Extended Family Integration Among Euro and Mexican Americans--

Claudia-----I think the link I sent didn't work because it is from a group list of articles from scholarly journals that is sent to me (I subscribed for it). Here is the page that was sent to me. Maybe if you search for it you can subscribe. This article was free, but some I have to pay for. I will try to send the PDF file to your e-mail account. Sorry about that.

Un comentario para Daniel Méndez

Hola, Daniel:

Me alegro de que seas español pues así no tendrás ningún problema porque me dirija a ti en tu lengua materna, esta bella lengua española. En principio, tienes mucha razón: en México existe racismo. No a nivel oficial, en ningún documento encontrarás que tengas que anotar la “raza” de nadie, pero sí como un pesado atavismo que nos dejó el eurocentrismo desde la época colonial. Un atavismo que afecta muchas relaciones informales y no pocas formales, aunque nadie estaría dispuesto a confesarlo. Si tú no conoces el país y ves la televisión mexicana, por ejemplo, pensarás que en México hay un elevado porcentaje de la población con ojos claros. No es un problema exclusivamente mexicano, lo verás en general en Latinoamérica. Los comerciales de la televisión peruana, como otro ejemplo, te harían pensar que la población del Perú es muy similar a la de Dinamarca. Asimismo en Colombia, donde hay un elevado porcentaje de población negra. Si tú ves un comercial de la televisión colombiana no habrá un negro pero ni pasando por allá lejos. En cambio, como paradoja, observa a los jugadores de la Selección Colombiana de Fútbol.

Manorial System (similar to Encomienda)

Hola amigos de Nuestros Ranchos,

on the 15th of this month we will go again to the homeland of my family to preside among others an international competition of high school students in history from Poland, the Czech Republic and Germany. The title will be: "Silesian Castles and Palaces". The event will take place at Schloss Tannhausen http://www.jedlinka.pl/ . I will represent the family Boehm, owners until the end of Wold War II in 1945.

Mexican-American Family Integration

In light of recent discussions on this site about ethnicity in Mexico, here is an interesting article titled "Extended Family Integration Among Euro and Mexican Americans: Ethnicity, Gender, Class" that I thought might be interesting to those of us in the US with Euro and Mexican ancestors. (Requires PDF reader).

Bienvenido Víctor.


Lo que yo sugiero es que vayas al Centro de La Historia Familiar mas cercana. Alli puedes pedir el microfilm de los matrimonios en Encarnacion para los anyos 1871-1900. Recuerda que no todos los microfilmes tienen un indice correspondiente. Luego puedes leer el micro y estudiar el informe. Tardan mucho los filmes para llegar pero vale la pena. Especialmente en tu situacion.

San Juan De Los Lagos: Francisco Diaz/Maria deSan Jose Gutierres

Joseph, I have both, Gutierrez and Dias in my mother's side of the family; however, they are from Ocotlan and surrounding areas. I was just curious if San Juan de Los Lagos was close to Guadalajara, if so we could have a connection at some point.

San Juan De Los Lagos: Francisco Diaz/Maria de San Jose Gutierres

I guess I don't really need the actual record but would like to know if anyone in the group might have this couple in their database AND more importantly if you know Francisco's parents:


Saint Cristobal Magallanes Jara's relatives in Peoria, Illinois

I wanted to share the fact that I was recently contacted by a priest in the Peoria, Illinois diocese for some help confirming the relationship of some men in the diocese to Saint Cristobal Magallanes Jara. He had found my database online and I was able to trace the men's mother's ancestry back to a shared common root to the Saint. Father Jared was kind enough to mention me in his article in the Catholic Post.

Inundaciones en Tlaltenango - Floods in Tlaltenango

Por si acaso no habian escuchado de esto... la gente en la tierra de nuestros ancestros esta sufriendo de los efectos de las lluvias e inundaciones.

In case you had not heard about this... the people in the land of our ancestors are suffering due to heavy rains and flooding.


Does anyone know how I can obtain information about this rancho. "EL PAPELOTE EN JALISCO"? I have tried looking it up on the internet and found nothing at all. No census or if it even exists? Can anyone tell something about it or at least guide me. My paternal grandmother was from this rancho and I can't find anything on her either. Her name CAMILA ESTRADA born abt. 1894 passed away around 1937. I wonder if San Juan de Los Lagos would be a place to find some kind of documents on her.


Hi Anita--

I've been working on an extensive Banuelos family tree from Ranchos Las Bocas, located close to Huejucar (not too far from Tepetongo and Juanchorrey). I did not locate the names you mentioned in my tree, but I suspect that your Banuelos branch is related to mine.