Attention Maria Elena Cortez--MANUEL GOMEZ

Hola Maria Elena,My name is Ronnie Reynoso from Claremont,Calif. My Granndparents are from Los Altos de Jalisco(San Julian ,Jalisco) about 15 minutes from San Miguel el Alto.I checked your file and noticed you have alot of the same family lines> I was checking Prima Irma Gomez Lucero file on MANUEL GOMEZ-my question is is at the bottom letter to Irma . She wrote back recommended I ask you .Irma doesn't recall her source concerning Juana Mendoza 's children 's spouses. I was wondering what is correct.


Thank you so much for the information, my Juan Jose Acevedo was married to Manuela de la Vega; since the only records are their sons marriages, I think they must have married between 1750 and 1773, as their first son was born in 1773. His name was Jose Torribio. I appreciate your information is Tlatenango close to Tepetongo?

New book by Nicolas de Anda Sanchez regarding Teocaltiche, Jalisco

Nicolas has just published his latest book "Historia de Teocaltiche Pueblo de La Region Caxcana Nueva Galicia-Zona de Los Altos de Jalisco". This book covers the history of area as well as naming well known families in the Teocaltiche area.

End of year progress report

Sounds like a report card, doesn't it.
I can't believe that it is the 2nd of December - already ... where has the time gone??

Well - this is a kind of report card on what I managed to get done in genealogy research. At the beginning of the year I set some goals for my Zacatecas research. I read many films, but the truth is that I didn't find all the information I had set as my goal. Anyway - here is a listing of the films I went through - most did not have indices, which means having to have read them page by page (zzzzz - my eyes got mighty heavy): (NOTE - all are films of Zacatecas)

Mexican Census

I hope somebody can answer this for me. I remember that, a long time ago, on the Yahoo Ranchos group, I downloaded a file that had the results of the INEGI Mexican census for the states of Aguascalientes, Jalisco, and Zacatecas. Later on, I think it was on Jonathan Walker's cd, I saw the complete review for all the states. It included the reported population on every single municipio and every single city, town and rancho in the whole country. Does anybody know where can I find this file? It was in Adobe format.

Gaps in Death records

I receive a newsletter weekly from Pat Gooldy of Ye Olde Genealogy Shoppe. The following is an excerpt from her latest newsletter that I thought I should share with the group.


I belong to an online newsletter called "Librarians Serving Genealogists", which comes out daily with interesting information and inquiries. It is a free newsletter and, although anyone can join it, it is aimed mostly at genealogical librarians. The general public will find the information of limited use. They do not answer research questions from the general public. Recent inquiries and answers concern how to give a lecture on the services offered by (and differences) between Ancestry.Com and ProQuest, what services and materials area are needed when setting up a new genealogy library, how to interact more with the public etc.

Pablo Macias' Grandparents

Thank you! My brother spent years looking into my mom's side of the family. I know it was a lot of work. This is excellent advice. I will pursue it. I know that this type of research requires verification after verification. If, Librada, Pabla & Porfirio were aunts & uncle to my grandfather, then I may be seeing where my grandfather's name came from. But, I don't want to jump to conclusions, so I need to get the records you referenced. I appreciate your help. Thanks.

Macias from Ayo El Chico...... Surnames Macias/ Gusman/ Jacinta/ Jacinto/ Marques/ Lopez

I am researching my grandfathers branch of the family tree. I have considerable oral information. Enough to get started at least. Here is what I know of my grandfather. His name was Pablo Macias.

Familias de Juchipila, Zac antes del 1800

Buenas tardes a todos!

Este es mi primer post y me da mucho gusto finalmente formar parte de Nuestros Ranchos. Tengo casi 10 an~os trabajando en el arbol genealogico y ya tengo como 1500 personas en el. Es muy interesante ver como todo mundo en Nuestros Ranchos es "familia" de un modo u otro. Mis familias incluyen: de Moctezuma, Hermosillo, Gutierrez de Hermosillo, Gonzalez de Hermosillo, Ruiz de Esparza, Romo, Romo del Vivar, Enriquez, Gomez, Munoz de la Barba, Ramirez de Mendoza, Samaniego, Soria, Reynoso etc etc

Visit to Guadalajara Archives

I just returned last night from a visit to my parents' home in Mexico and had the pleasure of spending a couple of days in the archives in Guadalajara with the town historian (cronista) of Totatiche, Esteban Valdes Salazar. We visited the Biblioteca Publica del Estado as well as the Archivo Historico del Estado de Jalisco.

Archivos Pares

I need help, since everyone know that I descend from Don Juan del Camino, hidalgo who was the preseident de la audencia and grandchild of Juan Camino, a hidalgo who was the register and conquistador had a coat of arms. I would love to see my families coat of arms. Finally a line with proof and evidence with coat of arms its a fun breakthrough! I got hte coat of arms from Pares but cant seem to see it. Its sys its microfilmed. I want to know the microfilm number can someone point it out. Here is all the info. The family line currently ends at Juan I Camino's father who is Garcia del Camino, hidalgo born around

Se abre la Convocatoria al Concurso “Historias de Migrantes”

Se abre la Convocatoria al Concurso “Historias de Migrantes”

A partir del 15 de noviembre y hasta el 15 de febrero de 2008 estará abierta la convocatoria al segundo concurso de narrativa “Historias de Migrantes”.