Jauregui from Nochistlan, Teocaltiche, Mexticacan & Yahualica

Ray Jauregui, Bill Figueroa and John Gonzales,

Thanks to each of you for your replies and your interest in Los Jauregui's from the regions of Los Altos.
We may never know the truth about the Jauregui's and yes it's probably pretty colorful lore about some Don Jauregui, which one? we'll probably never know but to hear these ladies talk you would think they knew firsthand. All I did was listen, I don't have much on the Jauregui's and It will be a long time before I can resume my research while working 45 hours a week plus commute time. I still enjoy reading everyone's postings, especially all the newcomers, welcome all you newbies to Nuestros Ranchos.

Help deciphering Informacion matrimonial

Hi all:

I was hoping someone could take a look at the informacion matrimonial for my great grandfather's marriage to his first wife. Specifically, there's one word that I can't make out under the "Consentimento" part. I'm hoping someone on this listserve has come across similar language.

The line says: "En el curato de Tlaltenango a los cinco dias del mes de Febrero de mil noveicientos tres ante mi el Presbitero Don Jose de Jesus Robles, Cura de esta parroquia comparecieron Pedro Pinedo y Maria Natividad Godoy madre de la _______________ y ambos dijeron que sus expresados hijos..."