Railroad Retirement Board



I found this online. It is confusing to me. They say that information is available under the Freedom of Information Act, but information is not given regarding individuals. Does that mean that if I asked them for information regarding my father's employment there, that they couldn't give it to me? My father did not get the RR retirement since he only worked there a short time. He worked for Westinghouse in California under regular Social Security before he passed away. I see that Ancestry.com has some RRB records, but I haven't checked them out yet. I guess only those that got RR retirement would be listed there.

We are the Mitchells I am Irma Romo Mitchell Dave's wife

My name is Irma Romo Mitchell. My husband and I have just recently become Nuestros Members. My husband is the geneology guru. I just happen to be his Hispanic / Mexican American wife - maiden named Romo from the Romo De Vivar from Spain then Mexico.

Before Flying to Zacatecas

Unfortunately for Mercedes and for anyone else doing research in Jalpa, Jalpa's records are very skimpy, probably lost during wars, fires and civil unrest but some of the other municipalities that are nearby (might) have some records for Jalpa. In my research primarily for Nochistlan but also in Jalpa I have found some of Jalpa's records in with Nochistlan, not many......................and Arturo is correct, the best place to do your research is through the family history centers, going to the town you might get some oral history but you won't get much in terms of birth, baptism or marriage records unless you have exact names with the exact birth, baptism or marriage dates.

Tierras Y Aguas Collection


Thanks for posting the samples from the Indice (#0269867).

Just from browsing the scans you put up, I found several of the surnames in my husband's ancestry.

So, how do you know which subsequent film to order, since the indice only has a number and name for the fundacion [?], and the name of the agraciado [?], but no date of the land grant.

Carta abierta a Don Mariano González Leal

Estimado Sr. González:

Disculpe que me dirija a Ud. por este medio, pero tengo entendido que Ud. pertenece al grupo Nuestros Ranchos y no he podido comunicarme con Ud. por otros medios. Traté de eviarle este mismo mensaje hace algunos meses, pero probablemente las direcciones que me dieron no estén actualizadas.

DNA results for surname Castanon

The results for our surname Castanon DNA came back today. They are R1B1, considered European.. What a mix we are when our ancestors are from Mexico! My maternal MTDNA is Native American, Haplogroup A, my mothers Gutierrez line done through her brother came back Eurasian, Haplogroup N and now a European ancestor.. Doing the genealogy also have given me 3 lines of Mulato ancestors in the mid 1600's in Jalisco, Zacatecas and Michoacan.. I am everything Mexico has to offer! Just thought I'd share the results.

Manuel Elijio Arispe Esparza de Saltillo, Coahuilla, Mexico

Mis ancestros eran Domingo Saldana Garcia Esparza married (caso con)Gertrudes de los Santos Arispe en Saltillo, Sagrario Metropolitano, Coahuilla, Mexico

El hijo...their son was Manuel Elijio Arispe Esparza de Saltillo, Coahuilla, Mexico caso con

Ruiz de Esparza family of Aguascalientes

'The Ruiz de Esparza family is a well-known Basque family that settled in Aguascalientes at the beginning of the Seventeenth Century. The surname Esparza is said to mean one who came from Esparza (a barren place or a place where feather grass grew) in Spain. The word was derived from the Latin sparsus (spread abroad, scattered), probably referring to land that yields little. Esparza is the name of a village near Pamplona in Navarra (Navarre), España (Spain).