Spanish Inquisition and Conversos
Some interesting info:
By David M.
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Some interesting info:
By David M.
I hope to attend. Getting details now.
Alguno de ustedes tiene informacion acerca de Diego Zermeño(Sermeño)quien fue depositario del ayuntaminto de Santa Maria de Los Lagos, en 1683 *, mismo tiempo en que fueron regidores Juan Vazquez de
Angelina Markle has generously donated her time and talent to transcribe and transliterate the census of the 500 Tlaxcalan families that went to Jalisco, Zacatecas and San Luis Potosi in 1591.
This is my first time using this site. BuenaVentura Rojas was born in Cueva Grande Valle de Valpariso Zacatecas. Ventura was born about 1880 and married Leandra Betancourt on 1902.
I will be presenting at the Milpitas conference on March 6 at the Sheraton Hotel. Will you be there?
Jose de Leon Brito was a "vecino of Zacatecas and a retail merchant." After the death of his wife, Antonia Ursula Duran, and on the request of his mother in law Polonia, on 3 May 1679 he left money t
Alguien tiene familias Romo de Vivar en Zacatecas entre los años 1800 y 1850?
Humberto Pro
Nombres encontrados en actas:
Acta de matrimonio juzgado 1 año 1917 libro 492 foja 107
México, D.F. 14 de nov. De 1917
Adalberto Perez Lete originario de Zacatecas de 42 años viudo
First off, Francisco Esparsa (est. 1828) married Maria de la Luz Avila. There marriage should of happened during late 1840's-early and mid 1850's. Next Matiana Esparsa married Pablo Vasquez during the 1850's.
The following is from the May 11, 1845, baptism of Juana Serna, Rancho Agostadero, Calvillo, Ags. Baptism book 13, page 119, entry no. 164, IMAGE NO. 21 OF 145.
I'm looking on any information on Manuel Caudillo who lived in Aguascalientes in 1963. This was the last time we were there. He had childrenbut can't remember there names.
Probably most of you know about Google street view by now. This company already photographed most of the streets in the United States and now has gone international.
Hola amigos, alguien de ustedes tiene información acerca de los ancestros de las siguientes parejas:
Nicolás Álvarez de la Cruz, cónyuge de Juana de Estrada, quienes debieron vivir en Ay
The persons above are my maternal 5th Great Grandparents. They were married 08 Nov 1761 in Teocaltiche, Jalisco (Nuestra Senora de los Dolores). I have found 1 child, Franciso born about 1757.
Yo tiengo
Martin Ochoa-de-Elizalde cc Maria Navarro-Rodriguez
Salvador Ochoa-de-Elizalde cc Catalina de-la-Garza-Falcon
Juana de Ochoa-Ruelas cc Andres Gonzalez-Quintanilla
Juana nacio
Espanol sigue abajo.
With all of the new membership, it is worth repeating some basic guidlines that we would like members to follow when posting messages to the Nuestros Ranchos forums:
Beatriz Lopez-de-Elizalde is the daughter of Don Juan Lopez-de-Elizalde-y-Aberruza
and Dona Leonor Becerra-y-Sanchez-de-Mendoza
John Inclan
From: "resear
Hello everyone,
It is time to introduce myself. My name is Saul Navarro and I have been researching my family tree for half a year.
If there is anybody out there who has some spare time and is comfortable using the Nuestros Ranchos site and knows how to use the screen print function and basic image editing software, we could reall
Hola soy Isabel,
I've updated my folder by adding my Muro Roots from the Sauz de los
Marquez, Jalisco area:
Joseph Puentes
Hola a todos los miembros de nuestros ranchos, me gustaria saber si ustedes tienen conocimiento de este matrimonio ya que no e podido encotrar nada, agradecere mucho si alguien me puede ayudar
Nestor Soto o Zoto 1866-1938
Demetria Macias 18??-1971
Fidel Ramos ????-????
Maria Vega ????-????
Maurilio Gomez ????-1984
Jesus Ordorica Olmos 1904?- 1941