ESPERANZA VILLARREAL, I am looking for the Villareal family members from Zacatecas going north to Chihuahua or Coahulia. My ancestor Juana Villarreal was from Jalpa, Zac. born about 1877 daugther of Juan Villarreal and Dionisia Salas. I wonder if you have some information about them and who are your ancestors in the Villarreal line. I could not see your file here al Nuestros Ranchos.

Libro Reservado

Since there were "Libro Reservado" and "hijo natural" entries contained within the same book (some on the same page), I would be enclined to believe that the lLibro Reservado obviously refers to the "secret rape and incest" entries. However, there were SO MANY. Honestly, I'd run across one every couple of pages. Could it also be that the children born out of wedlock to lower socio-econmic "commonlaw" couples and single women were simply referred to as hijos naturales, as we see the names of the mother/parents and the abuelos listed and therefore made public. While a child born out of wedlock to upper society, whether as a result of an extra marital affair or both unmarried persons, but of different socio-economic society or races, whose family would want to keep the resulting child a secret. I guess I'd hate to think there was that much incest or rape within one city every year.

Fw: January 2009 meeting

Rosa and anyone else interested in attending the Northern California meeting of the Nueva Galicia Genealogical Society.

Below is the meeting information, where and when.
The Raleys supermarket has a meeting room that can be used for non-profit meetings. You can't bring any food from the outside. Anything to be consumed can be purchased at the Raleys Supermarket

Shocking Dispensa!

Hello All! I came to a shocking find, I though all dispensas in Luz Montejano's book were supposed to get married after but not one for one of my ancestral tíos.
Felipe Alonso de los Hinojos (great grandson of the famous Lope Ruiz de Esparza) and Agueda de Estrada (great great grandaughter of the famous Lope Ruiz de Esparza). They presented their info (case or dispensa and was reviewed in 19 Aug 1700 in Villanueva.They weren't that bad third cousins sounds way farther than cousins, but the dispensa was nulled because some one leaked out info that Felipe had sexual relations with his soon-tobe wife Agued's maternal side tías (his second cousin, not sure which tía there's only Leonor, María or Nicolasa de Villagrán y Ulloa, great grandchildren of Lope. Just thought to share this info. Dispensas can get very scary but very curious and leaves you wondering in surprise or SHOCK!

libro recervado

Dear Group, Today while researching the 1856 Aguascalientes bautiso records, I kept coming across entries that read, "los nombres de sus padres, abuelos paternos y maternos se hallan el libro recervado". These were in addition to the usual "hijo natural" entries in the same book. What does these libro recervado entries refer to? Thanks so much, Alice BB

Alviso, Ledesma, and Jauregui Orphans in spreadsheet format from files of Maureen Bejar

The above is the link for my spreadsheets as promised on the families that I have extracted, but not linked to my research. These families include Alviso, Ledesma and Jauregui. Although these spreadsheets are not referenced, I do have dates and places noted and other information and will be happy and able to give anyone interested the number of the film that they may be found or in many cases, an actual scan of the document. Just contact me, however, I will be unavailable and offline for the month of February and will be back March 4th. The next two weeks are pretty free as we are having a blizzard and we are basically snowed in!!!! It will take Manny and I at least a day of digging to get us out and that is with a plow.

Salvador Gutierrez and Gertrudis de Vera

I have not been actively researching for some time now, but recently I came across a long-lost cousin of mine who found her father in my genealogy database online and we have reconnected. Her father left Mexico as a young man during the Mexican revolution, with a handful of photos of his family, expecting never to see them again.

Navarro en Ayo el Chico...

Domingo, 11 Jan 2009


Mi esposo, Ramon Godinez, esta registrado en Atotonilco el Alto pero nacio en Santa Rita, Ayo el Chico (Ayotlan). Tengo mas que 30 anos buscando sus antipasados. Mi major experencia es en los ranchos de Atotonilco el Alto. Pero si tengo algunas de sus lines en partes de La Barca, Ocotlan, y Nochistlan. Tengo algo de Tepatitlan pero los registros de Tepatitlan no son tan faciles a leer como lo de mas.