Obtaining a batch number through the LDS Family History Center

Hello All,

There is a batch number listing on microfiche that is called "Parish and Vital Records List". The copy I have has the date July 1998.(I only copied a portion of the film I needed). I believe that is the last time the LDS church put it out before becoming computerized. Before computers the IGI was on Microfiche....and most family history centers keep on file the old fiche.

Roberto Garcia Michel -- new member

Hello everyone:

I've been a member for about two weeks. In going through some old pictures, I decided to get serious about charting out my family history, and through good ole Google, came across this Web site. In going through old pictures my late parents left me, I also found a typed family history of the paternal side of my family, which is from Ejutla, Jalisco.

Obtaining access to films


The films listed in the database are all available through the Church of Latter Day Saints and you can order them at any one of their family history centers located throughout the US and the world for a nominal fee of $5.50. Some films are on permanent loan to group members and those who are willing to do ad hoc lookups for other members have listed their names next to the corresponding films.

Researching Acevedo's and De La Vega in Tepetongo, Zacatecas.

My ggggrandfather was named Juan Jose Acevedo or (de Asevedo), he had

3 sons, Jose Toribio born @ 1773, Jose Maria born @ 1785, and Bernardo born

about 1787, I found all 3 marriage records for them but could not find their birth

Nieves Martinez Robles Family of Aguascalientes

Does anyone have a family line that taps into this one? I am afraid there is not mich info, which is why I came to this site. I hope to find others who have relatives in common and that we can share information. I am not even sure this is the place to post this, but here goes! This is my addition to the database:

Tomas Xaques

I need help researching a Tomas Xaques(Jaques, Jaquez). He was from Sombrerete , Zacatecas .
He married in 1679 in San Juan del Rio, Durango. So I estimate he was born about 1654.
The baptismal records there begin at 1679 and the matrimonies at 1695 so they are not much use.