IGI marriage records

Just a simple question.

I understand that the present method probably is quicker and saves time for the original document-recorder person in 99% of the time; but WHY does that person (who creates these documents) NOT bother to include the names of the parents of the newlyweds ???? If the parent's names are not on the record or illegible, that can be noted on the IGI just as easily.

Los Castellanos de Tepatitlán y Ocotlán.

Alguien tiene información de Ana María Castellanos, mujer de Anastasio Arias Maldonado, que debió nacer aprox. en 1720 en Tepatitlán u Ocotlán. Ellos tuvieron una hijo llamado Antonio Matías Arias Maldonado que casó con María Lugarda Gutiérrez Galindo.

Martinez, Aguilar, Macias, D'avila 1800+

I am looking for any info on these names: Martinez, Aguilar, Macias and D'avila from the 1800 + The areas are Ojuelos, Jalisco, Pinos, Zacatecas, and Aguascaliente.

Thank you.

Estoy buscando cual quer informacion sobre estos nombres: Martinez, Aguilar, Macias y D'avila de 1800+.

Yanez del Monte

I found a mistake in my tree and I was hoping that someone could correct it.

Juan Yanez del Monte and Lorenzo Yanez del Monte are half brothers because they have the same father but different mothers. This is very clearly stated that they had different mothers. My problem is that I do not know which of the two is the son of Geronima Benavides. I have both of them listed. which one should not be there?

Yanez del Monte and Perestoriello

I cannot answer for that claim of Alonso Perestorello since I have questioned it from the beginning. They seemed to get started on that route with the mistake that it is two last names written as Peres Torello. It may have orginated that way many years before but I doubt it. The Perstorello family name was originally Pallestrelli in Genoa.

Steve Apodaca and Francisco Sevilla....... news

Thank you for the information about Mr. Mariano´s Book. Wish the best for him and a good recovering since the surgery.

Steve y Francisco:

Les mandio un caluroso saludo desde Vallarta y les comento lo siguiente.... En estos dias he estado revisando todas las paginas del Censo de Poblacion de Mexico de 1930, especificamente de Santa Catarina, y me encontre ahi unos Sevilla y unos Apodaca. Fue inevitable recordarlos a ustedes claro, y además, vi unos de apellido MORGUITA. No recuerdo quien de los dos estaba buscando a esta familia (creo que Francisco si mal no recuerdo) y segun yo guarde las paginas para mandarselas a ustedes. pero cuando cerre el programa trate de ver los archivos que guarde con esa informacion y resulto que no son compatibles. Tengo que buscar la manera de poderselos mandar y que los vean si estan interesados. Solo necesito saber si les interesa tenerlos o si ya los vieron o ya los tienen.

Mariano Gonzales-Leal's new books

Mariano is still working on the next 7 volumes....about 1000 pages per book according to historian Nicolas Anda de Sanchez. Mariano had surgery a few weeks ago and is aiming for a book release around May or June of this year. My cousin is good friends with Nicolas, and Nicolas had spoken with Mariano.

Libro "Retoños de España en la Nueva Galicia Vol. III "

Alguien en el grupo sabe si ya salió la última publicación del libro del Sr. Mariano Gonzalez Leal Vol. III ? O si hay alguna fecha para tal venta?

Viuda and Soltera

Can the terms "viuda" (widow) and "soltera" (spinster, or single woman) be used interchanged? That is, could "soltera" describe a women who is actually a widow?

I have a 1739 death record from Aguascalientes for Josepha Rodrigues where "soltera" is used. Her parents are named, but there is no other information. I also have what may be her husband's (Salvador Ponse) death record from 1738, where it states that he is married to Josepha Rodrigues.

Don y Doña

Perdoneme Rodolfo pero la etimologia de Don , NO es de las siglas De Origen Noble. De acuerdo al Diccionario de la Real Academia Española, viene de el Latin dominus (proprietario o señor). De acuerdo con la Enciclopedia Britanica, en la epoca romana se utilizaba dominus para el dueño de propriedad y esclavos. Fue de echo el emperador Diocleciano (284 to 305 DC) el primero en utilizarlo y sus sucesores fueron conocidos como dominate ( dominatus ).

Family skeletons

Hello Alicia,
Don't know if you remember me, but I met you when I hosted the first So. Cal meeting of Rancho members in my home.  I haven't been able to devote much time to my genealogy searches lately but I try to keep up with the group by reading the postings.  I found your question a very valid one.  I first started by searching my maternal ancestry in 1970.  From the time II was very small my maternal grandmother would often speak of her early days in Mexico.  As a young adult I would often stop by her house after work and she would tell me stories of days passed.  It was then that my interest in my ancestry began.  As the years passed and I began asking questions of my aunts I came across some resistance from a few of the elder aunts.  I thought this very odd since my grandmother had been very candid with me when she spoke of her life.  In fact eight days before her death a video was made of my grandmother as she told her story.  At the age of 92 she