Translation of Legend of the Yegua Rusa

Hi Corrine ,

My name is Welester G. Alvarado and Im trying to trace my family from Villa de Santiago Nuevo Leon back through Saltillo , Coahuila to Zacatecas . Any way the reason for this mail is to share with you a common thing in those times . My family starting with my father and going backwards were all white with blue or grey violete eyes and blond hair . This was I suppose the spanish in them . A lot of the mixed or mistizos alos had these looks .

seeking info

I'd like to hear from anyone who might have info on this family. I believe that Victor must have been the son of Charles Francis Delmas - am I right? Below is all I know.

Victor Delmas married Concepcion Sandoval about 22 June 1868 in El Sagrario or Santo Domingo, Zacatecas, Zacatecas, Mexico. Two daughters are known: Ma. Soledad, christened (same place as above) 27 March 1869; and Ma. Guadalupe, christened 12 June 1871. Soledad married David Diaz de Leon 16 February 1885 (same place as above).

Disappearing Member Genealogy File Folders

A number of members have written about their member genealogies folders going missing after updating them. I apologize for the glitch. It appears that due to a change we made to the site when file folders were being updated, they were being taken out of the "Member Genealogy" category and therefore no longer appearing in the file folder listing. However, the folders are still all there and we have restored those of which we have been made aware we have to their correct place. We have also fixed the glitch so this should no longer happen in the future.

Quien era Bernardo Salado...???

Un saludo a todos los compañeros del grupo. Mi nombre es Guillermo Figueroa Strecker. Soy nuevo en NuestrosRanchos, aunque ya tengo varios años de venir trabajando en mi genealogía. Siguiendo la línea que va de mi tatarabuela María del Refugio Ruiz de Esparza hasta llegar a Lope Ruiz de Esparza (uno de los primeros pobladores de Aguascalientes) he llegado a familiarizarme con un gran número de personas que vivieron no solo en Aguascalientes, sino en muchos otros pueblos y villas de los Altos de Jalisco y Zacatecas. Todas ellas figuran en mi base de datos, que cuenta con más de 5,000 personas. Como todos sabemos, Aguascalientes ocupó un lugar estratégico en el "Camino de la Plata" durante los siglos 17 y 18, ya que quedaba en la ruta por la que se transportaba ese precioso metal desde las minas de Zacatecas hasta la capital del reino. Empezé buscando a los padres de mi tatarabuela María del Refugio Ruiz de Esparza, y poco a poco fuí encontrando a sus abuelos, bisabuelos, tatarabuelos, etc. etc., tanto en registros parroquiales de Aguascalientes como en los de otras poblaciones cercanas. De esa forma llegué a encontrar a mis octavos bisabuelos Lope Ruiz de Esparza y Ana Francisca Gabai de Moctezuma. Aunque parezca lo contrario, fue difícil encontrar a los padres de mi cuarto bisabuelo Vicente Ruiz de Esparza, ya que yo buscaba a su madre bajo el nombre Josepha de Ulloa, cuando en realidad su nombre completo era Josepha de Iñiguez y Ulloa. De aquí que en algunos registros aparezca su nombre como Josepha de Ulloa y en otros como Josepha de Iñiguez. El enlace para ver mi genealogía es

Julian Alviso born 1856 to 1858

To say that you know Julian was born in San Miguel is a little optimistic, he may or may not have been born in San Miguel. I have found for example for one individual when his children were born and it will say he was from a certain place such as La Estancia and in the birth of one of his other children it will say he was from Tlachichila and the birth of another child will say Monte de Duranes. Take that as a lead but until you find proof you can surmise or guess that he was born in San Miguel.

OT: Trip to Jalisco and Zacatecas - I drink the water in Mexico

My children and I lived in Tijuana for two years so my six children
(ages 1 to 12 when we arrived) could learn Spanish and be immersed in the
culture of their father's side of the family. (My husband came to visit us

Trip to Jalisco and Zacatecas

I will be heading down to Mexico again in a week. I will be there for a whole week, but a large part of it will be consumed with wedding details of a close cousin of mine.

However, if there is something that someone wants for me to take down or bring back that will not be too cumbersome or troublesome I would be more than glad to oblige. I will be in Guadalajara and my grandparents' town of Villa Guerrero, Jalisco which is very close to Tlaltenango, Zacatecas.