Somos Primos November 2006 URL+Table of Contents

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Subject: Somos Primos November 2006 URL+Table of Contents lq4
Date: Wed, 01 Nov 2006 22:08:48 -0500 (EST)

Click here: Somos Primos: Dedicated to Hispanic Heritage and Diversity

Book Published - Libro Publicado

As I mentioned to a number of you, I have been working on a book dealing with the historical ethnography of the Tlaltenango Valley and Bolanos Canyon region of Jalisco and Zacatecas and within this context exposing my father's genealogy. The book is now available for purchase. On the website of the printer, there is a preview available. I will make a more extensive preview, including the name index available on this site over the weekend.

The book can be purchased in soft or hard cover at:

Como le he mencionado a algunos de Vds., he estado trabajando en una obra que trate la etnografia historica de la region del Valle de Tlaltenango y la Barranca de Bolanos en Jalisco y Zacatecas, y dentro de este contexto, expongo la genealogia de mi padre. El libro ya esta disponible para comprar. En el sitio de la impresora, hay una muestra de anticipio del libro. Elaborare y hare disponible en este sitio una muestra mas extensiva durante el fin de semana.

El libro se puede comprar en pasta blanda o dura en:

Finding Alice's Ancestors

Hello Arturo, Thank you so much for your offer to help. I know from what I've read, this a group that is ready and willing to share. Unfortunately, the only solid information I have is what Joseph was so kind to place on file w/the Nuestros Ranchos group. If you can think of anything I might have missed, I'd certainly appreciate it. Thanks again, Alice


Una vez mas les pido ayuda a mis primos mas sabios! What is Ayuntamiento in the city government? What is the purpose and how does it compare to what we have in the United States. Would there be any reason to view these films and how or what strategies would any researcher need to use and follow. Any and all guidance would be appreciated.

Wills from San Miguel El Alto and Valle de Guadalupe

Could anyone advise me on where to find Wills for these two cities? I have not found any microfilms on this information yet. Also, land records? I know some lines I am researching owned land. I have looked at the Fort Wayne Indiana genealogy library, but they did not have many Mexican records.

Names in Mexico


If I'm not mistaken in Mexico the wife's surname does not change after marriage. She continues all the days of her life with her name of birth. Say she was born as Maria, Anastacia Gonzales, (hypothetical name) and she marries Juan Flores, she is then Maria Anastacia Gonzales de Flores. If she registers to vote or goes to the doctor or applies for any legal document she is still Maria Anastacia Gonzales the wife of Juan Flores. Her children would have both parent's surnames, first surname is the father's second would be the mother's, thus they would be Maria Flores, Gonzales or Juan Flores Gonzales.