General Digest, Vol 33, Issue 15

Veronica & Rosalinda:

as I mentioned before, my Ureña beguins with Cornelia Cipriana Ureña b: 16 sept 1803 in Rancho de los Ureña, Zacolaco de Torres, Jalisco. She has siblings and descendants for her brothers to actual dates. But the line goes back to:

Llanos Y Valdez / Llanos Y Valdes information?

So after a long grace period away from this, I decided to run a search and see what comes up and I found 2 things of promise. Problem is, they are very vague mentions in the posts that came up.

Does anyone know much of the surname Llanos Y Valdez(also spelt Llanos Y Valdes) and its connection to the surname Rivas? If there is information on the family itself in terms of a history, thats what I'd prefer to know. It was mentioned they are "old families", so, I'm guessing there is a lot behind these.

Question about Church Records

When I read the old church records I am curious about for instance marriages. It shows witnesses but usually says something like: testigos de edad or mayores de edad. What does that mean? Also, they seem to show grandparents names, listed as AP or AM and I assume that stands for Abuelos Paternos or maternal?

Apodaca´s charts

Steve Apodaca: Thanks for wrighting back. Answering your question.... no, I grew up in Guadalajara, but my mom was born and grew in Atotonilco El Bajo as well as my grandmother and all her family and ancestors. I visited 1000s of times the town and have lovely memories about it till now. I know the area very well, all the surroundings as Estipac, Villacorona, Cocula, Zacolaco, Sta Catarina and some others as Sayula, Las Barrancas, Acatlan, Ameca, etc. My mom and grandmother (still alive) told me many stories about these places and the way life was many years ago. I do have some stories written and it´s very interesting. About the Apodaca lines in my page, I don´t understand why they didn´t appear, I´m fixing that now. But anyway I remember y sent you the attachments with all this information and answered a previous mail. No matter what, I´ll send it again, ok? Actually I asked you for the information you have that I don't to complete all the family siblings..... Wait for your news. Wright back soon PS: Attached you´ll find the Apodaca files I have. Best regardsLIC. ALESSANDRO VITELA

Juan de Padilla Davila? Delgadillo? horro?

Hello everyone,
Back in Galveston after Ike, attempting to do a little genealogical research. I have been inspecting carefully the marriage record of Juan de Padilla and Petronila de Siordia (Thanks, Connie for the copy). Although as Connie mentioned, the copy is not good, I was able to digitally enhance it, and I am convinced that neither 'Davila' (suggested by Daniel) nor 'Delgadillo' (suggested by Connie) appear in the document after "Juan de Padilla". Instead, in my opinion it reads 'herro' or 'horro' -Note that at the time the letter 'h' was written more like a "S", thus in not uncommon to find transcriptions of surnames as 'Hinojosa' as 'Sinojosa'. I tried several searches for Herro (a Basque surname) in the "Catalogo de Pasajeros de Indias" en PARES, given that Juan is identified as 'Natural de Xerez' (Thus, Jerez de la Frontera, Spain). No matches. I entered 'Horro', and I found numerous records, all of them as far I could tell, linked to the racial descriptions of black (negros, de color loro) followed by the qualification of their status as freedmen (horro=slave that was set free). The complete description generally reads 'horro, libre'.

NAME YOUR PRICE: Retoños de España en la Nueva Galicia -Tomo II, III & IV (Volumes 2-4)

Hi all. I am shopping around to complete the set. I managed to find a copy of Volume One, but want the entire set.

If you have this set and are interested in selling it--just NAME YOUR PRICE.

Franco de Paredes -Att:Jose MariaVallejo

Hola Jose , gracias ,lo que me confundio fue de tu primera e-mail hablado de los Peres y sus esposas. Cuendo mencionaste Juan Gonzalez de Hermosillo y su esposa me perdi. Ya tenia la informacion de Los hijos de Juan Gonzalez de Hermosillo,no mas la falta de comprender el espanol bien. Bueno una pregunta, dices que Ignacio de La Cueva y Rebollar y su esposa Tomasina Franco de Paredes comensaron la Rama de Franco de La Cueva, que son los hijos porque tengo unos ante pasados que se llamaban Juan Franco de La Cueva(nacio 1648 en Tepatitlan) casado con Maria Gutierrez de Hermosillo(nacio 1652) en 1673 en Jalostotitlan. Hay chansa que Juan es hijo de Ignacio de la Cueva ?

Familia Alteña-Franco de Paredes, Pérez y Franco, Pérez de Paredes

I came across a board on and other webpages from google that say these three families are somehow related but never mention exactly how. I do know that Pérez y Franco and Pérez de Paredes are related becuase the couple of Silão, Gto.

signing off

I have thoroughly enjoyed my time in this great group, but it is time for me to move in another direction. I met great people on this site, and heard great stories, tales, etc. and enjoyed people talking about finding new "primos", etc. However, my search takes me back to a much later date than most of the ones on the site. I am actually envious of the many people that go back and forth to see and visit the land of their ancestors. Wish I could do that too, but mine left generations ago to Northern Mexico and then into South Texas, that everyone lost track of the people left behind.

Research Digest, Vol 33, Issue 14- Jalpa, Zacatecas

Daniel Mendez del Camino


I will appreciate any more information you can post about Jalpa, Zacatecas. I have a relative born there (Juana Caro-Esquivel, b. 20 Nov 1912) for whom I have nothing else other than her parents names (F: Leonides Caro Fraire, M: Maria-Luisa Esquivel-Gonzalez). I believe they were from Las Paradas or La Parada, Zacatecas. Is there any local history you can post about Jalpa?


Alessandro/Amerila , I didn't forget about you. Actually the records I have
from Jalpa are from 1884 to 1903. There are definitely Vitelas and Macias in
Jalpa. Wish I could be of more help.

Amelia if you say your grandmotehr died in 1960, then that is fairly recent

Tomas Villalobos

Hello to all , my ggrandfather Tomas Villalobos was married to my ggrandmother Carmen De Los Santos (we think this was her name ) she died in child birth with my grandmother Jacoba (1901)who married my grandfather Jose Olivar, I am looking for any help with this as I have no information on the Villalobos side of my family.

Busco parientes RODRIGUEZ de San Miguel el Alto y Santa Maria del Valle

Hola primos altenos, quisiera saber si entre alguno de ustedes existe algun ancestro RODRIGUEZ de SAN MIGUEL EL ALTO, en especial de los ranchos de EL ASTILLERO, EL BUCHE, LAS PRESITAS o LOS CHARCOS. Al parecer, todos estas localidades se encuentran cerca de lo que hoy se llama SANTA MARIA DEL VALLE, municipio San Miguel el Alto y tambien de Arandas.

I couldn't have done it without my primos' help at NuestrosRanchos

Following the principle of documenting each generation and looking for "who's your daddy's, daddy's, daddy's, daddy's, etc.",

I've discovered and documented 18 generations and bridged it to Spain. When in doubt, I ordered the microfilm of Mexico's church records of baptismsm, marriages, and public records to verify my research.