone wall. Haven't met anyone outhere with the same interest.

Saving and storing records

Like many of you I wish I had known back then what I know now abt saving and citing records.. I am learning from my mistakes and only making new mistakes!

My husband had repeatedly told me to back my files up in a place other than my laptop but I didn't listen so when I turned off my virus scanner and got a worm that wiped out everthing I had entered in the last 6 months I was very depressed.. I had my records from previously backing up 6 months before on a different computer. I lost photo's that I'd taken 2 years collecting from relatives on visits to California and I lost almost 5,000 names. Luckily I did still have the film records so it's been a matter of re-entering them for the past 6 months, a very hard task since I'm not sure what I entered during that time making going over the film notes one by one..


As I went through a few days of emails I noticed questions about the Inquistion I might have some leads for you.
On Sephardic . com the man who hosts the site has cumulated huge book of persons, He used to be very good about e-mailing names in certain locals if he found them in his research. Their are also lists of surnames and how many times in history and it is a good spring board.

Hi David Serna

Hello, I was hoping if you, when you have time if you could look up some things for me on one of the calvillo films you have on infinite loan.

Eugenio Camino & Dolores Martinez
11 Jul 1849
Calvillo, Ags.

New Member Genealogy Listing - Nuevo Listado de Genealogias de Miembros

(Espanol sigue abajo)

Our membership has grown substantially over the last year. We now have over 150 members, and due to Joseph's diligence, we now have genealogies from every member. This made the Members' Genealogy folder listing a bit long and difficult to use so we have decided to split it up into multiple pages and add alphabetical markers on each of the pages. Map from Joseph Puentes

personally respond to messages sent to this address.

The following is a message from Joseph Puentes:
hi John,

I'm guessing that the name was originally Ojo de Agua de Rosales. Here it is on this map. I would place by place do a place search on the site and see which closest location was big enough to support a church.

My Velasco Lines

My Velasco lines that I've traced are Eustacia Velasco born abt. 1830 in Calvillo, Ags. and my other Velasco line is Jose Jesus Velasco born abt. 1820 also in Calvillo.I've found the marriage for Jose Jesus. On IGI, but need to order the film to find his parents.