
Hello Everyone,

I was hoping to find out if anyone has any variation of the aforementioned names in their family history. I have had a challenging time finding information on my mother’s side of the family beyond GG grandfather Ladislao Ansures and a GGG grandfather Ciriaco Ansures. I believe there may be a connection to a sibling Simon, and i think they ultimately resided in Chihuahua. I find the names fascinating, though! Thank you for any information or suggestions!

Hello. Yes, those names are indeed attached to my tree on ancestry, but I haven’t been able to move beyond that.  As I stated above, I am interested in hearing if there are others with those names in their tree as the last name seems a bit unusual.  Forgive me if I wasn’t as specific as I needed to be for those reading the comment.  Thank you, and good luck in your research as well! 

You asked for help yet you didn’t provide any information that could possibly help identify them as a spouse.   Was Ladislao married to Maria de Jesus Chavez?   Was Ciriaco married to Maria del Refugio Jimenez? Was Simon married to a woman surnamed Trujillo?

Good Luck in your research

Rick A. Ricci