
Hello Everyone,

I was hoping to find out if anyone has any variation of the aforementioned names in their family history. I have had a challenging time finding information on my mother’s side of the family beyond GG grandfather Ladislao Ansures and a GGG grandfather Ciriaco Ansures. I believe there may be a connection to a sibling Simon, and i think they ultimately resided in Chihuahua. I find the names fascinating, though! Thank you for any information or suggestions!

Hello. Yes, those names are indeed attached to my tree on ancestry, but I haven’t been able to move beyond that.  As I stated above, I am interested in hearing if there are others with those names in their tree as the last name seems a bit unusual.  Forgive me if I wasn’t as specific as I needed to be for those reading the comment.  Thank you, and good luck in your research as well! 

I took a look at your family tree and added many ancestral branches to your Placencia/ Placencio Gomez ancestors.   Through many of these branches you are my distant cousin and a distant cousin to my wife. 
Rick A. Ricci

You asked for help yet you didn’t provide any information that could possibly help identify them as a spouse.   Was Ladislao married to Maria de Jesus Chavez?   Was Ciriaco married to Maria del Refugio Jimenez? Was Simon married to a woman surnamed Trujillo?

Good Luck in your research

Rick A. Ricci